Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 4 The Tortoise and the Hare Race

After leaving the space, Li Fan found himself still lying on the bed, "It seems that when I entered the space, my body was unconscious. If I enter the space in the future, I should pay more attention."

At this time, Li Fan's mind became active.

Now that there are cheats. After that, in the countryside, the whole vegetable ecological garden or farm, growing vegetables, raising a few small animals, and fishing. Attract rich city dwellers to come here for vacation

Play. If you have money, build a big villa, and occasionally a few beauties to keep your eyes peeled. If you live this day, that's one word, beautiful.

In my spare time, I write novels, write songs, and maybe become a big star. There are so many classics in my previous life, enough for myself to use for a lifetime. What? Plagiarism right? No, no, I am not just for myself, as a traveler, I must share those classics with this world. This is my mission. Well, that's it.

Li Fan was dreaming a beautiful dream when he heard his mother shouting from outside, "Wozi, what are you doing, come out and help."

"Oh, okay," Li Fan hurried out.

I saw my mother holding a lot of fruits, apples, pears, oranges and the like in her arms.

Li Fan quickly took it and asked, "Why so many fruits?"

"It's not that your sixth master and Wu Niang heard that you were back, and asked me to bring it back for you to eat." The sixth master and Wu Niang mentioned by my mother are not relatives of Li Fan's family, but they are all from the same village, and they are both from the same village. His surname is Li, so he is also called according to his seniority, which makes him seem cordial.

"Are they healthy?" Li Fan asked.

"It's all pretty good, but Master Liu is lonely at home alone." Mom replied.

"Well, I'll go see them."

"Come back early for dinner."

Liu Ye's house is not far away, opposite the pond. Sixth Master is 70 years old. His wife passed away a few years ago. His son, daughter-in-law and grandson are all working outside. It is rare to come back several times a year.

The grandsons Li Feng and Li Fan are the same age. The two grew up together and have a very good relationship.

"I don't know, how is the peak of this world?"

In two or three minutes, Li Fan arrived in front of Liu Ye's house, which was also an old-fashioned bungalow. "Master Liu, your health is fine."

Sixth Master was sitting in the yard to rest, when he heard the shouting, he looked up and saw Li Fan standing at the door of the yard, and quickly said: "Fanzi is back, come in and sit." He was about to move the stool.

"Hey, Sixth Master, I'll do it myself." Li Fan hurried over, moved a stool, and sat down next to Sixth Master.

"How many days are you coming back to play this time?" Sixth Master asked.

"I, look, maybe I won't go out."

"Don't go out? What are you doing in this village? If you don't go out to earn more money, there will be more places to spend money in the future."

"Hey, Sixth Master, I can make a lot of money here too." Li Fan replied.

The sixth master looked at Li Fan and smiled kindly: "Okay, as long as you can make money, it's the same everywhere. Have you contacted Fengzi?"

"Yes, maybe one day he will come back to see you."

"What are you doing here? Earn more money outside." Sixth Master said.

However, Li Fan saw obvious hope in the eyes of the old man.


After coming out of Liu Ye's house, Li Fan pondered while walking back: "Liu Ye is really lonely at home alone. Come and see him more in the future. Well, if there is a chance in the future, let Fengzi come back for development.

. "

"Brother, you're back." When he was about to reach the gate of the courtyard, Li Fan heard a happy voice. You don't have to guess to know who it is, it must be the daughter of the third uncle, his own sister.

Sure enough, a little girl in her teens, standing at the door of her yard, with a round face and big eyes blinking at herself, who is not her sister.

"I'm back from school,

Did you do homework? ' asked Li Fan.

"Not yet? I heard from Auntie that you're back. I'm here to find you."

My sister is Li Lin, 10 years old this year. She has been very attached to Li Fan since she was a child, always following Li Fan's ass. Now, in the fourth grade at the school in the village.

This afternoon, when Li Fan came back, he was going to visit her. Who knew they were being treated as human traffickers. Well, that beautiful teacher is quite beautiful.

"Brother, what are you doing?" Li Lin ran over to grab Li Fan's hand, and found that Li Fan didn't respond, so she asked suspiciously.

"Oh, nothing, let's go back." Li Fan quickly took his sister's hand and walked into the yard. Khan, actually want to go to the beauty.

"Brother, you came back just in time. Just do me a favor."

"Oh, what's up? Don't ask me to help you with your homework."

"That's not it," Li Lin held back her mouth, looking indescribably cute. "There will be an activity class in our class tomorrow. The teacher asked us to come back and prepare a story to tell everyone during the activity class tomorrow.

. I want to talk tomorrow, but I don't know what to talk about. Brother, you are a college student, you must have many stories. You tell me one. "

"Tell a story? Well, let me think about it." Li Fan pondered: "This is an opportunity. If I let this story spread, it might even increase my reputation. But which story is it talking about?

What's the matter? Speaking to children, it should not be too esoteric, and it is best to arouse children's own thinking. Can't finish listening. "

Li Fan was thinking about it when he suddenly saw two rabbits grazing in the rabbit cage at the foot of the wall.

"There is."

"Girl, brother has thought of the story. I promise it's good, come, I'll tell you."

"That's great," Li Lin clapped her hands happily, "Speak up, speak up, brother, speak up."

"The name of this story is "The Tortoise and the Hare." Once upon a time, there was a hare that was jumping and jumping, and it ran very fast. It always laughed at the slow animals. One day, it saw a rabbit black

Turtle, crawling and crawling in front, it took a long time to climb out a little far. Just ran over and mocked it:

'Turtle, turtle, crawling, crawling,

Go out in the morning to pick flowers;

Turtle, turtle, walk around,

At the door in the evening. ’

Then the hare asked the tortoise: 'Hey, tortoise, you dare to give me Bibi, who can run faster? ’”

"Brother, your story is not good." Li Fan was talking when he was suddenly interrupted by the little girl.

"Why is this story so bad?" Li Fan asked strangely, I haven't talked about it yet.

"The rabbit is so cute, how can it bully the turtle? Your story is not good."

Uh, Li Fan burst into tears, what kind of children are they now, can they tell stories happily?

"Linlin, this is a story. Besides, not all rabbits are cute, and some rabbits are also very bad."

"I don't listen, you can change to a better one." Li Lin quit.

"If you don't listen, I won't tell you, I'll tell you this story now." Li Fan said in his heart, "What do you know, a little girl, this "The Tortoise and the Hare" is one of the classic fables of the earth. So Fable. Isn't the world short of children's books, let's start with "The Tortoise and the Hare."

Li Lin was a little confused when she heard what her brother said. Whether I want to hear it or not, I want to have a story to tell tomorrow, so that I can get the teacher's praise. The little face was tangled, and finally said: "Then you can talk."

"Is that right, let's go on to..."

The story is very simple. It's about the hare and the tortoise running a race, but they lost the race because they slept late.

After Li Fan finished speaking, he found that the little girl frowned, looking like she was thinking. So the question: "How about this story my brother told."

"The hare is too proud to lose the game. Otherwise, how could the tortoise win. I will tell this story tomorrow. Oh, there is a story." The little girl said excitedly.

Uh, a child is a child, and he didn't want to hear it just now, but he was so excited in the blink of an eye.


When I got home, my dad was back.

"It's ready to eat, Linlin, let her come over and eat together." Mom said.

"Oh, okay." Li Fan decided to tell his parents about his plans when he was having dinner in the evening.

At the dinner table, "Dad, Mom. When I come back this time, I don't want to go out to work, so I'll do something at home when I'm ready."

Mom and Dad were obviously taken aback and looked at each other. My mother said, "It's fine if you don't go out. Now it's not easy to work outside, and the family is fine."

They obviously thought that their son was unsatisfactory at work outside and something happened.

Seeing that his parents had misunderstood, Li Fan explained: "Parents, don't worry. I was prepared for my return this time. I have a classmate who has been doing research on vegetable planting, and recently achieved a breakthrough.

Breakthrough progress, the vegetables grown are very delicious, and do not use any chemical fertilizers or the like, very green and safe. He taught me all these techniques and let me try it out to see how it works

. I'm going to use these techniques to grow crops at home. "

When my parents heard this, I felt relieved, as long as my son didn't encounter any difficulties outside. They also support their son's planting at home. As for the result? It does not matter.

In fact, they are also very happy that their son stays at home. After all, they are getting older, and they want their children to be by their side.

Dad asked, "What are you going to do?"

Li Fan thought for a while and said, "Let's use our own land first to do a trial planting. If the effect is good, then we will contract the land in the village and build an ecological farm or other manor, specializing in planting.

Plant vegetables and fruits. "

"Okay, then do it like this, don't worry, take your time." Dad said.

"Mom and dad, don't worry, we will have a good time in the future."

Mom and Dad laughed and the family continued to eat.

"Yeah, brother, it's great that you don't go out!" Linlin, who had not spoken for a while, suddenly said happily.

It was obvious that she was the happiest.


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