Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 147 Praise of Poplar

Fang Jing logged on to the official website of the Huaguo Writers Association, and the second stage of the competition was hosted by the Huaguo Writers Association. Contestants must submit their contributions to the official website of the Chinese Writers Association.

In the information prompt window, Fang Jing and others saw that there were two new submissions. The note information is Li Fan in Funan Division.

"It's another prose and an ancient poem, this kid really doesn't give up." Lin Hai shook his head.

""Praise of Poplar"? Praise poplar? What is there to praise such an ordinary poplar. This kid gave up on himself?" Fang Jing sneered.

"Old Fang, hurry up and let us enjoy it. Maybe it's another masterpiece." The irony in Lin Hai's words is very obvious.

"Success, then enjoy the masterpiece." Fang Jing smiled and clicked on this article.


Beijing, the office building of the Huaguo Writers Association.

Yu Qiu, president of the Writers' Association, frowned and asked, "Xiao Lin, hasn't Li Fan from Funan Division uploaded his works yet?"

Seeing that the submission deadline was approaching, Yu Qiu couldn't help feeling a little worried. He also looks forward to Li Fan's ability to create two more excellent articles.

A few days ago, when I learned that Li Fan, the author of "Spring" and "Village Dwelling", was the young fairy tale writer Li Fan, Yu Qiu was also very surprised. He also wondered why Li Fan is so young, but has such profound attainments in prose and poetry.

However, doubts are doubts, Yu Qiu did not believe in the "Li Fan looking for the gunman" incident that was very hot a few days ago. An intuition told him that those two works belonged to Li Fan himself.

That's why he is full of expectations for Li Fan's works in the second stage. It's just that at this time, Li Fan hasn't submitted any works yet. Yu Qiu couldn't help frowning, could the rumors be true? Are your instincts wrong?

wrong! Yu Qing shook his head, he believed in his intuition, and he also believed in Li Fan. I haven't uploaded it yet, maybe I haven't found the inspiration yet, Yu Qing thought so. After all, an excellent work needs inspiration.

However, at this time, the secretary Lin Yu suddenly said: "President, Li Fan's works have been uploaded."

"Uploaded?" Yu Qiu's eyes lit up, his expression relaxed, and he hurriedly refreshed the webpage on the computer. Sure enough, I saw two works by Li Fan.

"Praise of Poplar"? Yu Qiu also frowned slightly. Apparently he didn't think poplars had anything to admire either. But with the expectations for Li Fan in my heart,

He still looked at it seriously.

"Poplar trees are really not ordinary, I praise poplar trees!

The car is running on the endless plateau, and what you see is a big yellow and green felt. The yellow one is the soil, uncultivated virgin soil, the shell of the Loess Plateau that was successfully accumulated hundreds of thousands of years ago by great natural forces; the green one is the result of human labor overcoming nature, it is the wheat field..."

As soon as he read the beginning, Yu Qiu's frown relaxed instantly. A vast, flat and brightly colored plateau scene rushes forward. Yu Qiu couldn't help but close his eyes, intoxicated by the poetic and song-like words.

This is definitely a prose that is not under "Spring". Yu Qiu was inexplicably surprised, he read slowly bit by bit. I am afraid to finish reading this article.

"The gentle wind blows, turning round after round of green waves——At this time, you will really admire the two characters "Wheat Wave" created by the ancients. If you don't get it by chance, it is indeed the essence of the tempered language... ..."

"'Mai Lang', this word is used wonderfully, it's really wonderful!" Yu Qiu couldn't help clapping her hands in praise.

Such a picture could not help appearing in his mind: the Loess Plateau, the vast green wheat field. When a gust of wind blows, all the straw floats with the wind, and the green waves rise and fall together, swinging into the distance...

beautiful! It is so beautiful!

"Yellow and green dominate, boundless, open as a stone, if it is not for the reminder of the distant mountains standing side by side at this time, you will forget that the car is driving on a plateau..."

Yellow and green, boundless. Yu Qiu continued to look down with excitement.

"At this time, the feeling that comes to you may be 'magnificent', maybe it may be 'great', and other adjectives. However, at the same time, your eyes may feel a little tired, and you are closed to the current 'magnificent' or 'great'. And Another kind of smell has secretly grown in your heart—'monotonous'. Isn't it? Monotonous, a little..."

monotonous? How can such a magnificent picture be monotonous? Yu Qiu frowned after reading this.

Such a magnificent picture scroll, the emotions that have been lingering in the reader's heart from the beginning, were instantly destroyed by this sentence.

Why is this happening? Yu Qiu couldn't figure it out. Could it be that Li Fan is too young after all, with limited writing skills, unable to control the following words? If that's the case, that's a real shame. Such a classic beginning, but is it going to end so badly?

Yu Qiu shook his head regretfully and sighed. But still continue to look down.

"However, in an instant, if you suddenly raised your eyes and saw a row of trees far ahead—no, or even just three or five, one, standing proudly like sentinels, your sleepy What will happen to the mood? I cried out in surprise at that time.

That is poplar, a common tree in Northwest China, but it is really not an ordinary tree..."

Seeing this shocking turn of events, Yu Qiu's expression was agitated. "In an instant", "raise your eyes suddenly", the poplar tree appeared!

When Yu Qiu read the words "raise eyes sharply", he raised his eyes sharply and looked up like a conditioned reflex. It's like seeing it too... er, well. He didn't see the poplar tree, all he saw was his female secretary staring at him curiously with big eyes.

Yu Qiu coughed and looked away. Soon, he was immersed in the shock brought about by this shocking turning point. The magnificent picture description in the previous article is actually just paving the way for the appearance of the poplar tree.

This kind of description is not without boldness, and the requirements for writing power are also very high. Li Fan is a young man who really dares to write.

Since everything in front is paving the way for the poplar, what kind of tree will such a poplar be? Yu Qiu seemed to feel that something was coming.

"It's a kind of tree that strives for the top. It has a straight trunk and straight branches. Its trunk is usually about ten feet high, as if artificially made, and there is no side branch within ten feet. All its branches, They are all upwards, and close together, as if artificially added, forming a bunch, never escaping sideways... This is a kind of tree that keeps standing stubbornly and upright despite the pressure of the northern wind and snow. It's only as thick as a bowl, but it strives to develop upward. It's as tall as Zhang Xu, two Zhang, towering, indomitable, against the northwest wind.

This is poplar, a very common tree in Northwest China, but it is by no means an ordinary tree! ..."

Yu Qiu couldn't help clapping her hands again. This seemingly simple and casual description describes the shape, color and character of the poplar very vividly.

Poplar is indeed an ordinary, but by no means ordinary tree!

Li Fan, this young man wrote another classic prose after "Spring". It's not easy!

At this moment, Yu Qiu could only say with emotion!


(To be continued.)

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