Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 501 Go find that boy

The shooting location of "Yue Nv Sword". wWw. Biquge. info

Li Fan was lying on a big rock. The weather was good today. The sun was warm and high in the sky. It hit people's bodies and made them feel particularly comfortable.

The filming of the crew is gradually getting on track, and Li Fan is almost fine. He plans to stay for another one or two days before leaving the crew.

When I first came to the crew, I felt very fresh and interesting when I saw the filming scene. But after staying there for a long time, I felt a little boring.

"I wonder if those boys sold my agate stone?" Li Fan thought in his heart.

He had been looking for those stones for a long time before he found them. Giving them to those boys as gifts would be worthy of them, right?

Li Fan, who felt a little bored at this time, couldn't help but be curious about how Bumazi and others would deal with those "agate stones".

You want to know how those boys dealt with those agate stones? It's actually easy.

That is to have another "accidental encounter" with that group of boys on the streets of the town.

Li Fan believed that after the "accidental encounter", the other party would tell him all the answers.

As for whether we can meet by chance?

The answer is yes, because with the Little Curse, the Little Curse can perceive everything within a radius of 1 kilometer, including Pumako and others.

Thinking of this, Li Fan bounced off the stone, found Hu Fei, and said that he was going back to town first.

Hu Fei felt helpless and envious of Li Fan's lifestyle, which focused on enjoying life, so he asked the crew's driver to drive Li Fan back to the town.

Walking on the streets of the small town, Li Fan said to Xiao Ju in his heart: "Xiao Ju, have you found any trace of those boys?"

Xiaoshu replied: "Not yet, Master."

Li Fan nodded and continued walking along the street. At this time, the phone suddenly rang.

He took out the phone and looked at it, a little surprised. In his impression, Liu Zheng rarely called him. Could it be about detective novels?

These two screenwriters, especially Yu Hai, have always been thinking about it,

What about his writing of detective novels?

"Brother Liu, why did you remember to call me today? What's going on?" Li Fan asked after answering the phone.

"Haha! Brother Li, you are very popular on the Internet today. I really have something to do with you." Liu Zheng's voice came from the phone.


A few minutes later, Li Fan hung up the phone and thought in his mind: "Skit script?"

Liu Zheng's call surprised Li Fan. The video went viral on the Internet. Li Fan was not surprised. When the girl recorded the video on her mobile phone yesterday, Li Fan knew that she would definitely post the video online.

He has no objection to this. He also hopes that this video can be seen by more and more people. Those who are not aware of this scam will not be fooled by it again in the future. .

And those scammers who often use this kind of deception to deceive people will leave a certain shadow in their hearts when they see it.

Not to mention that this kind of deception can be completely eliminated, but it is certain that some of this kind of deception can be eliminated.

What surprised Li Fan a little was that because of this video, Zhao Peilin had the idea of ​​​​asking him for a sketch script.

Zhao Peilin and Li Fan know that he is a famous sketch actor in the country. He has appeared in several Spring Festival Galas in a row. He has been one of the biggest highlights of the Spring Festival Gala in the past few and this year.

The boss, mother, third uncle, third wife, and most people in the village all like to watch his sketches.

Li Fan has also watched several of his sketches. He is an absolutely talented actor, but the scripts of his sketches are not very funny in Li Fan's opinion.

Of course, Li Fan also knows that it is actually difficult to create a good sketch script, and it is not easy to choose content, laugh points, etc.

Especially with the baggage of laughter, it is really difficult to make everyone genuinely laugh.

As for Zhao Peilin's request for a sketch script, Li Fan neither agreed nor refused. Instead, he asked Zhao Peilin to fly to Qiongliang Town and meet with Zhao Peilin himself before making a decision.

If possible, Li Fan would not refuse. It would be a good choice to let those classic sketches from his previous life appear in this world.

Capital, Yu Hai's home.

As soon as Liu Zheng finished the call, Zhao Peilin couldn't wait to ask: "Old Liu, what did Mr. Li Fan say?"

Liu Zheng smiled and said: "Brother Li said that he needs to meet with you before he can make a decision."

After hearing this, Zhao Peilin not only did not feel disappointed, but felt pleasantly surprised.

Because when Li Fan said this, it meant that he was still interested in writing sketch scripts.

Moreover, he seems to be very confident.

As for having to meet with him first before making a decision, in Zhao Peilin's opinion, that is a matter of course.

After thinking about it, Zhao Peilin said: "That's natural. Did Mr. Li Fan say where he is? I'll go visit him immediately."

Liu Zhengdao: "Of course I said it, he is now in Qiongliang Town, not far from the devil."

After hearing this, Zhao Peilin was overjoyed and said, "Magic City? That's great. It's not far from here. I'll call my assistant right now and ask my assistant to book me the fastest ticket to Magic City."

Liu Zheng and Yu Hai looked at each other and smiled helplessly.

However, they also understood Zhao Peilin's urgent mood.

Qiongliang Town.

Li Fan continued to wander on the street. When he walked to a street near the bus station, Xiao Ju's voice suddenly sounded in his mind: "Master, I sensed where the group of people were. They were in a car that was about to enter." All 14 people were on the bus at the station.”

"On the bus?" Li Fan suddenly became very happy and asked, "Is it the bus from Shanghai?"

"Yes, Master." Xiao Ju replied.

"As expected!" Li Fan knew without guessing what those boys were doing in the magic city.

"I guess they will be looking for me everywhere after they get off the car. That's all, in order to save them a lot of walking, I will go and greet them." Li Fan sighed in his heart, and his heart was still too good. .

Biao Mazi, Er Maozi and others got out of the car and walked out of the passenger station in an angry manner.

"Let's go find that kid. As long as he is still in the town, we will definitely be able to find him." Biao Mazi said, he has not forgotten to continue to experience the feeling of being the boss.

"Wait!" Er Maozi said suddenly, "I think I saw that kid."

"Did you see it? Where is it?" Several people asked in unison, how lucky is he? I saw it as soon as I got off the car.

Ermaozi said: "It was at the intersection in front of us, but it's gone now. I guess he also saw us, so he ran away. It seemed that he ran to the street on the right. Let's go! Chase after him."

"Let's go!" More than 10 people shouted at the same time, which was quite impressive.

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