Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2443 The name of the legend has been cast (good 2020 everyone!)

The rest of the children put the wild sweet potato in their hands and smelled it, and they all said that it was really fragrant, sweet and delicious.

The parents all looked at it with a smile, and then they all talked about the wild sweet potato.

Some parents are from rural areas and are very familiar with wild sweet potatoes.

There are also some who were born in the city and did not know about wild sweet potatoes at all. It was not long ago that they knew wild sweet potatoes at the foot of Baiyun Mountain, and then they knew that there are such delicious wild fruits on the mountain.

Speaking of which, they don't know much earlier than children.

"Can I eat it now?" said the last child with the wild sweet potato in his hand.

The little girl said: "It's best to wash it before eating. Also, pay attention when eating, not all wild sweet potatoes can be eaten. It is best to break the wild sweet potatoes in half and see if you can eat them. eat again."

"Why?" several children asked at the same time.

The little girl said, "Because some of them are old sow sweet potatoes, you can't eat them."

Old sow sweet potatoes? what? The children were bewildered.

The parents all smiled, and after being in the village for a long time, they already knew what "old sow sweet potato" meant.

Li Han and Su Qing also smiled slightly.

"Old sow sweet potato" is a saying in the vicinity, and the saying in other places may be different.

There is a kind of wild sweet potato that is very similar to the wild sweet potato that the little girl just picked, and you can't tell it apart by looking at it.

However, if you split the sweet potato and look at the flesh, you can see the obvious difference between the two wild sweet potatoes.

After the edible wild sweet potatoes are opened, the fragrance is stronger, the flesh is very full, the white is reddish, and the water is juicy. It is very appetizing.

On the other hand, the old sow sweet potato has no fruity fragrance, the pulp is very empty, the inner wall is black, and there is no juice. It looks like moldy, or it feels like there are many small bugs.

In short, it looks a little disgusting, has no appetite at all, and just wants to throw it away immediately.

The two are very easy to distinguish.

After the little girl told the difference between the two,

The children seem to understand, but they are still a little confused.

Of course, this is also normal. Without seeing the specific object, the children themselves are indeed a little hard to imagine.

Later, if someone can find an old sow sweet potato and show it to the children, the children will understand.

Now, parents and children are looking for wild sweet potatoes on the wild sweet potato vines.

Li Fan and Su Qing were not idle, and they also started looking for wild sweet potatoes.

If you have encountered it, there is no reason not to do it.

Soon, the two of them had a lot of gains, and together they had found almost two dozen.

The rest of the parents and children, of course, also have a lot of gains.

There are many wild sweet potatoes here.

After a lot of harvest, everyone stopped one after another.

Li Han observed the wild sweet potatoes he just found in his hand, and felt that one of them should be an old sow sweet potato.

I broke it open, and it was black and moldy inside, as if there were small bugs, and it really was an old sow sweet potato.

Later, Li Han broke open an edible wild sweet potato.

Then, have the children all come over and see the difference between the two.

The children gathered around one after another, and at a glance, the difference was really obvious.

I didn't understand it just now, but now I understand it instantly.

Even if it was not told to the children before, the children could see that the old sow sweet potatoes could not be eaten.

Even if they can eat it, let them eat it and they will not eat it.

Or the wild sweet potato that can be eaten next to it, I want to eat it when I look at it.

Li Fan smiled and took the sweet potato from the old sow.

After that, some parents took out mineral water, washed some wild sweet potatoes, and invited everyone to eat them.

Everyone was welcome and started to eat.

All of a sudden it was full of praise and said it was delicious. Especially children, they are very excited to eat.

Because of the two kinds of wild fruits, prickly pear and wild sweet potato, a group of people stayed here for a long time before slowly dispersing.

Li Fan, Su Qing, and the little girl continued on their way.

Along the way, I encountered several kinds of wild fruits in succession, as well as wild figs, wild kiwis and other wild fruits.

Whether it is wild fruit or wild fruit, the resources are very rich.

This is also the reason why there are so many tourists, who enjoy each other every day, wandering around the foot of Baiyun Mountain.

There are surprises of discovering wild fruits and wild fruits anytime, anywhere, and the taste is very good. Of course, many people enjoy it.

Along the way, Su Qing and the little girl were a little full.

Then, slowly returned to the village.

As soon as I got back to the village, the phone rang. I took it out and saw that it was Hu Fei calling.


"Hahaha! Where is Brother Li now?"

"In the village!"

"I mean exactly where in the village?"

"Oh? Brother Hu has come to the village?"

"Hahaha! Brother Li is not welcome?"

"Welcome, of course."

Later, Li Fan told Hu Fei his specific location, and Hu Fei said that he would come over immediately.

Hu Fei is now very familiar with the village.

"Director Hu coming over?" Su Qing asked.

Li Fan nodded, "Is there something wrong?"

Hu Fei, one of the most famous directors now, is very busy every day. If it's okay, I usually don't come to the village.

When the little girl saw that someone was looking for Li Fan, she ran away to play alone.

Li Fan and Su Qing were waiting for Hu Fei to come over.

Not long after, Hu Fei arrived, and seeing Su Qing was there, he quickly greeted Su Qing again.

Then, Hu Fei said with a smile: "Brother Li, congratulations! "Transformers" has become a world-renowned business card in a short period of time. To be able to do such a feat with a cartoon, the world Only Brother Li is alone!"

Hu Fei is right.

Now, "Transformers" has indeed become the world's business card.

"Transformers" is now broadcast in hundreds of countries around the world, and the ratings are very good.

Among them, many countries' cartoon ratings records were broken by "Transformers".

In a short period of time, "Transformers" has cast a legendary name.

Various countries have a high evaluation of the "Transformers" cartoon.

Almost all kids, and a good portion of adults, enjoy watching.

The "Transformers" cartoon is like this, and so are the Transformers toys.

Transformers toys are also popular in various countries, and there was a situation in which demand was in short supply.

Almost all a new batch of toys has just hit the market, and they are quickly sold out by people who have been waiting eagerly.

Transformers toys are in short supply globally.

This is the most successful toy ever made, bar none.

All the toy manufacturers and all the toy dealers in the world have no idea how many times they have been emotional about this?


It's 2020, I wish you all good health in the new year, everything goes well, and your dreams come true.

Then, by the way, ask for subscriptions, monthly passes, and referral tickets for the first time.

Hope you guys do it all!


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