Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2478 The sugar master is very skilled

Now that the master is from Fengshan Village, Li Fan is also very happy and feels a lot more cordial.

He couldn't help asking, "What's your name uncle?"

The master smiled and said, "My surname is also Li, and my name is Li Jianbin."

Li Fan smiled and said, "It turns out that Uncle is also surnamed Li. How long has Uncle Li been doing this?"

Li Jianbin said: "Speaking of it, it has been more than ten years. However, I did not do it for a few years in the middle. The reason for the interruption in those few years was because the business was not good, so I slowly stopped doing it. Later, after you came back, Xiaofan, Your village has quickly developed, and even the Longshan Township market has gradually attracted many tourists. The tourists were very interested in this thing, so I started again. "

"I see." Li Fan said, "How is Uncle Li's business now?"

Li Jianbin said with a smile: "It's very good. Now, when it sells a lot, it can sell for three or four hundred yuan a day. When it's less, it's usually not less than two hundred. Xiaofan! The reason why we have such a business , but all thanks to you!"

Li Fandao: "Uncle, you are too polite. Speaking of which, we should also thank you for keeping this kind of food from disappearing on the streets."

Li Jianbin said with emotion: "If there are not more tourists now, this thing might really disappear slowly. So, Xiaofan, I really have to thank you for all this."

Li Fan smiled and said, "Then let's thank each other."

Li Jianbin also smiled. At this time, a marshmallow is ready.

Very large, not much smaller than a washbasin.

Li Jianbin gave Qin Yulin the first cotton candy and said, "This should be Miss Qin, right?"

Qin Yulin happily took the marshmallow and said unexpectedly, "Uncle, do you even know me?"

Li Jianbin smiled and said, "I haven't met Miss Qin before, but I can guess. Now everyone knows that Xiaofan's girlfriend, Miss Su, and Miss Su's sister, Miss Qin Yulin, are both beautiful women. Appearance, either Mr. Su or Miss Qin. I know Mr. Su, so the lady must be Miss Qin. "

"So it is." Qin Yulin said happily, "Thank you uncle."

Li Jianbin laughed and was in a good mood.

Not long after, another marshmallow was ready. Li Jianbin handed the marshmallow to Li Fan.

After Li Fan took it, he planned to pay.

Li Jianbin shook his head again and again and said nothing.

Li Fan nodded, but did not insist on giving the money, but smiled: "Then uncle, thank you for the cotton candy."

Qin Yulin also thanked him.

Li Jianbin smiled and said, "You are too polite. Xiaofan, Miss Qin, when you are interested, you are welcome to visit our Fengshan Village."

Li Fan said: "Okay, no problem. We'll visit Uncle then."

Li Jianbin laughed and expressed his welcome.

After that, Li Han and Qin Yulin said goodbye to Li Jianbin and left, each holding a marshmallow and continuing to walk forward.

The marshmallows taste really good and delicious. Just a little sticky when eating.

However, this is not a problem.

The two quickly settled the marshmallow. Qin Yulin licked his lips, as if he hadn't eaten enough yet.

"Brother-in-law, let's look for other delicious things.

" Qin Yulin said.

Li Fan nodded and said, "Okay."

And soon, Qin Yulin really saw another kind of food that made her very interested, Sugar Man.

Candy, like cotton candy, is very popular with tourists at the Longshan Township Market on site.

Making candy is a traditional handicraft.

According to their different production processes, they can be divided into three types: sugar blowers, sugar painting people and sugar pinch people.

Most of the sugar figurines in the Longshan Township market are painted sugar figurines.

On the heated stove, use tools, mainly spoons, shovels, etc., to draw the sugar into various animal and plant shapes.

Dragons, fish, chickens, butterflies, etc., are quite similar.

The sugar material is prepared by heating sucrose and maltose, and its natural color is brownish yellow.

The finished product is also brownish-yellow and looks quite appetizing.

"Brother-in-law, do you want Sugar Man?" Qin Yulin asked again.

Li Fan smiled and said, "Yes! This stuff is delicious."

Qin Yulin giggled and said, "I thought you didn't eat it."

With that said, the two walked to the sugar man's booth. The sugar man's master is making sugar man.

Use a spoon to scoop up half a spoon of sugar, and then put it on the production panel. While pouring out the sugar, with a curved wave, a fish-shaped sugar man is instantly formed.

Needless to say, the craftsmen are very skilled.

After the general shape, the master made a series of quick operations, and the fish-shaped candy man with a certain image was completed. The whole process only took about 30 minutes.

The onlookers at the booth all felt that the craftsmanship of the master was unremarkable.


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