Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 11 Home Visit (2)

Li Fan led two beauties, one big and one big, to the computer and found the manuscript that had just been saved.

"Here, see for yourself."

Li Fan motioned Su Qing to sit down and watch for herself.

Su Qing was not polite either, she thanked her and sat down, ready to take a closer look.

I couldn't stop watching this.

The more she looked, the brighter her eyes became, and she became a little excited. Every one of these stories was no worse than "The Tortoise and the Hare".

It can be said that all of them are classics. With these stories, Uncle Tang's publishing house will definitely be able to get out of the current predicament.

It is also a blessing that children can see these meaningful fairy tales.

Unexpectedly, this Li Fan looks ordinary, not a few years older than himself.

So many such excellent fairy tales can be written.

Thinking of this, she secretly glanced at Li Fan next to her.

There's nothing special about it, it's not that handsome, and its height is average.

"Uh, what's wrong with me? What are you thinking about these messy things?"

Su Qing, who came back to her senses, blushed slightly, and secretly spat at herself.

Fortunately, Li Fan didn't notice Su Qing's strangeness, but coaxed the little girl from the side.

The little girl wanted to read it too, but seeing the text on the screen, she refused to read it by herself.

He pestered Li Fan, wanting Li Fan to tell her.

With a beautiful woman by his side, Li Fan didn't have the heart to tell her a story now, so he ignored her.

The little girl quit, pouted her lips, and looked like she was about to cry.

Li Fan is one head and two big.

Su Qing looked at the two siblings, smiled slightly, and said, "Linlin is good, come here quickly. The teacher will tell you later."

Hearing what the teacher said, the little girl became happy again, and ran over to hide in the teacher's arms, acting like a baby.

Only then did Su Qing say to Li Fan: "You write these stories really well, the children will definitely like them very much. I don't know if you have thought about publishing these stories in magazines."

Li Fan was even a little weird. This beautiful teacher just likes to read fairy tales, but now she cares about the publication of fairy tales.

What is this for?

Is it difficult to be attracted by your own charm and think about yourself?

Uh, nice. I know, I think too much.

Strange as it may be, Li Fan replied, "Yes, I'm looking for a children's publishing house to pitch for."

"Really? That's great." Su Qing was a little excited, "I know a publishing house, you can submit these stories to them for publication."

At this time, Li Fan finally understood that this beautiful woman came to his home to co-author for this reason.

He looked at Su Qing with interest, wanting to see what else she was going to say.

Su Qing looked a little embarrassed, took Li Lin's hand and walked out of the room to the yard.

Then he said: "It's like this. I have a friend's father who owns a children's publishing house. Recently, his publishing house has encountered a little trouble. There are no excellent submissions, and the circulation is getting lower and lower. It is close to closing. That's the end. That's why I want you to submit these fairy tales to their magazine. Of course, it doesn't matter if you choose other better magazines to submit."

After finishing speaking, Su Qing looked at Li Fan nervously.

After all, no one is willing to submit their work to a magazine that is about to cease publication.

What's more, these works are still so excellent that any magazine they submit to will be highly valued.

Moreover, I don't know him well, so there's no need for the other party to do this for my own sake.

Li Fan looked at Su Qing opposite, a little funny.

This beauty seems to care about this matter a lot.

In fact, he doesn't care which magazine it is published in.

He believes that no matter where these classic works from previous lives are published, they can emit the light that belongs to them.

So what if the publication is about to cease, with these classics, it can't be stopped even if you want to.

Li Fan didn't speak, and deliberately pretended to be contemplative.

Hey, with such a good opportunity, how can you not tease this beauty?

Seeing that the other party hadn't spoken for a long time, Su Qing thought it was because the other party was not good at rejecting her clearly, so she laughed at herself and was about to say something.

But Li Fan suddenly laughed and said, "Uh, I'm sorry, I was thinking about something else just now. Since the beauty has spoken, I must agree. Where to publish is not to publish, right?"

Moreover, for Li Fan. This also saves him the trouble of finding a magazine to submit a manuscript himself, what a great thing.

"Agreed?" Su Emotion felt a burst of surprise and surprise. She wanted to say something to thank her, but she didn't know what to say for a while.

When he was organizing words in his mind, he suddenly saw a meaningful smile on Li Fan's face, and he seemed to understand something instantly.

"It turns out that he did it on purpose just now. He wanted to see himself embarrassed. Oh, I'm so mad." Su Qing stomped her feet.

Li Fan coughed lightly, and said loudly on purpose: "Linlin, where did you go, little girl, Teacher Su rarely comes to the village, why don't you take the teacher to the village to see the beautiful scenery of our village. "

"Okay, then I'll go and see the beauty of your village." Su Qing's voice was still charming, "But Mr. Li, can you leave me your phone number so that the publishing house can contact you. "

"Phone?" Li Fan nodded. "Not everyone has the opportunity to leave a phone call for a beautiful woman. I am very honored."

Su Qing took out her mobile phone and wrote down Li Fan's number, "Okay, I'll remember it, thank you Mr. Li. Then, I'm going to see the scenery now, Linlin, let's go."

After speaking, he took Li Lin's hand and walked outside.

"Hey, no, beauty, that's the end of it? Shouldn't you leave me your phone number?" Li Fan said a little speechlessly.

"It's over." Su Qing looked back and smiled, "Sorry, Mr. Li, I can't remember his phone number."

After speaking, he took the little girl's hand and walked forward.

Seeing the graceful figure go further and further away, Li Fan felt a little depressed, is this still a teacher?


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