Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 277 The Weird Live Room Phenomenon

The signal in the live broadcast room suddenly disappeared.

After all the netizens said "shake", at first they thought it was because their internet connection was disconnected.

After scolding the network provider just now, I found out that the network was not broken. The other live broadcast rooms can be opened normally, except that there is no signal in the live broadcast room just now.

Then this must be a problem with the system of the qd music live broadcast platform.

As a result, angry netizens almost exploded the hotline of the qd music live broadcast platform.

The girls who answered the phone were almost crying.

Wei Qing also thought that there was a problem with the company's server. Although the probability of server problems is extremely small, it does exist.

In a hurry, he called the company's technical department to ask what was going on.

The person in the technical department told him aggrievedly that it wasn't that there was a problem with the server, but that the other party actively cut off the live broadcast signal.

Actively cut off the live broadcast signal? What happened? Why do you want to actively cut off the live broadcast signal?

Wei Qing couldn't figure out a series of questions for the time being. He asked the people in the technical department to quickly post an announcement on the official website to explain the situation to netizens.

The people in the technical department agreed and quickly sent out an announcement. This is not a problem with our server and system, but that people are not broadcasting live.

Not live anymore?

Netizens felt an urge to go crazy after seeing the announcement.

If you don't play with me like this, I'm about to climax, and you suddenly come to a non-live broadcast, can you still play happily?

The netizens who just watched the 04521 live broadcast room went crazy, and the netizens who hadn’t watched it just now were puzzled, "What was the live broadcast in the 014521 room just now? If it is not broadcast, it will not be broadcast. The official website actually issued an announcement to explain it."

However, the live broadcast is no longer available, and the netizens who just watched the live broadcast have nothing to do.

Depressed netizens are thinking, "What song is this? Why don't you seem to have heard it?"

After thinking about it, the netizens suddenly yelled "Ah", as if they just realized something.

Miss Ni! This is definitely an original song! otherwise,

It is impossible for them not to have heard such a beautiful song.

What's the name of the song? who sang it Why live stream? And why is it suddenly stopped playing?

Looking at the scene in the video just now, it seems to be a bar. Was it sung by a bar singer? For a bar singer to sing such a classic song, it's against the sky!

Where is this bar?

And, most importantly. Who wrote this song? How could it be the original singer of a bar singer?

There are no answers to this series of questions, which makes many netizens very depressed. However, then there is a kind of excitement and excitement like discovering a new world.

As a result, the 04521 live broadcast room was instantly flooded with various problems.

Although the live broadcast signal is gone, the live broadcast room is still not closed, and the audience can still continue to speak.

"Does anyone know the name of the song just now?"

"Who was the one who just sang? Also, who wrote this song?"

"What's the name of that bar just now? Where is it?"


Zixian County, a residential area.

The signal in the live broadcast room suddenly disappeared, which also made Li Zijun very depressed. However, he probably guessed why.

Either Zhang Bin and others turned off the live broadcast equipment by themselves, or other singers or staff in the bar couldn't bear Zhang Bin and others to continue to be slapped in the face, so they helped to turn off the live broadcast equipment.

At this time, Li Zijun couldn't help but regret once again that he went to the bar scene too late today.

Otherwise, he is also enjoying the feeling of this song in the bar now, how good it is!

However, seeing the questions flying all over the screen in the live broadcast room, so many people didn't even know the name of the song.

Li Zijun felt a sense of satisfaction again, you people don't know anything, right? Want to know?

Come on, let me answer you guys.

So, everyone in the live broadcast room knew about it. This song is called "My Future Is Not a Dream" and it was sung by Zhang Yu. The bar is called the Nightless Bar and so on.

But soon, everyone's new problem came out.

Who is Zhang Yu? Why is this song originally sung? etc.

Li Zijun saw it, I'll go, this question will only be answered more and more. Besides, he didn't know about some problems.

Forget it, I am too lazy to answer, let everyone guess for themselves.

The questions of everyone in the live broadcast room could not be answered, but this did not seem to affect everyone's enthusiasm. Everyone saw the question and asked back and forth, but no one could answer it, so they simply stopped asking. Instead, start discussing the song you just heard.

During this discussion, everyone found that many of them had a common language. Therefore, the more discussions, the more excited, and more and more people joined in.

Seeing that the popularity in room 04521 has remained high, the official live broadcast platform did not remove the room from the recommended location, nor did it close the room.

In this way, a strange phenomenon was born.

The most important recommended location on the official website of the qd music live broadcast platform, the recommended live broadcast room, after clicking on it, it was pitch black, and there was nothing wrong with it.

What's even weirder is that there are still tens of thousands of people watching this live broadcast room where there are no ghosts. Moreover, the number of viewers is still on the rise.

Nimei, what are these people looking at again? Look at the pitch black one? When did netizens have such a special interest?

The speech area below was extremely hot, and everyone's enthusiasm for discussion was very high. As for the topic, it seemed to be caused by a song.

This weird phenomenon spread quickly on the Internet. More and more curious people logged on to the official website of the qd music live broadcast platform, and more and more people clicked into the legendary weird live broadcast room.

As a result, the number of viewers in this live broadcast room without any live broadcast content has grown rapidly in this surprising way.

150,000, 200,000, 300,000...

The people in the technology department of the live broadcast platform looked at each other in blank dismay. They actually witnessed with their own eyes the entire birth process of this incredible thing.

If I tell it in the future, I'm afraid no one will believe it!

This kind of thing has never happened before, and it will never happen again. In a sense, this is also a swan song.

Wei Qing was so shocked that his jaw almost dropped to the ground. He is considering whether to close the live broadcast room? this is a problem.


No Night Bar scene.

The people in the bar didn't know what happened in the live broadcast room.

They were singing along with Zhang Yu's voice, and this was the last chorus. After singing this once, the whole song will be sung.

It's just that they obviously haven't heard enough and don't want it to end like this.

Li Fan didn't know about the live broadcast room either, he was looking for Fengzi and Taozi. The song will be over soon, and it's time for them to go back.

As for Zhang Yu's matter, Li Fan believed that Zhang Yu could handle it well by himself, and he didn't need to worry about it.

On the stage, Zhang Yu sang the last line of the lyrics, and the accompanying music gradually disappeared.

The guests in the bar knew that the song was finally over. They called Zhang Yu's name and asked to sing it again. Moreover, the voices are louder and louder.

This is definitely the star treatment.

Except for the three people in the bar with dull expressions, the rest of the singers looked at Zhang Yu's expression at this time, and they were all unabashedly envious and jealous.

Of course, the song "My Future Is Not a Dream" is the one I'm most jealous of.

They knew that more than 95% of the credit for Zhang Yu's popularity tonight was due to this song.

So, who actually wrote the song? How did Zhang Yu get it?

This question will definitely keep them up all night.

On the stage, Zhang Yu was also touched by the shouts and demands of the crowd. It's just that he's not going to sing anymore.

Because, singing only once tonight is the most perfect. This is what Li Fan told him during the day, and he also deeply agrees.

He bowed to the audience on each side again, and said: "Thank you very much for your enthusiasm. I am very happy and excited. But, I am not going to sing any more tonight. However, please rest assured that you will still There is a chance to hear me sing this song. See you next time."

After Zhang Yu finished speaking, he bowed again, and then slowly left the stage.


Thank you very much, Wang Shuijingye, Shiwaixianshen, two old friends for their rewards! grateful!

(To be continued.)

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