The discussion has continued, and the animation and toys of "Transformers" have also been in full swing.

One day after a month, Wang Shi, director of Qimu animation, called and said excitedly: "Brother Li Fan, the first season of "Transformers" has been completed."

Li Fan was a little surprised, much faster than he thought.

As for the toys, the first batch has also been produced. Just wait until the animation comes out.

Now it looks like it's time to go public.

Even Li Fan had some vague expectations at this time.

"Brother Li Fan, I'm already on my way to Sansheng Village. I brought a sample of "Transformers", you can take a look first. Let's see how it works?" Wang Shi said again.

"Okay, Brother Wang has worked hard." Li Fan said.

Since Wang Shi has already brought the samples, let's take a look first.


In the afternoon of that day, Wang Shi arrived at Sansheng Village.

Li Fan received Wang Shi at home.

Li Fan smiled and said, "It's hard work, Brother Wang."

Wang Shi laughed and said, "It's not unfortunate at all. Brother Li, do you want to watch it now?"

Li Fan nodded, "Let's see now."

Wang Shi took out an encrypted hard drive, and after some operations, connected it to Li Han's computer.

Li Fan clicked on the first episode, and just watched it for a few seconds, and his eyes lit up.

Whether it is the picture effect, as well as the background music effect, etc., are very good.

Even better than he imagined.

Li Fan was a little happy.

In the previous life, the first "Transformers" cartoon was a work almost thirty years ago.


From the current point of view, the effect in all aspects is actually not very good.

Of course, the plot is a classic.

The plot of the demo Li Fan is seeing now is almost exactly the same as the plot of the "Transformers" cartoon 30 years ago in his previous life.

But the effect is several grades higher.

This made Li Fan feel very emotional.

In his previous life, how could he have thought that such a classic cartoon would reappear in a brand new way.

Looking at the cartoon in front of him, Li Fan's heart is full of deep memories.

This is one of the most memorable cartoons of his childhood.

While Li Fan was watching, Wang Shi kept silent, he was afraid of disturbing Li Fan.

After the first episode ended, Wang Shi asked tentatively, "Brother Li Fan, what do you think?"

Li Fan smiled and said, "Very good! Even better than I imagined."

Hearing what Li Fan said, Wang Shicai breathed a long sigh of relief.

Then he smiled and said, "In that case, can the delivery be officially delivered?"

Li Fan nodded, "Of course. Did Brother Wang bring the feature film?"

Although Li Fan only watched one episode, he believes that the number of episodes that follow must still be at such a high level.

Wang Shi said, "Brother Li Fan, I brought it."

Li Fandao: "Then I'll call Director Yu of South China TV. Let him come over and get the film. Then when will the broadcast start? It's up to Director Yu and the others to decide."

Wang Shi nodded.

And Li Fan did not call Yu Hongfei immediately, but first sent a message to Su Qing, saying that the "Transformers" cartoon had arrived.

Naturally, he had to tell Su Qing the news as soon as possible.

This Wednesday, Su Qing is going to class.

Then Li Fancai called Yu Hongfei.


South China TV.

Since winning the exclusive premiere rights to Transformers through a fishing contest last time, the entire station has been surrounded by an atmosphere of excitement.

Even after more than a month, the excitement has not weakened much.

When the staff chatted, they were always inseparable from "Transformers".

"More than a month has passed. This more than a month has passed quickly and slowly. When I think that "Transformers" will premiere on our TV station, I can't be excited."

"Haha! Me too. In the past month or so, I have dreamed of the scene of "Transformers" being broadcast on our TV station countless times. Then the ratings have soared, and at the same time, all the programs are the first one."

"When will Qimu Animation complete the action film? I can't wait."

"Haha! I'm not so anxious. It's not bad to let this feeling of strong anticipation last longer."

"I hope that the broadcast will start immediately, and I hope that it can be delayed a little bit. I feel conflicted!"


The staff are talking excitedly every day, and the executives are also thinking about it every day.

Director's Office.

Deputy Director Yuan Hong said: "Director, it has been more than a month. How is the production progress of "Transformers"?"

Yu Hongfei said: "I don't know! I wanted to call Qimu Animation to ask. But after all, I didn't call."

Yuan Hongdao: "To be honest, I'm really looking forward to this cartoon!"

Yu Hongfei smiled and said, "Me too."

At this time, Yu Hongfei's cell phone rang.

Yu Hongfei took a look at it, and he was instantly shocked. He became very excited and a little nervous, and said, "Mr. Li Fan called. Is it already finished?"

Yuan Hong also became excited when he heard it, and said, "Director, hurry up and pick it up!"

"Good! Good!" Yu Hongfei answered the phone, "Mr. Li Fan... Really? Good... Thank you, Mr. Li Fan! Thank you so much! I'll be over right away... Right, right away..."

Although Yuan Hong couldn't hear the phone, what did Li Fan say?

But just listen to Yu Hongfei's words to know that "Transformers" has been completed.

Yuan Hong also became completely excited in an instant.

After Yu Hongfei put down the phone, he couldn't wait to ask: "Director, is it really finished?"

Yu Hongfei laughed and said, "That's true. Director Yuan, let's go to Sansheng Village to get the film. Let's go together."

Yuan Hong said: "Okay! Good! Director, we have finally arrived."

Yu Hongfei said, "Director Yuan, when is the best day for us to watch "Transformers"?"

Yuan Hongdao: "It can be broadcast tomorrow. Because this cartoon no longer needs any publicity. However, I think it is best for us to make a preview first, and then start the broadcast a week later."

Yu Hongfei laughed and said, "I think so too. Let's do it this way. We will start the preview today, and the broadcast will start a week later."

For a week, the audience's expectations can be lifted to the best.

Although the audience is already very much looking forward to it, but because they do not know when the broadcast will start.

Therefore, the expected mood is not the best.

And when you know that the broadcast will start in a week, because you know the specific time, the anticipation in your heart will become the strongest.

Both Yu Hongfei and Yuan Hong obviously thought so.

This of course also makes sense.


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