Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 144 Tourists Competing to Touch Crabs

When everyone heard that the activity was about to start, they all showed anticipation, and the children even cheered. www. biqUgE. info

Everyone also saw the arrival of the group of brats.

Soon, someone found a familiar face among the bear children.

"Hey, these are the kids in the video. This little girl is so cute."

"Well, it is. Look at this little fat man."

After being reminded, everyone saw familiar faces among the brats. Immediately, they were very interested, and they went over to pull the bear children to ask this and that, like curious babies.

The children clapped their hands excitedly and circled around the bear children.

"Brother, brother. Can you teach me how to touch crabs?"

"Sister, sister. I want to know, can you teach me?"

After the short period of restraint when they first arrived, the bear children also happily played with everyone. Children, that's just how it is. They are easier to let go than adults.

Especially after being recognized by everyone, a combination of shyness and pride appeared on his face. It's quite interesting to watch.

Li Fan's latest arrangement is to touch crabs.

People lined up one by one and stood by the stream ditch. There were more than a hundred adults and children, and the scene looked quite spectacular. Not only that, but in the distance, tourists who arrived later are coming here one after another.

The villagers who were working nearby or passing by, seeing how lively this place was, gathered around one after another.

Some villagers who heard the news also came to this side one after another. The village has not been as lively as it is today for a long time, and the villagers naturally don't want to miss this opportunity to watch the excitement.

Li Fan looked at the people who were eager to try and smiled slightly, pointed to a few brats, and said, "Xiaodong, you guys go down and give everyone a demonstration."

Xiaodong waited for a few brats to answer excitedly, and went down into the water one after another. But after getting into the water, I looked to the shore and saw hundreds of people looking at them with smiles, and many of them showed a hint of curiosity. The brats felt a little nervous for a moment.

Li Fan also expected such a situation, so he chose the children who were the easiest to let go. The few children did not disappoint Li Fan. After a short period of tension, they slowly let go and demonstrated for everyone in the water.

The bear children touched in the water, while Li Fan explained on the shore. Among the tourists, it is certainly the first time for children to see such a scene. It is also the first time for adults who grew up in the city to see people touching crabs so intuitively. Only a few rural-born people are familiar with these.

However, they are more emotional than others at this time. Looking at Xiaodong and other children in the ditch, they all recalled that when they were young in the countryside, they also played in the river ditch like this group of children.

In a blink of an eye, they had become parents and moved to the city to settle down. Although the city has the advantages of the city, it also loses a lot of original happiness.

Soon, after overturning a few rocks, Xiaodong and his children found crabs out of the muddy water. The children held up the crabs in their hands and showed them to everyone on the shore, smiling happily.

People on the shore let out admiration, and children even clapped their hands, screamed and jumped. They have only seen real crabs in the supermarket before, where have they seen such a scene. Immediately I wanted to go down into the water and touch a crab with my own hands. But a little hesitant and afraid, they pulled their parents one after another, with a tangled expression on their faces, which was extremely cute.

Those tourists who were born in the countryside went down into the water one after another at this time, and said with a smile: "I am also born in the countryside. I used to touch crabs a lot when I was young, but I haven't touched crabs for a long time. Let me reminisce about my childhood today." Feeling. Moreover, according to my observation, the environment here is so good, there must be a big guy in this ditch. Everyone, I touched a big guy and came out. Haha!"

Although the other tourists did not speak, they obviously had the same thoughts. Because they only pick big rocks to attack, under normal circumstances, the crabs under the big rocks will be bigger than those under the small rocks. Moreover, they also have enough strength to lift those big rocks.

"Okay, okay! Let's see which of you can touch the biggest crab." Everyone on the shore booed and applauded with great interest.

The tourists in the ditch heard everyone's applause, and waved to everyone on the shore. It felt like a contestant participating in a competition, which made everyone on the shore burst into laughter again.

At this time, more and more people gathered around the shore. There are tourists and there are villagers.

I don't know whether it was the applause of the crowd that played a role, or the luck of the few tourists in the ditch. It didn't take long for them to touch the big guy.

After several people went ashore, they all showed the big crab in their hands to everyone, and everyone was amazed when they saw it. Even Li Fan and the villagers were a little surprised. These crabs are the size of an adult's fist, and they are relatively rare in streams and ditches. It was a miracle that several of them were touched at once, and their size was considered a miracle.

Today is indeed a good day, Li Fan thought happily in his heart.

The few tourists who touched the crab were also inexplicably surprised. They did guess that there would be a big crab inside. But I didn't expect it to be so big, and I was touched by myself. This is probably the biggest crab I have touched in my life. This has to be taken back to take care of it.

And when they just touched the crabs, they even asked their family members to record the video with their mobile phones. It can be said that the whole process of touching the big crab has been recorded, which is very meaningful.

"Come on, come on. Let's judge which of our crabs is the biggest?" said one of the tourists.

"Okay, let's judge." Everyone responded with a loud voice.

The crabs were all about the same size. After careful comparison, everyone selected the crab that was recognized as the largest.

"Haha! Looks like mine is the biggest one." It was the one who spoke when he just entered the water. He excitedly held up the crab in his hand to show everyone, just like holding a championship trophy.

This is the purest happiness, just like a child's happiness.

"Hey, brother, do you sell these crabs? I'll buy them." A tourist said suddenly.

"Yes, yes. Brother, let's buy it too." Many tourists also reacted and wanted to buy it. These crabs are not only big, but also very meaningful.

"I'm sorry, friend. The crabs are not for sale, so I have to take them home and raise them myself. If you want, you can go down and touch them yourself. Although you can't touch ones as big as ours, after all, you touch them with your own hands. Haha! "Several tourists who touched the crab refused with a smile.

The tourists who wanted to buy were a little bit regretful, but their eyes lit up soon, "Yes, what do I buy from him. He can touch it, but there's no reason I can't. I'll go down and touch one up too."

"This friend is right, we can go down and touch it by ourselves. But what do you mean you can't touch one as big as you? Watch me go down and touch a bigger one." A tourist said.

"That is, let's touch crabs that are bigger than theirs." Another tourist also said.

After this excitement, everyone became more interested. I also secretly competed in my heart.

Afterwards, another dozen or so tourists went down into the water, and they were also ready to touch a big crab and come out.

"Honey, come on!"

"Dad, come on!"

Family members cheered for him on the shore. The tourists in the water raised their arms, as if they were showing their strength to everyone.

Naturally, everyone laughed again.


Thank you very much, Black Aria 2000 reward! Thanks! (To be continued.)

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