Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2457 You are very competitive

Countless people on the Internet were all overwhelmed with emotion.

Thinking that Ling Bai, as a first-line superstar actor, not only didn't feel shameless after auditioning for the lead role, but had to continue to compete for a secondary role.

Note that we are talking about "competition" here, a first-line superstar actor competing for a secondary role, which is already very emotional.

Then it is still unknown whether it can pass, which is even more emotional.

Only Li Fan's films can have such influence.

Then, Ling Bai competes for the secondary role, called the life-threatening scholar, which is also very interesting.

The life-threatening scholar, this is obviously not the character's real name, but somewhat like the nickname of a Jianghu character.

Jianghu characters?

Are there still Jianghu characters in the movie? Could it be that there are fighting scenes in the movie?

This is definitely another blockbuster find.

At first everyone thought it was just a pure historical costume comedy, but now it seems that it is not just like this.

This undoubtedly makes people feel surprised and excited, full of expectations!

This movie has more and more surprises.

This time, the entertainment media reporters are quite powerful! If it weren't for those entertainment media reporters, how would you get this news at this time?

Therefore, this time, many people on the Internet have praised those entertainment media reporters, saying that they did a very good job this time.

Although entertainment reporters, the reason why they report so relentlessly is only their own performance.

But the result is indeed that countless people on the Internet know a lot of blockbuster news about the movie in time.

Therefore, there is nothing wrong with netizens praising them.

It is definitely the first time in history that such a large crowd on the Internet has praised entertainment media reporters.


When the entertainment reporters guarding the gate of Jiahe Film and Television saw such a situation on the Internet, all of them were very excited.

It's not easy!

In addition to being excited, I felt a little bit ashamed.

After all, they are only for their own performance, not for netizens to dig news.

However, in general, the entertainment reporters are still quite excited and more motivated.

They have to keep digging for more news.


Jiahe Film and Television Audition Studio.

The actor audition in the afternoon continued, and more actors performed audition performances one after another.

In addition to auditioning for the role of Tang Bohu, actors also began to audition for the role of Qiuxiang, as well as some other minor roles.

Among them was an actor that Li Fan was quite familiar with, who auditioned for the role of Qiu Xiang.

The actor is called Xiao Xiao, a second-tier superstar actor who previously played the role of Xiaoqing in the TV series "Legend of the White Snake".

Before playing the role of Xiaoqing, Xiao Xiao was just an ordinary actor. Then through the successful shaping of Xiaoqing's corner, it quickly became popular all over the country.

Now he is a second-tier superstar actor.

Moreover, there is also a faint possibility of impacting first-line superstar actors.

If this time can successfully play the role of Qiuxiang, and can be recognized by the audience. That will undoubtedly add a lot of leverage to her impact on the first-line superstar actors.

Therefore, Xiao Xiao is very eager for the corner of Qiuxiang.

When she walked into the audition booth and saw Li Fan, she was very surprised.

It turned out that Li Fan personally checked here.

Xiao Xiao has always regarded Li Fan as a noble person in his life. If it weren't for Li Fan, she would probably be just an ordinary actress now.

Although she is very beautiful, just being beautiful is useless in the entertainment industry.

There are a few things that need to be sacrificed in order to get the opportunity to star in a good work.

Xiao Xiao is not willing to do that, so she has always been just an ordinary actress. It was not until she met the "Legend of the White Snake" crew and Li Fan that she was able to grow into the current second-tier superstar actor step by step, and there was still the opportunity and possibility of becoming a first-tier superstar actor.

All, Xiao Xiao was very surprised and excited after seeing Li Fan.

Then, seeing Qin Yulin next to Li Fan, he was excited again.

Qin Yulin was actually there.

In the TV series "Legend of the White Snake", it is Qin Yulin who plays the role of the White Snake.

It's just that after "Legend of the White Snake", Qin Yulin did not appear in other dramas.

She was acting just for fun.

At that time, she liked the role of Bai Niangzi very much, and Li Fan asked her to play it, so she played it.

After the performance, naturally it is over.

At that time, Xiao Xiao and Qin Yulin had a very good relationship, and they have been in frequent contact since then.

Therefore, seeing Qin Yulin also present, Xiao Xiao was also pleasantly surprised.

He hurried over and said excitedly, "Mr. Li Fan, Yulin, so you are here too."

Both Li Fan and Qin Yulin had read the audition actor's profile before and knew that Xiao Xiao would come to audition this afternoon.

So it's no surprise now.

Li Fan smiled and said, "Long time no see, Miss Xiao Xiao is still so beautiful."

Qin Yulin also smiled sweetly and said, "Xiao Xiao, I know you will come this afternoon, so I'm waiting for you to come here."

Xiao Xiao said: "I will work hard for this role."

Qin Yulin said, "I trust you."

Xiao Xiao nodded, and then returned to the center of the stage. Now is not the time to greet each other.

She knew that even if she was familiar with Li Fan and Qin Yulin, Li Fan would not decide to cast her as Qiuxiang because of this.

She must show enough results in the next audition performance to impress Li Fan and Hu Fei.

"Mr. Li Fan, Director Hu, I'm ready." Xiao Xiao said after getting ready.

Hu Fei smiled and said, "Okay, let's start."

Xiao Xiao's audition performance began, and Li Fan, Qin Yulin, and Hu Fei watched it very carefully.

Li Fan was a little overjoyed, he felt that Xiao Xiao's performance of Qiuxiang was very good.

He is satisfied.

Hu Fei's face was also happy.

After Xiao Xiao's performance, Hu Fei and Li Han discussed a few words in a low voice and said, "Miss Xiao Xiao, your performance feels very good. Mr. Li Fan and I are both satisfied. Although I can't say it yet, this role It must be yours. But, you have a lot of competition."

Xiao Xiao was overjoyed after hearing this, since Hu Fei said so, then her chances are really great.

"Thank you! Thank you Director Hu, thank you Mr. Li Fan, I'm really grateful." Xiao Xiao expressed his gratitude again and again.

Qin Yulin smiled and said, "Xiao Xiao, congratulations."

Xiao Xiao said happily: "Yulin, thank you! I will continue to work hard."

Qin Yulin nodded, then walked out with Xiao Xiao.

After not seeing her for so long, she naturally wanted to have a good chat with Xiao Xiao.

Xiao Xiao did the same.

After the two left, Hu Fei said with a smile: "Mr. Li Fan, if nothing else, it should be Xiao Xiao. We have gained a lot this afternoon!"

Li Fan nodded and smiled as well: "It's really good luck."


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