Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 186 Threshing Millet

August 25.

At dawn, Li Fan's family had already woken up. Today is a busy day, but also a harvest day.

Li Fan punched outside the yard for a while while his mother was making breakfast. Boxing every morning has become his habit.

Just after punching, Sanshu and Sanniang also came over carrying baskets. Even the little girl followed, yawning as she walked, as if she hadn't woken up. Today I beat millet from Li Fan's family, and the third uncle's family ate here.

"What are you going to do girl?" Li Fan asked, looking at the sleepy little girl.

"I'm going, it's fun." After the little girl finished speaking, she yawned again and followed the third uncle into the yard. Li Fan smiled and went back to the yard, ready to have breakfast.

After breakfast, the whole family is ready to go. The first stop is Dongzitian.

Dad was carrying the mixing bucket, and my third uncle was carrying three baskets, and there were several sickles in the baskets. Li Fan is carrying a double threshing machine. The threshing machine is manually stepped and can be used by two people to work at the same time.

Threshing machines have only emerged in the last ten years or so. With this thing, threshing millet is much easier. When there was no threshing machine in the past, it was all operated by manpower, which was much more tiring than now.

Villagers call the former purely human threshing millet "hand mixing bucket". Now if there are young people in the village who say that threshing is tiring, they will often be educated by their father's generation, "Now that there is a threshing machine, why are you so tired? When I was your age, I was all 'hand mixing. Bucket', I have never called tired."

On the road, one after another, I met many villagers carrying bamboo baskets, mixing buckets and threshing machines. It was still early at this time, but there were no tourists. After the construction of the hotels and restaurants in the future is completed, there should be tourists haunting the village at this time.

Half an hour later, Li Fan's family came to Dongzitian. There are two villagers who are earlier than Li Fan and the others, and have already finished fighting a small section.

He took off his slippers and didn't pull up his trousers. Li Fan, his parents, and his third uncle and mother went straight down to the field to cut rice with a sickle. Everyone was wearing long trousers, and even the trousers stepped in the water together. That is, it can prevent mosquitoes and prevent cuts by rice seedlings.

The little girl was playing with the brats from the other two families on the field ridge.

Dongzitian is a dense field with deep mud and deep water, and it sinks deeply when people step on it. It is a little difficult to move. But the yield of rice will be larger than that of dry field. In addition to the current Dongzi field in Li Fan's house, there is also a Sifang field, which is also a nong field. The other piece of open field is dry field.

Of course, Noda has another advantage,

It is easier to move the mixing bucket. In addition, you will encounter a fish and a lobster from time to time. It is also much more interesting than dry fields.

Dry fields do not have water all year round, and the fields are only plowed to store water during the rice planting season. In addition to growing rice, dry fields will also grow other things, such as rapeseed and the like.

Several people were talking while cutting rice. My parents, uncles and mothers are all lamenting that the older they get, the better their health seems to be. Now that I have harvested so much rice, I don't feel tired at all. I feel much more relaxed than last year.

Li Fan laughed and didn't explain the reason. Just saying that good health is a blessing. It means that their luck has arrived. Naturally, my parents laughed and scolded me for a while.

The part of Dongzitian belonging to Li Fan’s family is rectangular in shape, about 5 meters wide and 60 meters long. Now several people have cut more than 20 meters and can start threshing.

So, only my father was left alone to continue cutting rice, while Li Fan, my mother, and my third uncle and three niangs returned to the field, ready to start threshing millet.

Several people first carried the cut rice together and put them in two piles on the left and right. Li Fan and Uncle San dragged the mixing bucket into the water. Half of the bucket was rectangular, about 2 meters wide, 3 meters long, and about 50 centimeters deep. The bottom is in the shape of a hull.

Li Fan put the threshing machine on one side of the mixing bucket, and surrounded the other three sides with fences to prevent the grains from splashing out.

Everything was ready, Li Fan and the third uncle each stepped on the threshing machine pedal with one foot. As the two stepped on rhythmically, the threshing wheel turned rapidly. Mom and Sanniang were on both sides, handing rice to them respectively. People in the village call it "the handle of handing grain".

At this time, several villagers came to Dongzitian one after another. The sounds of the threshing machines fluctuated with each other, mixed with the laughter of everyone. A fiery scene.

As time passed, the sun was already high in the sky. Some tourists also appeared in everyone's line of sight one after another.

Although the sun has been very strong these days, the heat in the village is hot, but it is not stuffy at all. In addition, there are many places that are still very cool, and it is definitely a good place to escape the heat.

So there are still many tourists who come to the village every day.

Some tourists inquired that these days are the time for millet threshing in the village, and they even brought their children to the village on these days. I want the children to see how the rice they eat every day comes from.

The brats who were playing on the ridge of the field did not know when they came down to the field. It was a joy to touch fish in the area that had already been played. If it is normal, because the water is relatively deep, fish are not easy to be caught.

But now, after repeated trampling by everyone, the water has become very turbid. Catching fish is relatively easy. Coupled with the booming sound of the threshing machine and everyone's voices, the fish were quite frightened and would scurry around from time to time. It's easier to catch.

Sometimes, the fish will even actively jump on the rice stalks piled in the fields. And of course jump on the pedal of the threshing machine. Li Fan had already picked up several carp at his feet, all four-finger-wide carps. After some fish jumped up, they jumped back into the water before they had time to pick them up.

The few fish I picked up will naturally become the lunch dish. This can be a gift of nature and cannot be wasted.

As for lobsters and snails, there are more, and everyone is too lazy to catch them.

After 10 o'clock in the morning, the whole mixing bucket was already full of millet. These grains must be picked back first.

So, several people pushed the mixing bucket to the edge of the field. Transfer all the millet in the mixing bucket to the basket, and fill it with three picks. Li Fan and third uncle each picked one and went home. Mom also went back to cook. The little girl also followed.

Dad and Sanniang continued to cut rice, and there was still one third left before the rice in Dongzitian was cut.

Back home, Li Fan and third uncle dumped the millet in the yard to dry. In such a big sun, it can be put into the warehouse after two or three days of drying.

After drying the millet, the two returned to Dongzitian.

Around 12:00 noon, the villagers went home one after another, and Li Fan and the others were no exception.

Back home after lunch. After resting for a while, everyone continued to go out to work at 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

The Dongzi field in the afternoon is still in full swing.

Not just Tokoda. Today, the entire village is filled with the roar of threshing machines and the chatter and laughter of villagers.


Thank you very much, Dobi, you and Zero Blood Rain's monthly pass. From today to October 7th, there are double monthly ticket activities. One vote turns into two, and the country dares to ask friends for a monthly pass. Friends, here are two!

(To be continued.)

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