Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2546 fellow, we are here to help you solve the problem

69, the fastest update of small farmers and big stars!

I don't understand it in my heart, but it's not easy to refuse when people want to light a cigarette for themselves.

Therefore, the villagers expressed their gratitude, and then the other party lit the cigarettes in their mouths.

Take a breath.

I just feel comfortable all over my body. The 20 yuan a cigarette feels different when you smoke it.

The villagers felt emotional. I never thought I could smoke such a good cigarette in my lifetime.

However, he did not let his guard down because of a cigarette.

He said: "Thank you very much for your cigarettes. This cigarette is really good. But what's the matter with you? Please clarify."

Tang Shan said with a smile: "Of course, of course, of course we have to make it clear. My fellow, there is no market for that orchard in your village. Is that right?"

The villagers nodded, "That's true. Because there is no sales, everyone doesn't care much about that orchard now. The output is not as good as it used to be. What are you talking about? No, it should be how you know that there are no orchards in our village. sellable?"

Tangshan still smiled and said, "Fellow, did two young people from your village come to fish yesterday?"

The villagers nodded, "Yes. I didn't see it with my own eyes, but now it's spread all over the village. They all say that the young girl is so beautiful that she is as good-looking as she wants. And the young brother was fishing for mandarin fish. The technique is very, very good. In just ten minutes, two mandarin fish were caught in a row."

Tang Shan said with a smile, "That's right, that's it. The reason why we know that your village's orchards have no sales. It was the young brother and the very beautiful girl who told us."

"I see." The villagers nodded.

But soon, the villagers said in doubt: "But, what are they telling you to do?"

Tangshan still smiled and said, "Naturally, it is for us to solve the problem of the sales of your village's orchards."

"What did you say?" The villagers couldn't believe it. "You just said that you are here to solve the problem of sales of the orchard in our village?"

Tang Shan and Xu Feng both nodded and smiled, "Exactly."

The villagers couldn't believe it, "What you said is true?"

Tang Shan and Xu Feng nodded and smiled again: "Of course it's true."

The villagers were indeed still not convinced, and said, "But why? For no reason, why did you come to solve the sales problem for us?"

"This" Tang Shan thought for a while and said, "Fellow fellow, it was the young brother yesterday and the very beautiful lady who received the warm hospitality from your village. They are very grateful to your village. They learned about the orchard in your village. After there is no sales, I want to help you solve the problem of sales. So, here we are."

It turned out to be so.

The villagers were completely stunned.

Yesterday, two young people, a man and a woman, came to the village to fish for mandarin fish, he did know.

Although he didn't see it with his own eyes yesterday, the news spread throughout the village.

So, he knows.

However, he never imagined that the two young people yesterday would be willing to help them solve the problem of selling the orchard.

This is really surprising.

Why help them?

Is it because they didn't receive the money for those two mandarin fish yesterday?

The price of wild mandarin fish is indeed not cheap.

But no matter how expensive it is, the price of the two mandarin fish will not exceed 1,000 yuan.

No more than 1,000 yuan, in exchange for a solution to the problem of orchard sales?

Is there such a good thing in the world?

It's impossible, right?

Besides, the two mandarin fish were caught by the young brother himself, and he could have paid no money.

Well, not even that 1000 bucks is gone.

This makes it even more incredible.

Wait, can the problem of orchard sales be solved if it is solved?

Before the village chief, in order to sell the orchard,

I don’t know how many times I ran to the countryside and town, but I still couldn’t solve it.

The two young people yesterday, let the two people come over now, can we solve it?

It's impossible, right?

Thinking of this, the villagers said: "Thank you very much to the two young people yesterday, they are really very caring. Of course, I also want to thank you, thank you for coming here. However, the sales problem of our orchard is very difficult and very bad. Solved. Our village chief broke his leg and failed to solve the problem of sales. Therefore, this matter is not as easy as you think. We appreciate your kindness. "

Tang Shan smiled and said: "Fellow, don't worry. Since we are here, we will be able to help you solve the problem. To be honest, this matter is very simple and easy for us. matter."

"Very easy?" said the villagers in disbelief. "Are you that powerful?"

Tangshan and Xu Feng laughed.

Then, Xu Feng said: "Fellow, the two of us can't say that we are very powerful. However, yesterday's young brother and that very beautiful girl are really powerful. Very, very powerful! Far better than the fellow can. As you can imagine, it is much more powerful. In short, fellow villagers must believe us. I wonder if it is inconvenient for fellow villagers to take us to see your village chief?”

Some of the villagers believed the words of Tangshan and Xu Feng.

Can not help but very excited and excited.

If two people can really solve the problem of the orchard's sales, it will be of great significance to the whole village.

You must know that solving the problem of orchard sales has always been the wish of all the villagers in the village for many years.

Originally, the villagers had completely given up. Think that the problem will never be solved.

It is precisely because of this that everyone gave up the orchard completely and was too lazy to manage it.

If the problem of sales is really solved, then everyone will be more attentive than each other in managing the orchard.

The fruit of those fruit trees is definitely better than the other.

Because, if the melon that can be sold can be solved, that orchard can bring quite good energy benefits.

The villagers took care of it with great care.

So, can these two really solve it?

Some villagers believed it. Said: "Thank you, thank you very much. Then I will take you to the village chief."

Tang Shan and Xu Feng were overjoyed, and laughed at the same time: "Okay! That's great! Then please let the fellow take us there."

The villager said: "You are polite, you are here to help us solve the problem. It is right for me to take you to the village chief."

Having said that, the villagers brought Tangshan and Xu Feng into the village.

On the way, Tang Shan said, "Fellow, we would like to find another fellow named Wang Shuli. I wonder if the fellow can take us there later?"

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