Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 6 Su Qing Has a Headache

The next morning, Li Fan stood in the space and checked his reputation.

After the little girl came back yesterday, she chirped. What she said is so good, how the classmates like to listen, how the teacher praises her, and so on.

Since "The Tortoise and the Hare" is so popular, then his reputation should have increased.

It did increase, but it only increased by 5 points, for a total of 25 reputation points.

"Hey, when will we be able to draw the lottery?" Li Fan was thinking about the lottery draw for more than a day or two.

The little curse next to him noticed the depression of the master, and hurriedly comforted him: "Master, in the future, if your works are published more and spread widely, the reputation value will increase quickly."

Li Fan thinks about it too, now he just told his little sister, and he can't ask too much.

If you want to increase your reputation quickly, you need to write more fairy tales and find a publishing house to publish them.

Why choose a fairy tale? One is because Li Fan found that there are relatively few fairy tales in this world, especially the lack of excellent fairy tales. What I will write are all classics, which will help to open up my reputation;

The second reason is that Li Fan found out sadly that he can only write fairy tales now, and he can only write short stories. I can't write anything else I want to write. Without the help of memory capsules, he couldn't remember those tens of millions of words.

Even the martial arts novel "The Sword of Yue Nu" with only tens of thousands of words, he couldn't remember it.

Li Fan was thinking about it when he suddenly heard his mother shouting outside: "Son, the person who installed the phone is here."

Although he entered the space mentally, he could still hear voices from outside.

Hearing my mother shouting, I hurried out of the space.

"Hey, here we come."

The person from the telecommunications company was appointed by Li Fan yesterday, and he came to install the phone today. There is no optical fiber network in the village, and the only way to access the Internet is through dial-up telephone lines. Although the speed of the network is a bit slower, it is enough for self-use.

The world's broadband giant is also called telecommunications.

The two masters of the telecommunications company worked hard for several hours, and it was not until the afternoon that the broadband was completely fixed.

When leaving, Li Fan saw that the two masters were working very hard, so he specially gave each of them a red envelope of 400 yuan.

This made the two masters very happy. They had a meal at noon and got red envelopes.

For them, this is really an unexpected surprise. They usually install so many telephones and broadband, and few customers are so polite to them. Most people are like, I am the customer, my biggest gesture.

"Hehe, little brother, this is my business card. If you have any problems with the Internet in the future, just call me." The older master among them said.

"Okay, okay, two masters, go slowly." Li Fan took the business card politely, and sent the two masters to the entrance of the village before returning.

It's worth the 800 bucks. With the promise of the master, if there is a problem with the network in the future, it can be solved in time. Even if you call the telecommunications company, they will come to deal with it. But who knows it will take a few days.

Back home, Li Fan couldn't wait to get online.

Although he spent an hour in the Internet cafe on the day he came back, the time was too short, and Li Fan still didn't understand many things in this world.

Li Fan opened the Tianya Community Forum, which is currently the most popular forum in China, with over 100 million registered users.

Tianya Community is a comprehensive forum, which mainly has sections on humanities, land, tourism, entertainment, and literature.

Li Fan found that the literature section and entertainment section were obviously much more popular than other sections.

Netizens are discussing topics such as songs, movies, fairy tales, martial arts novels, and ancient poetry in full swing.

Although in Li Fan's opinion, the quality of the movies and novels they discuss is not very good.

It seems that the development of entertainment in this world, although not very good,

Everyone's enthusiasm is very high. People's demand for entertainment is even greater than in previous lives.

Li Fan also found that the world attaches great importance to the protection of genuine copies, and the crackdown on piracy is very severe. There are almost no pirated copies on the market.

Songs need to be downloaded for a fee, unlike the previous life, where pirated songs are flying everywhere and can be downloaded anywhere.

The largest music platform in Huaguo is the qd music platform, which is protected and supervised by the Huaguo Musicians Association. All the songs in it are only about 1 minute long and can be listened to for free. If you want to listen to the complete song, you can only download it for a fee, and the price is not expensive.

Interestingly, in addition to providing music downloads, qd music also has a music trading platform.

This music platform allows any music creator to upload his own original works and sell them publicly. The uploaded works will also be certified and registered by the Huaguo Musicians Association, and will be protected by genuine copies. Any individual and group can go to buy.

In the trading area, Li Fan found that many songs were listed for sale, some with tens of dollars, some with hundreds, and some with thousands.

It's really an interesting platform.

Why there is such a platform, Li Fan speculates, it is estimated that there are too few good songs now, and the Huaguo Musicians Association hopes to encourage musicians to create bravely through this method.

Seeing this platform, Li Fan was overjoyed. Since anyone can sell songs on it, I have so many classic songs from my previous life, and I can add a few of them, not only can I make money, but my reputation can also increase.

However, I don't know anything about composing music. I can sing, but I don't know how to upload it into numbered notation.

Li Fan was a little depressed, and suddenly slapped his head: "By the way, you can ask that guy, doesn't he claim to know a lot of things?"

"Hey, little mantra, do you understand the composition of songs?" Li Fan asked with the little mantra of consciousness communication.

The little curse replied in the space: "I don't understand, master, but there are skill books in this area in the lottery system. The master can get this skill through lottery."

Li Fan held back his mouth, if I could draw a lottery, I would have gone there a long time ago, but I have been thinking about it for a long time.

Come on, I can't count on selling songs for the time being. Let's honestly find a publishing house to publish fairy tales.


Longshan Township Middle School staff dormitory.

Su Qing is calling her best friend Tang Ying.

"Qingqing, are you not used to staying in the countryside?" A tall girl in a certain community in the provincial capital said into the phone.

"I'm used to being here, how many times have I told you that I'm not here on impulse." Su Qing rubbed her forehead and said with some headaches.

Tang Ying curled up on the sofa, stretched her waist, and then said: "You said you like children, and you just want to be a teacher. I won't stop you, but with your family's relationship, which school in the provincial capital would you choose?" You can’t go, why do you have to go to such a remote place to teach. I think you are avoiding that guy.”

Mentioning that guy gave Su Qing even more headaches.

The reason why she came to this remote mountain village to teach was because of that guy, besides liking rural life since she was a child.

That guy stalked him when he was studying, and it got worse after graduation, as if he didn't want to marry him.

Since the backgrounds of the two families are similar, what the other party has done is not too much, and it is inconvenient for my parents to say more.

It can only be solved by themselves. How can I solve it myself? Of course, you can only hide far away.

So, I came here to teach by myself. Although my mother was a little bit reluctant, she still agreed.

It's a pity that even here, that guy still lingers. I often harass myself with phone calls and text messages, and even say that I want to come and pick me up.

"Can you stop talking about that guy, I have a headache talking about him."

"Hehe, we can only blame our family for being so beautiful. If I were a man, I would be tempted too." Tang Ying said with a smile.

Su Qing lay on the bed with some powerlessness, "Don't talk about me, you yourself have to sing some songs. It's been two or three years, and I haven't seen you sing a popular song, even the lowest-level stars, Didn't get mixed up."

"It's not that easy." Speaking of this, Tang Ying's eyes dimmed, "It's not easy for a newcomer to mix, sing a few songs that are not painful, and no one knows you, and it's not your turn to sing a good song Sing."

Hearing what she said, Su Qing sighed slightly!

She knew that her best friend liked to sing very much, and she was good at singing, so she signed a contract with a second-rate record company.

The reason why it has not been popular for so many years is nothing more than unwillingness to carry out certain rules. If you are unwilling to make rules, you will naturally not be "loved" by some company executives. The company generally adopts an attitude of letting you fend for yourself when dealing with such people. They will not make promotional packages for you, nor will they sing you good songs.

For a singer, without good songs, it is too difficult to become popular.

"Hey, look at you, after talking so much, I almost forgot the business." Seeing that her girlfriend was not in a good mood, Su Qing quickly changed the subject.

When Tang Ying heard that there was a business, she was a little strange: "Business? What business?"

"It's like this. Doesn't your father own a children's publishing house? I want to ask, have you heard the story of the tortoise and the hare?"

""The Tortoise and the Hare"? What kind of story is it? I've never heard of it." Tang Ying replied.

"The story is like this..." Su Qing told the story again.

Tang Ying's eyes lit up after listening. "Qingqing, where did your story come from? It's a good story."

Su Qing hurriedly said, "Oh, it was the brother of one of my students who said it."

"Your student's brother? What does he do? Write children's literature?" Tang Ying asked.

"I'm not sure about this, I'll ask another day."

"Please ask clearly, my father's Children's Publishing House has encountered some difficulties recently, maybe he can come to help." Tang Ying said eagerly.

Dad's magazine had some problems recently, and she also heard about it. It seems that the author was poached by his peers, resulting in a serious decline in the quality of the work, and the sales volume is getting worse and worse. It has reached the point where the publication is about to be discontinued.

Dad's hair was almost graying because of this.

Su Qing was a little eager to hear Tang Ying's words, and comforted: "Well, I will ask you clearly, don't worry, Uncle Tang will be fine."

"Well, I also believe that Dad will solve it. Then hang up first."

"Okay, I should go to dinner, too."

"Well, 88."

Su Qing hung up the phone with a headache.

For myself, but also for girlfriends.

"Go to Li Lin tomorrow and ask for clarification. Since he is an older brother, he shouldn't be very old. I don't know if he can help Uncle Tang."


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