Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 292 Gossip about

There are four crested ibis, and there are more red-crowned cranes, eight in total. I hope that there are both males and females in their groups, so that they can reproduce. At that time, a group of hundreds of them can be formed, which will be awesome.

While thinking about it, Li Fan landed on the swamp between the crested ibis and the red-crowned crane.

Both the crested ibis and the red-crowned crane seemed to sense the breath of their master, and looked up in Li Fan's direction. It's just that they just watched like this, there was no other movement for a while, and they didn't fly over at the first time.

"Alas!" Li Fan felt a little bit regretful. The talent potential of both the crested ibis and the red-crowned crane was too low, not as high as those of the four white swans.

Now that I see my master coming, I don’t even know how to come and greet him. If these guys were half as smart as tiger heads and Dasha, Li Fan would probably wake up laughing from his dreams.

Forget it, you can't force anything, it's good luck to get them, and you can't ask too much, no.

There was no other way, so Li Fan had no choice but to wave in the direction of the crested ibis and the red-crowned crane. The crested ibis and the red-crowned crane chirped cheerfully, and hopped towards Li Fan.

The chirping of red-crowned cranes is high-pitched and loud, and can be conveyed several kilometers away. Crested ibis's chirping is much lower, and because of their withdrawn personality, they rarely chirp, and generally only chirp when they take off.

Crested ibis singing so cheerfully like the one now is probably never seen in the wild.

Li Fan was very satisfied when he saw the two groups of beautiful big birds that were rushing towards him. It is enough to understand his movements and understand some simple commands.

More than 10 beautiful big birds fluttered around Li Fan, and it could be seen that they were very excited.

"Oh, not bad, not bad. Be good, be good." Li Fan teased the big birds for a while, and then waved his hands to let them play by themselves.

"Little Curse, aren't these guys beautiful?" After the big birds left, Li Fan asked Little Curse.

Little Man replied: "Well, they are very beautiful. Does the master like them very much?"

"Yes, they are the stars of the birds. Come on, let's go back to the small island in the center of the lake." After Li Fan finished speaking, he controlled his body and flew towards the small island in the center of the lake.

"Okay." Xiaoju agreed, and then followed. It's just that he seems to have something to say but hesitates.

In mid-air, Li Fan glanced at Xiao Man strangely,

He asked, "Little Man, do you have anything to say?"

Little Curse hesitated for a long time, then suddenly smiled and said, "Master, I just got a little curious just now, and I want to ask Master, do you like those big birds more, or do you like women more?"

After hearing this, Li Fan almost fell from mid-air.

Big Bird and the woman, Nimei, why do you feel so evil?

Li Fan glanced at Xiao Man very suspiciously, and found that the guy looked innocent and curious.

Well, it seems that guy is just asking me if I prefer crested ibises and red-crowned cranes, or women.

However, this question is not correct. Is there any comparison between the two?

Li Fan didn't want to answer the bastard's question, so he sped up and flew towards the small island in the center of the lake.

Seeing his master suddenly speeding up, Xiao Man hurried to chase after him, and said while chasing, "Master, I'm just suddenly curious. I know you must like women more, right? In your human world, men must like women most. woman."

Ignoring the yelling of that guy from behind, Li Fan quickly came to the sky above the small island in the center of the lake.

"The little curse guy said there is another endangered bird called the yellow-bellied tragopan. I seem to have heard of the name, but I don't know it." Li Fan muttered while observing the various birds coming and going on the island.

There are more than 1,000 of these birds, and there are probably more than 100 species. Li Fan found that there were too many types he didn't know. I don't know if there are any skill books on bird race identification in the lottery system.

Li Fan felt that he needed this knowledge now, otherwise these birds would be placed in the farm in the future. Someone asks what kind of bird is it? He really couldn't answer.

"Little mantra, what kind of yellow-bellied horned pheasant is it?" Li Fan asked.

Little Curse pointed to a bird on the ground in the distance, and said, "Master, that's the one."

Following the direction pointed by the little curse, Li Fan saw the bird called the yellow-bellied pheasant, which was about 60 centimeters in length, and it was not too small.

The upper body is chestnut brown, covered with light yellow round spots with black edges. The head is black with a black and maroon crest. The flight feathers are dark brown with brown spots.

The lower body and abdomen are almost pure brown yellow, presumably this is also the origin of the name "yellow-bellied tragopan".

It is also an endangered bird. There is a big gap in appearance between the yellow-bellied tragopan and the crested ibis and red-crowned crane. It's no wonder that this guy is not as famous as the red-crowned crane and the crested ibis, at least in the eyes of most people.

After Li Fanfu observed in mid-air for a while, he left. He didn't go up to bother the birds. He mainly wanted to confirm the growth of those birds today, and he would come back tomorrow or the day after tomorrow to take them out and place them in the farm.

Three endangered bird species were a surprise, and a very big one at that.

Therefore, Li Fan's current mood can be described as extremely comfortable.

Before leaving the space, Li Fan came to the thatched cottage again, and bought the vegetable seedlings that Zheng Jie wanted and the flower seeds that the two experts wanted in the shopping area of ​​the mall.

Because of the good mood, except for several common common flower species. Li Fan also specially bought two kinds of precious flower seeds, tulips and gills.

Presumably the two experts, especially Zhang Guangling, would be very happy after seeing these two kinds of flowers.


After leaving the space, Li Fan checked the time, it was 3 pm, it was still very early. After thinking about it, he decided to send the vegetable seedlings and flower seeds to the three old people at this time.

Before arriving at Zheng Jie's small courtyard "Yuan Lai Ju", Zheng Jie and Zhang Xia were loosening the soil in front of the small courtyard.

Li Fan asked with a smile: "Old Zheng, Aunt Zhang, do you need help?"

Zheng Jie didn't look up, and replied: "You don't have to worry about it, just bring me the vegetable seedlings earlier. With only 2 points of land, we can easily handle it."

Zhang Xia glared at Zheng Jie, looked at Li Fan, and said with a smile, "Fanzi is here, come in and sit down."

Li Fan walked into the yard with a smile and said, "Aunt Zhang hasn't farmed for a long time."

Zhang Xia nodded, and said with some emotion: "Yes, it has been decades. I have lived in the city for so long, and now I feel very kind when I see these lands."

Zheng Jie also raised her head at this time, and said: "Indeed, the land makes us feel kind. It's just a pity that we are all old, and I don't know how many years we can plant the land?"

After finishing speaking, Zheng Jie seemed a little sad.

However, Li Fan shook his head, looked at the two elders, and said with a smile: "Mr. Eat it for a long time, the vegetables grown from the sprouts I gave you will definitely get better and better, and it will be easy to exceed 100 years old."

Zheng Jie scolded with a smile: "You can talk, boy. However, your food seems to be a bit magical. I brought some back last time, and after eating for a few days in a row, I really feel more comfortable than before."

Zhang Xia also nodded and said: "I also have the same feeling, it's thanks to Fanzi that you have a heart."

After what Li Fan said, Zheng Jie smiled very brightly, and the trace of sadness just now was swept away.


(To be continued.)

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