Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 475 Leaving the Valley

The time spent in the Snowy Mountains could be said to be the most comfortable time Di Yun had ever lived since he entered the world.

There is no plot or trick. Although the conditions are difficult, it is a comfortable life. Surrounded by a snowy environment, no matter how cold it is, it can't compete with the warmth in your heart.

When all the book fans saw this place, they couldn't help but feel warm in their hearts. This is one of the few pure lands in the world. Di Yun lived comfortably here, and Shui Sheng's feelings secretly arose.

Fans of the book only hope that Di Yun and Shui Sheng can live a life without fighting against the world, and never go to the outside world full of conspiracies and intrigues.

Of course, there are also some episodes in such a comfortable day, that is, Hua Tiegan is always watching eagerly next to him.

On this day, Hua Tiegan came over again.

When Shui Sheng saw Hua Tiegan wearing Liu Chengfeng's Taoist robes and Lu Tianshu's copper-colored robes, his heart trembled, and a terrible thought arose.

And this idea was quickly confirmed.

It turned out that because Hua Tiegan didn't have Di Yun's profound internal strength, he couldn't shoot down the vultures with his palm power. He could knock down very few vultures, so he couldn't feed himself at all.

Due to hunger, he actually found the bodies of his sworn brothers, Liu Chengfeng and Lu Tianshu, and ate them.

And he came to Di Yun and Shui Sheng today with the intention of killing them. In addition, the bodies of Shui Dai and Xuedao Ancestor were hidden in the ice and snow. With the bodies of these four people, he should be able to kill them. When the snow melts during the Dragon Boat Festival, he can leave the snow-capped mountains at that time.

Hua Tiegan finally ate the corpse of his sworn brother. The book fans felt horrified thinking about the horrific scene of Hua Tiegan eating the corpse.

Hold the fuck! Guyong's taste is too strong, and he dares to write such a plot.

Before Hua Tieqian, he was a great hero! When such a hero embodies the dark side of human nature, it turns out to be so thorough and terrifying.

This question may be worth thinking about for everyone.

Hua Tiegan wanted to kill Di Yun and Shui Sheng, so Di Yun naturally wouldn't let him go without hesitation, and he was with Hua Tiegan.

Di Yun was still no match for Hua Tiegan at this time, but because he was wearing black silkworm clothes, Hua Tiegan slashed Di Yun with his knife several times, but was still unable to injure Di Yun.

This shocked Hua Tiegan.

"He yelled: 'There's a ghost, there's a ghost!' He felt terrified in his heart: 'Could it be that Brother Lu and Brother Liu blamed me for eating their bodies, and ghosts appeared and came to make things difficult for me?' Immediately he was covered in cold sweat and jumped back. A few steps.”

Hua Tiegan had something in his heart and retreated again.

At this time, Di Yun knew that although his internal skills were strong, his external skills were not good enough. This was why he had never been Hua Tiegan's opponent.

So, he began to practice the "Blood Sword Sutra" left by the ancestor of the Blood Sword. He was not willing to practice such kung fu before, but now in order to defeat Hua Tiegan, he had to practice it.

In this way, through hard training, Di Yun's internal strength and external strength increased day by day.

During this period, Hua Tiegan came to see Di Yun several times, but each time he could not hurt Di Yun. He was afraid that it was a ghost causing trouble, so he finally did not dare to come to disturb him anymore, so he had to chew some bark and grass roots to survive. time.

Hua Tiegan didn't come to trouble, so Di Yun concentrated on practicing his martial arts, and his martial arts became stronger and stronger.

And Shui Sheng's love for Di Yun is getting deeper and deeper.

"Di Yun waited for her to go far away before opening his eyes. Suddenly he heard her exclamation of 'Ah', followed by another 'Ouch' and she fell to the ground.

Di Yun jumped up and rushed to her side.

Shui Sheng smiled brightly, stood up, and said: 'I lied to you. You said you don't want to see me from now on, but you haven't met me yet? That sentence doesn’t count. ’

Shui Sheng smiled coquettishly and said, "Brother Di, you rushed to save me, thank you!" ’”

However, Di Yun ignored Shui Sheng, "Di Yun glanced at her, turned his back, and strode away."

From then on, Di Yun always stayed away from Shuisheng except when eating.

While all the book fans were pleasantly surprised that Di Yun's martial arts was getting stronger and stronger, they couldn't help but feel depressed for Di Yun. Even though there was a beauty by his side, this stupid boy couldn't enjoy it. Could it be that he was still thinking about his little junior sister Qi Fang? Can't?

As winter turns to spring, the weather gets warmer and the snow in the mountains begins to slowly melt.

At this time, Di Yun's martial arts was finally accomplished. "But in terms of martial arts alone, not to mention that he is far ahead of Hua Tiegan and the Blood Sword Ancestor. Compared with Ding Dian back then, he is not far behind."

However, Di Yun still ignored Shui Sheng. Even if Shui Sheng took the initiative to speak to him, he would pretend to be deaf and dumb.

Seeing all the book fans sighing, this stupid boy is going to be a bachelor for the rest of his life.

After some time, the snow finally melted and we could leave the valley.

However, at this moment, Hua Tiegan came out of the valley first and joined a group of martial arts heroes gathered outside the valley.

Hua Tiegan was afraid of Di Yun and Shui Sheng and told all his scandals, so he took the lead in falsely accusing Shui Sheng and Di Yun, saying that Shui Sheng and Di Yun were in an affair and had murdered his father with his own hands.

Hua Tiegan had a very high status in the world, and he was a great hero. All the heroes naturally believed in Hua Tiegan's words.

Poor Di Yun and Shui Sheng have become a couple in the eyes of everyone.

Under the leadership of Hua Tiegan, all the heroes rushed into the valley to capture the young monk and avenge the death of the three heroes.

Shui Sheng defended Di Yun, saying that Di Yun was not a lewd monk but a good person.

But how could anyone believe her? Instead, they accused her of being the most shameless woman in the world, who would not even avenge her father for the sake of a wild man.

Shui Sheng's former lover Wang Xiaofeng also believed Hua Tiegan's words and believed that Shui Sheng was already having an affair with Di Yun.

Shui Sheng was very sad. It was okay if others misunderstood her. Now even Wang Xiaofeng didn't believe her. She felt sad and burst into tears.

When Di Yun saw Shui Sheng crying sadly, he couldn't bear it. He ignored everyone who was looking for him and appeared from the darkness to defend Shui Sheng's innocence. He also asked Wang Xiaofeng to take Shui Sheng and treat her well.

However, Di Yun's defense only made everyone more convinced that Shui Sheng was having an affair with him.

Shui Sheng saw that things had come to this and was afraid that everyone would catch Di Yun, so he begged Di Yun to leave and leave her alone.

In the end, Di Yun easily escaped from the crowd. Now, even Hua Tiegan was far from his opponent, let alone anyone else.

After Di Yun escaped, he did not rush out of the valley, but hid in a dark place.

The heroes thought that Di Yun had left the valley, and under the leadership of Hua Tiegan, they chased him out of the valley. Shui Sheng followed behind them and finally slowly came out of the valley.

Di Yun was the only one left in the entire valley.

This concludes Chapter 8 "Hagoromo".

This chapter is over, and all the book fans let out a long sigh of relief. This chapter is the most comfortable chapter they have read since reading "The Secret of Liancheng".

Di Yun finally achieved extremely high levels of martial arts. From now on, no one will be able to bully him anymore.

And this is not the most comfortable place for book fans. The most comfortable place for book fans is the feather coat that Shui Sheng personally made for Di Yun.

Shui Sheng has secretly developed feelings for Di Yun, and every book fan can see it.

However, at the end of this chapter, Shui Sheng followed the heroes and left, which made the book fans couldn't help but feel a little bit in their hearts.

What does this mean? Shui Sheng, who co-wrote the book, will not be with Di Yun?

Is Guyong really prepared to let Di Yun live alone for the rest of his life?

(To be continued.)

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