Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 436 The plot reversed too quickly

The group of people who bought "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" today were not as hurt as the group of people yesterday because they were mentally prepared and knew the general plot when watching "The Legend of the City". . wWw. biスUgE. info

Of course, this is only relative to the group of people yesterday.

In fact, it took them a long time to adjust their emotions after reading the first three chapters of the series.

Xia Fan Tribe Forum.

Guyong fans from other provinces and neutral martial arts fans are waiting for them to come to the Xia Fans tribe to talk about it after reading it.

Although they learned yesterday that the world in "The Legend of Liancheng" was not what they imagined, it made them very disappointed and hurt.

But what is very strange is that last night, their minds were all filled with the shadow of "Liancheng Jue".

They always couldn't help but wonder, what happened after Di Yun was put in the cell? Why did Qi Fang marry Wan Gui? Does she have any difficulties? Ding Dian is so powerful, how can he die just because he wants to die?

What kind of story is there between him and Ling Shuanghua? Why does everyone say that the love between them is destined to be miserable?

A series of questions such as this made them unable to sleep well.

Even they themselves find it strange, why does such an extremely abusive novel always linger in their minds?

Do you have masochistic tendencies? Or is the charm of Gu Yong's novels so great? Such abuse of the master can also make people worried.

Of course, it is impossible for him to have masochistic tendencies, so the reason can only be the latter.

This makes them very strange and helpless. Aren't they looking for abuse on their own?

Of course, even so, they still can't take off the "torturous devil" label they gave Guyong yesterday.

Because, they believe that based on Guyong's strength, even if "Liancheng Jue" is written so as not to abuse the master, it will definitely still make people worry.

If this is the case, then if Gu Yong wants to take off the hat of "abuser", he must make a big reversal in the following chapters to make the protagonist truly awesome and fly.

Although their minds are now full of "Chengcheng Jue\

,"But it doesn't mean that they like to watch this kind of abuse of the master.

This must be distinguished clearly.

Fans of ancient martial arts from other provinces and fans of neutral martial arts are thinking so messily in their hearts while waiting.

It was almost noon when I finally got a reaction.

"Alas! Even though I went to watch it after knowing the result, I still felt very uncomfortable while watching it, and there was always an inexplicable emotion that wanted to burst out."

"When I watched it, I was obviously too uncomfortable to watch anymore, but after taking a break, I couldn't help but want to continue watching. This is really strange."

"Perhaps this is the charm of Gu Yong's novels. Even if the world is not as beautiful as he said, it is still attractive."

"Alas! You have finally finished reading it. Please tell us some details in detail."

"Yeah, tell us quickly and be more detailed. I thought I had no interest in this novel anymore, but who knew I was thinking about it all night last night."

"Fuck you! Aren't you guys? Didn't you just listen to the general outline yesterday and already make a fuss about joining forces to boycott any author who dares to write like this? Why do you want to hear the details today?"

"Alas! Now I think we should join forces to resist, but I just want to think about it. I just want to know some details. I guess I have a masochistic tendency."


Diehard fans of Crescent Moon and Brother Ni felt something was wrong again when they saw this situation.

Hold the fuck! It's only been one night, why is the situation completely different from yesterday?

Didn’t we join forces to boycott yesterday? Why do you want to know the details today?

The way the plot is reversed is too fast, making it difficult to understand at all.

Co-author We posted so many posts last night, but they were of no use at all?

Sister Ni, aren’t you kidding us?

Fans of the two don't know whether to be depressed, disappointed, angry, or a combination of these emotions.

Guyong has no problem writing books like this, but this is probably the biggest problem.

They were thinking about this problem in their hearts, and as they were thinking about it, they suddenly discovered something that made them feel very incredible.

That is, they actually want to know some details about "Chengzhou Jue".

Last night, because I was immersed in the excitement and joy of having my idol win this competition, I basically didn't think much about "The Secret of the City".

However, just now, when they began to think about the problem that they couldn't understand, they found that they couldn't stop thinking about "Cheng Lian Jue" in their minds.

What's happening here?

Their own plot has also been reversed?

The die-hard fans of Crescent Moon and Brother Ni quickly shook their heads vigorously, trying to expel the information about "Liancheng Jue" from their minds.

They are die-hard fans of Crescent Moon (Brother Ni), so how could they be attracted by Guyong's works?

However, although their heads were shaking violently, the effect was certainly there, but it didn't seem to be particularly big.

Those martial arts writers who have been paying attention to the Xia Fan Tribe Forum in the past two days were a little dumbfounded when they saw this situation.

Where is the book you promised to give up? Did the book fans agree to join forces to boycott?

In vain, they were still complacent yesterday, thinking that things finally had some signs of developing in the direction they expected.

But looking again today, yesterday's signs have not only disappeared, but are also developing in the opposite direction.

This is what they least want to see.

It won't really be what they originally thought. Even if Gu Yong writes it like this, martial arts fans in this world will still flock to it.

This was not just dumbfounded, but also made them feel secretly frightened.

The smarter author, after being secretly frightened, hurriedly found "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" again and prepared to study it carefully. What is the magic power of "Linking the City"?

Such torture of the protagonist did not cause a large number of book fans to abandon the book.

Although "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" is currently only available in Funan Province, as a martial arts author, they always have their own way to get a copy.

Magic City, a certain residential apartment.

Crescent Moon also held "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" in his hand, frowning slightly. He had just read "Liancheng Jue" carefully again.

In the Xia Fan Tribe Forum, the martial arts fans had completely different reactions to "Liancheng Jue" today and yesterday, which made him feel that the storm was probably not coming this time.

The tranquility during the day yesterday was not the tranquility before the storm, but the real tranquility.

People who watched "The Secret of the City" really didn't have any extreme reactions, which meant that they gave Guyong Kou the label of "the master-torturer".

But what's the use? Maybe it can make Gu Yong's reputation even greater.

Why can everyone accept such a sadistic plot? Mengyue couldn't figure it out before.

But now, after he slowly read "Cheng Lian Jue", he has some understanding.

In fact, it's not that everyone can't accept such a sadistic plot. The key lies in how the author writes it.

In other words, Gu Yong's "Liancheng Jue" can be accepted by everyone.

But if another author wrote the same plot, he would probably be drowned in the saliva of book fans.

Understanding this, Crescent Moon frowned even more.

He couldn't help but think in his heart, what if he wrote a martial arts story about sadistic masters similar to "Lian Cheng Jue".

So, will his fans accept it?

To this question, Mengyue really wants to know the answer.

(To be continued.)

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