In the evening, after dinner. www. biqUgE. info Li Fan went back to his room and turned on his computer, ready to go online to see who his opponent in the first knockout round was.

Wan Tao? Li Fan has a little impression that he is the author of the eighth group of the group plug. The strength is good, and they advanced to the finals as the second place in the group.

Immediately, Li Fan visited the poetry world again, and the enthusiasm of netizens became more and more high.

"It's the finals, and people are eliminated every day. It sounds cruel, but why am I so excited?"

"Wow, there's violence upstairs. But, I'm actually quite excited."

"This Wan Tao is really unlucky. He met Li Fan in the first round, and now he has to go to the final round."

"This is not necessarily the case. There are great variables in completing the proposition and writing a poem within half an hour."

"Wan Tao is not the unluckiest one. Li Yue, the first place in the second group, met Yan Mu in the first round. This is the unluckiest."

"Yan Mu? That's last year's championship. If you meet Li Fan, who is stronger and who is weaker?"

"Under the competition system of the finals, it is estimated that Yan Mu is slightly better. After all, he is more than ten years older than Li Fan, and he has stronger qualifications and experience."


Yan Mu? It seems that netizens agree with Yan Mu's strength. Li Fan saw that the names mentioned the most by netizens were himself and Yan Mu, followed by Mo Bai and others.

It seems that last year's championship winner seems to be very strong. Very good, that's what makes it interesting.


Magic City, a residential area.

"The grouping situation of the first round has come out, and our luck seems to be good, we didn't encounter the situation of killing each other." Mo Bai said with a smile.

Lu Ran nodded and said, "Not only that, none of us have met Li Fan yet."

Wang Ling shook his head and said, "Brother Lu, don't forget the rules of the final stage. Even if we meet that kid Li Fan, it's still unknown who will win."

Du Feng said with a smile: "That's true. I very much hope to meet Li Fan again, and have a real fight with him again."

Mo Bai said: "Don't worry,

One of us will always meet him. Unless he's eliminated in the first round. However, this possibility is not great. "

"Yes!" The other three nodded at the same time.


On September 9th, Li Fan ate dinner early after a busy day. At 6:20 in the evening, I sat in front of the computer and waited for the start of the first knockout round.

The knockout competition is different from the group competition. The group competition only needs to upload the entries in advance, and it doesn't matter whether people are present during the competition. Not for the knockout rounds, at least half an hour between 6:30 and 7:00 must be there, otherwise they will be eliminated directly.

In fact, there will be one or two contestants in each competition who are eliminated because they did not submit their works in time, which is quite a pity.

Li Fan didn't want to be eliminated like this.

The remaining 63 contestants obviously had the same idea. At this time, they all sat in front of the computer and waited for the start of the competition.

Netizens were also quite punctual, but while they were waiting, they kept talking about it.

"It will start right away. I don't know what the first question is?"

"Who knows, it's different every year."

"We'll see it in a few minutes, let's wait and see."


In the midst of all the attention, the time came to 6:30 in the evening.

The interface of the official website of the Huaguo Poetry Association changed, and the title of the first round of knockout rounds suddenly appeared on the official website.

At this moment, the entire official website has nothing but this title and a half-hour countdown sign.

At this time, both the contestants and countless netizens were all refreshed, and began to observe this topic carefully.

Li Fan is no exception.

This is a painting, and it looks like he is going to compose a poem based on the content in the painting.

In the picture is an ordinary farmhouse. The adobe walls, thatched roof, and some dilapidated fences around it show that this family is not rich. A middle-aged woman sat at the door of the house, with a piece of clothing spread out on her knees, her left hand was stroking the surface of the clothing, and her right hand was holding a sewing needle, as if she was sewing the clothes densely.

Not far from the middle-aged woman, a young man in his 20s was packing a package, as if he was about to go on a long trip. The man was not wearing a coat, and his coat should be the one that the middle-aged woman was sewing.

Outside the fence gate, a winding path leads to the distance...

That's what the whole picture is about. The picture is not complicated. A young man is going on a long journey, and her mother is sewing clothes for him.

Li Fan's eyes were fixed, and there were some faint tears.

At this time, many people understood this painting.

"This is a poem for my mother, and that's the title of this year's first knockout round."

"I think many of us have had this experience, mother... at this moment, my eyes are a little moist."

"Yes, as soon as this question comes out, we immediately think of our mother. However, this kind of poem is not easy to write."

"Well, it's easy to write words to mother, but it's not easy to write poems."


Beijing, the headquarters of the Huaguo Poetry Association.

"President, this question seems to make everyone's atmosphere a bit dignified." Bai Yi said.

Han Zhong nodded and said: "This is a scene that many of us have experienced, and it will naturally arouse some memories and sadness. However, this question is very meaningful. Writing a poem dedicated to our mother is a question for every one of us. What poets should do."

Liu Yuan also nodded and said: "That's true. We can come up with more questions like this in the future. It's just that such poems are really difficult to write, and everyone will be troubled."

Bai Yidao: "If it's easy to write, it won't be called the finals. Everyone is an elite who survived the siege. Let's wait and see."


"A poem for my mother."

People of different ages and experiences should have different feelings about this picture. But no matter how they feel, it will not affect their expectations for this round of competition.

What kind of answers will the 64 contestants give?

At this time, Zheng Jie, Yu Qiu, Tang Quan, Su Qing, Tang Ying and others also looked at the screen on the computer in silence.


Li Fan clearly remembered the day when he went to university and left the village in his previous life, his mother was just like the mother in the picture, sitting at the door of the main room, carefully mending his clothes.

A few years later, before he had time to repay, he had already arrived in this life. Fortunately, God treated him kindly, no matter in the previous life or in this life, his mother has not changed, everything is still in time.

He gently wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and wrote this poem on the computer:

Mother hands line, wandering clothing.

Departure thick seam, meaning fear of delay in return.

Whoever says the grass-inch heart will get three Chunhui.


Thank you very much, for Luo Jingzhi’s 500 rewards, it is necessary to be extraordinary and 100 rewards. Book friend 120421234237134, Taishan iron judge, funny than you, crazy panda? monthly pass. Also, ask for a recommendation ticket!

(To be continued.)

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