Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 200 Spring sleep without awakening

September 4th. www. biquge. info

At 8 o'clock in the morning, with the sound of a hammer, the demolition of the old house of Li Fan and Sanshu's family officially began.

During the demolition of the house, there were many villagers watching the excitement. Watching and discussing.

"I heard that this house will be built in the shape of a small villa. I wonder what it will look like after it is completed?"

"Fanzi is really rich now. I have asked my kid to come back and work with Fanzi. I hope that kid can build a beautiful house in the future."

"Well, my kid is also back. But Fanzi said that in principle, every young man who returns to the village is welcome to work with him, but he has to pass his assessment. Tell me, what kind of assessment does this kid talk about?"

"I've heard a bit about this. It seems to be about human character. It means that human character must be good."

"Hey, that's natural. If someone's son has a bad character, let alone Fanzi, even we don't agree with him working with Fanzi."


It takes about a day to demolish the old house, and then expand the area and dig the foundation. Of course, Li Fan doesn't need to worry about all this. Wang Qian is more professional than him in this respect.

What Li Fan needs to worry about is his land reconstruction project, which he must personally watch. Although the reconstruction plan has been explained to the villagers in detail, the villagers will inevitably encounter some problems during the actual reconstruction process.

These problems need to be solved by Li Fan. So he just watched the demolition of the house for a while, and stopped watching. Instead, I came to the land reconstruction side to see if everyone encountered any difficulties.

Now everyone's main strength is placed at the foot of Baiyun Mountain. The land in this area will be rebuilt into an orchard area. The pure land area was about 30 mu before, but it will increase to about 40 mu after the reconstruction.

Because in the process of reconstruction, all the adjacent lands with similar horizontal positions will be connected into one piece. Then, in the rebuilt land, a one-meter-wide cement road will be built uniformly.

Some abandoned places will also be sorted out and connected with the land. In the future, this area will be the ecological orchard area of ​​the farm, where various fruit trees will be planted. In addition to local fruit trees, Li Fan will also introduce many unique fruit trees from other places. With Xianyuan space, he is not worried about the survival and growth of fruit trees.

The fruits in his orchard in the future are not only delicious as fairy fruits, but also have a wide variety.


You came just in time. Let's see if you want to connect these two lands? If they are connected, the slope will be relatively large, and the soil will be easily lost. "

As soon as Li Fan walked to the destination, a team leader said so.

These are two lands with a relatively large level difference, so it stands to reason that they should not be connected together. But if it is not connected, the fast highland above can only let it stay there alone. Because it is located on an uplift at the foot of Baiyun Mountain, its horizontal position is much higher than the surrounding land.

Li Fan looked at it for a while, and decided to keep it in its original style. It only needs to build a fence around it with random stones, and let it exist as a high point of the nearby land, which is also quite interesting.

Afterwards, several team leaders discussed some issues with Li Fan. After all the problems were resolved, Li Fan left here.

It was almost noon when we returned to the office building. The meals are all ready, and the workers who demolished the house will be back for dinner soon.

Li Fan returned to his room and uploaded the two poems to be used tonight to the official website of the Huaguo Poetry Association. Tonight is another two rounds of competition. It is the favorite moment of the majority of poetry fans.

The group competition is a round-robin competition, and there is no requirement for poetry, as long as it is original. But the finals were not so easy. The final is a knockout competition, and it is a proposition to write a poem. This is the real moment to test the level of a poet.

If you want to enter the finals, you must get the top four in the group stage. Everyone is working towards this goal, and Li Fan is no exception. Although it seemed easier for him.


Magic City, a private room in a certain hotel.

Four people of similar age but completely different clothes are drinking here. One of them looked sad and seemed to be in a bad mood.

"Brother Wang, come, come, drink this cup. It's just a draw, it's no big deal." A man in a white shirt said.

"That's right, Brother Wang. It's just that you were careless. In terms of real level, that Qi Ming is far inferior to you." A man in a gray retro t-shirt said.

"Brother Wang, a draw will not affect your top spot. Come on, let's go back early after drinking this cup. There are two rounds tonight." The man in the black shirt also said.

These four people are naturally the four masters in the famous poem. Wang Ling was upset because he was accidentally tied by his opponent yesterday. That's how the present reception came about.

After a long time, Wang Ling sighed and said, "Thank you three brothers, I'm just a little unwilling. By the way, Brother Du, tomorrow is the time for you to fight that Li Fan. You must not underestimate the enemy. "

Du Feng nodded solemnly. After seeing Liu Yuan's appreciation and analysis of Li Fan's first three poems, Du Feng's cautiousness towards Li Fan undoubtedly increased. There is such a connection between Li Fan's three poems, and the four young masters in their poems didn't even see it.

It stands to reason that according to their level, it should be obvious. But why didn't I see it? It is also because they saw that Li Fan's last two poems were not as good as the first poem. I started to be complacent, thinking that Li Fan's level was just that, instead of discovering something deeper.

Why is this happening again? Perhaps it was because they were actually very afraid of Li Fan in their hearts. It is precisely because of jealousy that he is so complacent.

But no matter what the reason is, the four young masters in the poem, especially Mo Bai, Du Feng, and Wang Ling, will never admit that they are inferior to Li Fan.

And tomorrow, the direct confrontation between Du Feng and Li Fan is a good opportunity to prove it.


Sansheng Village.

In the afternoon, the workers continued to work. Li Fan, his father, and his third uncle also helped out in the afternoon if they had nothing to do. By the time work was over at 6 pm, the old houses of the two families had almost been demolished.

At this time, the fifth round of the group stage also started on time.

This round of Li Fan continued to use the poems describing spring, and chose a poem with a strong lethality.

This poem is the same as Li Fan's previous poems, the language is simple and easy to understand, and it is natural. At first reading, it seems plain and unremarkable, but after careful reading, I suddenly feel that there is a unique world in the poem, with endless charm.

At this time, whether it was Bai Yi, Liu Yuan, Han Zhong, Yu Qiu, Zheng Jie and other literary celebrities, or countless poetry lovers in front of the computer, they all saw this poem.

After they started to be surprised for a short time, they couldn't help but chanted repeatedly in cadenced voices:

"When you sleep in spring, you don't feel dawn, and you hear birds singing everywhere.

The night comes wind and rain, Whispering Colour. "


(To be continued.)

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