Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 161 What's the matter with the beauty?

The official website of the Huaguo Poetry Association, the poetry appreciation channel of the competition, published the first poem appreciation. www.biqu

"Appreciation of "Gathering Transplanting Seedlings": Bai Yi"

""Gathering Transplanting Seedlings" is a Zen poem. "Gathering" means "song", which is a Buddhist term. The poet skillfully borrows and describes the knowledge and awareness of farmers when transplanting rice seedlings, reflecting the human nature of taking a step back. Turn the magic into the ordinary, showing the naturalness.

The first sentence is "planting the green seedlings in the field with hands". The seemingly ordinary pen has a deep Zen rhyme for the whole poem. The "field" in the poem refers not only to the "field" in reality, but also to people's hearts. The action of "planting rice seedlings" also refers to all random actions and behaviors in people's daily life, such as seeing things and hearing sounds, walking, sitting and lying down, etc. Just like young seedlings planted in a paddy field, all thoughts, actions and behaviors of a person in normal times also fill a person's heart.

"Bow your head" in "Look down and see the sky in the water". It is a metaphor for extinguishing all delusions and distracting thoughts, and bringing back all attention to observe and perceive one's body and mind; "seeing the sky in the water" means that one can comprehend the true face of the body and mind and the external world, just like the endless emptiness.

"The Tao is the only way to be pure in heart", which profoundly reveals the essence of Zen. If a person's heart is as calm as water, free from suspicion, accumulation of dust and evil thoughts, selfless and distracting thoughts, he will naturally enter a high state.

'Regression turns out to be forward'. When farmers plant rice seedlings, they retreat while planting. It is precisely because of this way of retreating that all the seedling fields can be planted. To regress is to advance, and sometimes life is like transplanting rice seedlings. It seems that we are regressing, but in fact we have made progress. As the saying goes, take a step back and open up the sea and the sky! Only when we are willing to bow our heads humbly can we truly know ourselves and the world. "

Bai Yi used hundreds of words to appreciate and analyze this poem, which shows his love for this poem.

Many netizens also guessed that the official will appreciate and analyze this poem. After the appreciation and analysis came out, netizens all had a feeling of enlightenment.

"It turned out to be like this. I thought this song should be unusual. It's really unusual."

"It can be borrowed from the very common incident of transplanting rice seedlings in rural areas to reflect this truth. I believe this poem belongs to Li Fan, and this time it is not the same name and surname."

"Good poetry comes from life, it's true!"

"Haha! It seems that the two votes in my hand today are going to vote for this poem."

"It's nature, and it's definitely the best poem ever written."

Of course, some netizens have another attitude.

"This poem reflects the Zen meaning well,

But the poem itself uses words and sentences in general. Li Fan passed on the poem so early, so he probably felt that his poem was relatively ordinary. I was afraid that I would not be able to enter the top 100, so I posted it early to grab the first opportunity. "

"I think it's the same. Since he has come to compete, if he can't even make the top 100, it will be too embarrassing."

"It should be no problem for Li Fan to enter the top 100 with this poem. But if the next competition is still at this level, it will be hard to say."


After Li Fan's poem was uploaded, some people were slightly relieved. For example, Lin Hai, Fang Jing, etc., or those netizens who have been slapped in the face by Li Fan many times and feel jealous. They were really afraid that Li Fan would compose another poem that was too good this time, and they would have no choice but to step on it.

The current "Joseph of Transplanting Seedlings" is certainly good, but you can still find a reason to step on it. They are also waiting for such an opportunity. It's just that they haven't made a move yet. After all, the competition has just begun, so let's observe for a while before talking.

Li Fan also knew that when his poems were passed on, many people would definitely stare at them. But he didn't care at all. After seeing Bai Yi's appreciation on the official website, he didn't care about it anymore.

Now it seems that this song "Transplanting Seedlings" is enough for him to enter the top 100. If there is an accident, then we will talk about it later.

He is thinking about another thing now. Just now Li Qian called and said that she wanted to ask Li Fan for help. Asked Li Fan if she could come to see him tomorrow, Li Fan naturally replied, of course.

Li Fan had a very good impression of Li Qian. When he went to the provincial capital to record songs twice, this girl was outside the recording studio both times, waiting for him for more than an hour. This was the first time Li Qian called him again. If something happened to Li Qian, if he could help, he would naturally not refuse.

"Is there anything this girl needs me to help with? She also said that she couldn't make it clear on the phone, so she wants to come over and talk to herself in person." Li Fan was a little confused.

At 10 o'clock the next morning, Li Qian called and said that she was already at the entrance of Sansheng Village.

Li Fan asked her to wait there for a while, and went to pick her up by himself. As he walked, he thought to himself, come here so early, is there really something urgent? Li Qian lives in the provincial capital, and it takes at least three hours to get here. That is to say, she left after 6:00 in the morning and before 7:00.

When Li Fan came to the entrance of the village, the construction site had already started. The parking lot, the gate of the farm, the small office building and other projects are going on at the same time, and the scene is in full swing.

In an open space, a young and beautiful woman wearing a white T-shirt and black baggy trousers was looking at everything around her curiously. Beside the woman, unsurprisingly, stood a beautiful woman in a long white dress. He also looked around curiously, with a hint of surprise on his face.

Li Fan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw it. Seeing Li Qian's relaxed and curious expression, it must be that something urgent happened. That being the case, what are these two girls doing here so early?

"Good morning, two beauties!" Li Fan walked over and said.

Li Qian and Lin Lin also saw Li Fan. For some reason, when they saw Li Fan approaching, the two women felt a little panic, and Lin Lin's face was even slightly red. Obviously, he took the initiative to come to a boy's house. Even the careless Li Qian felt a little embarrassed in her heart.

However, Li Qian still asked curiously: "Li Fan, is there a factory to be built here?"

Li Fan smiled and replied: "No, it's building a farm. It's noisy here, let's go to the village and talk about it."

After speaking, Li Fan led the way to the village. It's just that she was even more puzzled in her heart. Li Qian still had the heart to ask these questions, so it was indeed not an urgent matter. What the hell is that?

Li Qian and Lin Lin followed Li Fan hand in hand. Walking into the village, I was immediately attracted by the beauty of the village. When they were at the entrance of the village, they were attracted by the construction site, but they didn't notice how beautiful the village was.

What surprised them even more was that from time to time there would be people talking and laughing in twos and threes, people with cameras entering the village from the entrance of the village, vaguely looking like tourists.

"Li Fan, are they here for tourism? Where exactly are you here?" Li Qian couldn't help asking.

Li Fan smiled and said: "This is the village where I live, and it is also a tourist attraction now. Don't you guys know about the 'Tour of Sansheng Village' that has become very popular on the Internet recently?"

Both of them shook their heads.

Uh, Li Fan smiled helplessly. It seems that the propaganda work still needs to be strengthened!

"Now you know that this is also a tourist attraction. So, you don't have to be nervous. Just treat yourself as a tourist, and you are here to travel." Li Fan said with a smile.

The two women gave him a blank look at the same time, don't be so beautiful, we are not nervous.

Li Fan laughed, and said, "I mean beauty, what's the matter with you looking for me? It doesn't seem like a big deal to see you like this."


Thank you very much, Lu Zhiwen for your monthly ticket support! Thanks!

(To be continued.)

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