Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 16 New Issue 1 Issue

On April 15, a new issue of "Fun Kids" and "Sunshine Kids" was released.

Although the two magazines are still published on the same day, their respective situations are already very different.


The distribution scope of "Sunshine Children" has covered most of the country.

The circulation has exceeded 800,000 copies.

On the contrary, the scope of distribution of "Fun Children" has been reduced from the entire southwest region to the provincial capital and a small number of cities around it.

The circulation is less than 20,000.

But even so, neither of the two magazines intends to change the release date.

Quite a bit desperate to the end.

If there are no accidents, maybe they really have to fight to the death.


Early in the morning, the owners of bookstores and newsstands opened for business one after another.

Today is the launch date for several magazines, and business is generally good.

Some readers have even been waiting outside the door, waiting to open and buy.

"Hey, "Fun Kids", what a magazine that used to sell well, but now it's getting harder and harder to sell."

A newsstand owner sighed.

He once sold hundreds of copies of "Funny Children" in one issue. Now there are thirty or fifty copies in one issue, and they may not be sold out.

However, he still placed "Fun Children" in a prominent position.

After all, it is a magazine that has been sold for so many years, and he also has feelings.

There are many people who have this idea in the entire provincial capital and surrounding areas.

Even if "Fun Kids" is not selling well now, they will buy every issue.

They look forward to the day when "Funny Children" can return to the previous best-selling time.


"Boss, is "Sunshine Children" here? My son likes the stories in it the most, and he urged me to buy it early in the morning."

In front of a newsstand. Said a bespectacled man in his 30s.

"Hey, it's here, here you are. "Fun Kids" is also here, would you like a copy too?" The boss did not forget to sell it.

The man with glasses hesitated for a moment, then refused: "Forget it, boss. Now the story of "Funny Children" is not very good."

The boss shook his head regretfully.

The previous "Fun Children" were all customers rushing to buy. Where will it be like now, to sell to people, but people will not buy it.

"Hey, Xiao Li, I'm here to buy magazines for my son again."

In front of another kiosk. A middle-aged man in his 40s said to a man in his 30s.

"Oh. It's Brother Qi. I bought it myself. I really like reading these children's magazines. Of course, I will also tell my son the stories in it. What magazines do you buy?"

The middle-aged man raised the magazine in his hand and said, "Sunshine Children" is the same as "Interesting Children". You said that my son is already in junior high school, and he still thinks about reading these magazines all day long. I don't know if there is any What a beauty."

"Isn't "Fun Kids" no longer available, why are you still buying it?" asked a man in his 30s.

"Oh, I've bought it for a few years, and I'm used to it. Let's see."


Lin Fei is a regular reader of "Funny Children".

Today, he came to the newsstand and bought a copy of "Fun Children" out of habit.

Just when he was about to leave, he heard someone calling him.

"Hey, Lin Fei, why do you still buy "Funny Children"? The stories in it are already dead. You should buy "Sunshine Children". The stories in it are much more exciting."

The speaker is Lin Fei's neighbor.

The two are about the same age, and the child is also about the same age, in their teens.

"Oh, it's Li Lin. I'm used to it. I think it's okay." Lin Fei replied.

"I think you are too nostalgic. How about this, I have finished reading this "Sunshine Children", and I will lend it to you.

Now it's really better than Fun Kids. "

"Oh, all right." Lin Fei agreed.

Back home, Lin Fei looked at the "Interesting Children" in his hand with complicated eyes.

In fact, he also knew in his heart that the quality of "Fun Children" has not been as good as the previous issue in the past year.

Tell the story inside to the son, the son is not very interested. Instead, they clamored to listen to the stories in "Sunshine Children".

"I hope there will be one or two good stories in this issue."

Thinking of this, Lin Fei casually opened the magazine.

"Sure enough, it's still the same."

Lin Fei has read more than 10 previous stories, but none of them can attract him.

"Is it so difficult that I really should watch "Sunshine Children"?"

Lin Fei also heard some stories from "Sunshine Children" from friends.

Many of the stories in it are really good.

In particular, the stories written by Yang Jie, known as the "Little Fairy Tale King", are wonderful.

"Let's buy "Sunshine Children" in the next issue."

Lin Fei sighed, he was a little bit reluctant.

It's sad to see the feelings of so many years.

But there is no way, what should be discarded must be discarded after all.

"There are still a few last stories, let's read it."

Turning to the last few stories, Lin Fei didn't read them for a long time.

Because after reading these articles, I will say goodbye to "Fun Children".

"Hey, "The Crow Drinks Water", does it talk about crows drinking water? What's the point of that?"

Lin Fei didn't want to rush to read it, but accidentally glanced at the title.

I feel a little upset.

What are these interesting editors doing now, why are all the messy stories published on it.

But soon.

Lin Fei couldn't help but let out a "huh" again, and his eyes that were a little distracted suddenly became focused.

"This story is interesting."

The story is simple, about a thirsty crow who sees water in a bottle but cannot drink. So he threw pebbles into the bottle to raise the water level, so he could drink the water.

"It's really interesting. The story is simple, but the truth is not simple!"

Seeing this, Lin Fei couldn't help laughing, "Haha, finally there is a good story. And this story is also very suitable for telling my son. There are a few more in the future, let me read it again."

He couldn't help but look forward to the next story.

In fact, the following story did not disappoint him.

"The Crow Drinks Water", "The Wolf Is Coming", "The Tortoise and the Hare", "The North Wind and the Sun", "Little Red Riding Hood".

A total of five, five equally wonderful stories.

Lin Fen read these five articles back and forth several times.

The more I read, the more I feel that these stories have endless aftertaste.

He was a little excited that "Fun Kids" had finally found a good story.

My persistence and waiting for the past few months have finally paid off.

He hadn't read such a wonderful little story for a long time.

In his view, these stories are valuable even for adults.

"No, I have to call that kid Li Lin. He also persuaded me to buy "Sunshine Children". I almost missed so many wonderful stories."

In the next room, Li Lin's phone rang.

When he saw that it was Lin Fei calling, he thought the other party was coming to borrow books.

Can't help but smile smugly, your kid finally came to borrow books.

"Hey, Lin Fei. How's it going? You still want to watch "Sunshine Children"? Come and get it. I just finished it. There are a few stories in it that are really good."

"Li Lin, I'm not here to borrow books. I'm recommending "Funny Children" to you. Let me tell you, there are several wonderful stories in it, definitely better than "Sunshine Children". If you don't read it, I guarantee you will regret it. " Lin Fei said.

Li Lin hung up the phone, feeling a little puzzled.

"Is the fun of this issue really that good? Or is it that the kid can't save face and come to borrow books? If you want to die, you have to be stubborn and stick to it to the end."

Should be the second bell possible.

He didn't believe that this issue of "Fun Children" would suddenly become so good.

at the same time.

Next to a newsstand.

"Hey, don't read your "Sunshine Children". You can read this "North Wind and Sun" first. It's interesting."

In an apartment.

A young mother held a magazine in her hand and read it to her daughter while reading: "Once upon a time there was a rabbit who was very proud... Hey! Good girl, let mother read it first..."

In a certain district.

A middle-aged man in his 30s asked his son, "Son, have you learned anything from the story "The Wolf Is Coming?"

The son replied: "Father, I think that first of all, you should not lie, and then, you should not use lies to fool others..."


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