Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 249 You Only Have One Chance

When Li Fan and Li Tao arrived in the provincial capital without incident, it happened to be 10:00 in the morning. www. biqUgE. info

The two walked out of the bus terminal, and Li Fan asked, "Taozi, do you know the location of the Auto Sales City in the provincial capital?"

Li Tao nodded and said, "There are five regular Automobile City, of which the Tongyun Automobile City in the north of the city mainly sells trucks. Fanzi, let's go to that one. Go there now?"

Li Fan smiled and said, "Success, let's go now."

Seeing this kid's impatience, he thought he might have already flown to the Motor City.

Tongyun Automobile City is outside the third ring road in the north of the city, a little far from Li Fan and his current location. It took more than an hour for both of them to arrive by taxi, and the taxi fare was nearly 100 yuan.

This made Li Tao feel very painful, Li Fan smiled, indicating that it doesn't matter.

When the two walked into the Motor City, Li Tao's eyes suddenly shone like wolves, aggressively and greedily scanning all kinds of trucks with different shapes and domineering power.

Li Fan was very speechless, it would be strange if he bought a car with this kid's eyes, and wouldn't let people pay a heavy blow. Of course, it may also be regarded as a poor boy who has no money to buy and just has an eye addiction, and ignores it.

"Ahem!" Li Fan coughed deliberately, reminding Li Tao to pay attention to his eyes.

Li Tao smiled embarrassingly. He also knew that with his appearance, he would either be despised or taken for a fool. But there is no way, the excitement in my heart can't be suppressed no matter what. I have driven other people's cars for seven or eight years, and now I finally want to buy a car for myself.

Although the car was not bought by him, it was not too different from his own. Besides, Fanzi said that if he behaves well in the future, this car will most likely be given to him as a bonus.

Can this not be exciting?

Li Tao took two heavy breaths, severely suppressing the excitement in his heart. It's finally getting normal, but it's only normal.

Li Fan glanced at him speechlessly, and he also understood Li Tao's current mood. This guy was probably too excited to fall asleep last night, so he ran out of his yard so early this morning to wait.

Now that I finally saw the car, I was naturally even more excited.

Forget it, ignore Li Tao. Li Fan also looked at the trucks around him. Since he used a driving skill book last night, he also has a better understanding of all kinds of cars.

They plan to buy a heavy truck this time,

The division of heavy trucks in this world also has a total mass between 14 tons and 100 tons, which can fully meet the needs of the farm.

The so-called total weight refers to the self-weight of the vehicle itself, plus the maximum mass of goods allowed by the manufacturer when the vehicle is running.

As for the structure of the carriage, Li Fan and Li Tao discussed it and decided that the self-unloading type is more convenient.

The two walked around the Auto City, chose a car that looked quite large, and walked in.

Brand new trucks are parked side by side in the sales floor. There are micro trucks, light trucks, medium trucks, and heavy trucks, and there is even an overweight truck on the outermost side, which made Li Fan's eyes shine.

The front of that overweight truck is dark red and long-headed. It uses 8x4 drive and a grille-style compartment. Its appearance is somewhat similar to that of Optimus Prime in Transformers.

The end is mighty and domineering!

Li Fan felt an urge to buy it back. But in the end, I endured it. That super-heavy truck is mighty, but it's not too small for farm use. The carriage is too long, and it is of the warehouse grid type, which is not very convenient.

In the end, Li Fan and Li Tao took a fancy to a dark red, 6x4 self-unloading flat-top heavy truck.

6x4 drive means that the car has 3 axles, 2 of which are drive axles. There are 6 wheels in total, 4 of which are driving wheels. According to the regulations, a double wheel is only counted as one wheel.

In other words, a 6x4 driven car does not necessarily have only 6 wheels. If the rear two axles are double-wheeled and installed, then the car has a total of 10 wheels.

The heavy truck that Li Fan and the others are looking at has 10 wheels.

The two stood in front of the car and looked at it carefully for a while. Li Tao approached Li Fan and said softly: "Fanzi, this is Bentian Howo, a world-renowned brand, and the price is estimated to exceed 1 million. Let's choose a more ordinary one, 30,000 to 400,000." That's it."

Li Fan shook his head and said, "Taozi, it doesn't matter. The safety of sports cars comes first. Although this car is expensive, its performance in all aspects will definitely be much better."

This car is hundreds of thousands more expensive than other cars, but its performance and safety factor in all aspects are much better. In Li Fan's view, this is the most important thing. Of course, the premise is to meet their own consumption capacity.

It's just that they've been standing here for so long, why hasn't anyone come to receive them yet?

No way, is it necessary to stage a plot that was often seen in novels before? The sales staff saw that he was dressed in plain clothes and concluded that they couldn't afford it, so they ignored him. In the end, under the disbelieving eyes of the salesperson, they bought a luxury car and slapped them in the face?

If that's the case then that's fucking fucked up.

Li Fan frowned slightly and looked around. Fortunately, fortunately, the plot did not unfold as he imagined.

A rather delicate-looking woman in her twenties, wearing business attire, was walking towards them quickly.

The woman walked up to the two, smiled politely, and said, "Have you two gentlemen taken a fancy to this heavy truck?"

Although the smile is polite, the woman actually does not give any hope in her heart. For this Bentian Howo, their quotation is generally around 1.3 million, and the actual transaction price is around 1.25 million. The lowest price she has the authority to trade is also 1.18 million.

Although the performance of such a car is very good in all aspects, but because the price is too expensive, it is actually very difficult to sell, and it may not be possible to sell one in a few months.

She has worked in this dealership for four years and has never sold a car like this. There were quite a few people who came to learn about the performance and price, but after learning about it, they all patted their asses and left.

The two men in front of her clearly belonged to this type of people in her mind, especially the one with dim eyes. She has seen many people like this, they belong to the kind of people who love cars very much but can't afford them.

As for the man next to her, she couldn't see through it. But judging by his young age, he seems to be younger than the man with dim eyes, obviously it is impossible to afford such a car.

Li Fan took a look at the woman, smiled lightly and said, "Well, please introduce it to us."

The woman thought: "Sure enough, after my introduction, you should still ask the price. After asking, find a high-sounding excuse to leave. Alas! This time I will waste my words again. This is also my fault, tomorrow Knowing that this would be the case, I rushed over here."

Although she was complaining in her heart, the woman was very polite and introduced the parameters of this heavy truck in detail.

After listening, Li Fan nodded, and Li Tao's eyes lit up even more. Li Fan looked at him helplessly, then looked at the woman and asked, "How much?"

When the woman heard Li Fan's question, she felt a little proud in her heart, "Look, the plot is exactly as I thought."

"Uh, how could I have such an idea?" The woman quickly shook her head, then smiled and said, "Its price is 1.3 million."

"1.3 million?" Li Tao was startled, it was more expensive than expected. He quickly winked at Li Fan and asked Li Fan to find an excuse to leave quickly. This is too expensive!

Li Fan naturally understood what Li Tao meant. A 1.3 million car is definitely expensive. But if the car is really worth the price and his conditions permit, he doesn't mind buying it.

After all, the safety factor is what he values ​​most.

Li Fan nodded slightly to Li Tao, indicating that he understood. Then he took a careful look at the woman. With his keen perception, he probably guessed the various inner activities of the woman from the moment she came here to the present.

This is human nature, and Li Fan understands it. It's just that Li Fan knew that the price must be high for the woman.

He smiled lightly and said, "The price is a bit expensive. Just tell me your lowest price. However, you only have one chance."


Thank you very much, the rewards of two old friends, Shiwaixianshen and Xiaolucky a! grateful!

(To be continued.)

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