Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 520 Sitting on a Sculpture

To the east of Sansheng Village, at the entrance of Baiyun Mountain. wWw. biスUgE. info

After Li Fan had an exchange with Xiao Tian, ​​Xiao Tian leaned forward, and Li Fan lightly jumped onto Xiao Tian's back. The thick feathers were very soft and spacious. Li Fan could stand, sit, or sit on it. You can lie down or sleep on it, it's very comfortable.

After trying various positions, Li Fan decided to stand on Xiao Tian's back. He thought this position was the most handsome.

"Xiao Tian, ​​let's go!" Li Fan shouted energetically.

With a roar and no movement of Xiaotian's wings, Li Fan felt that he was rising quickly and steadily into the air, getting higher and higher.

It feels much more stable than when the plane takes off, and there is no bumpy feeling at all.

Li Fan now wants to learn how to roar like Xiaotian. In his past life, he is definitely the first person in the world to take off in this way.

After rising to a certain height, Xiaotian no longer continued to rise, but flew smoothly according to Li Fan's instructions.

Li Fan stood on Xiaotian's back. Apart from the whistling wind, it felt very stable. Even if he walked on it, it was as if he was walking on flat ground.

Of course, this is because Xiaotian knew that his master was on his back and deliberately flew so smoothly. If it was just itself, it would naturally not be flying like this.

Xiaotian was flying over the area at the entrance of Baiyun Mountain, while Li Fan looked at everything on the ground with joy. At this time, he had no intention of observing the hunting ground area, and was ready to enjoy flying first. Let’s talk about the feeling.

At this time, he really felt as if he was flying. This feeling was not comparable to flying.

At this moment, Li Fan couldn't help but think of those practitioners who flew with swords in the online fantasy novels he read in his previous life. Only those practitioners could compare with him at this moment.

Thinking of this, Li Fan suddenly felt filled with pride, and he felt like he was dominating the world.

Li Fan mentally calculated Xiaotian's speed at this time, which was about 80 kilometers per hour. At this speed, he could stand safely on Xiaotian's back.

If the speed was faster, he would have to sit or lie on Xiao Tian's back. If it was still faster, he would have to use external force.

"Well, make some preparations next time and let Xiaotian fly at the ultimate speed to experience the feeling of speed and passion.

"Li Fan thought happily in his heart.

After Xiaotian carried Li Fan flying for a while, Li Fan remembered the hunting ground and asked Xiaotian to lower the flying altitude, just a little higher than the treetops on Baiyun Mountain.

Xiaotian slowly lowered his altitude, and his speed also dropped with it, flying slowly in the air slightly higher than the treetops.

Li Fan stood on Xiao Tian's back, carefully observing the geographical environment below, directing Xiao Tian's flight path while calculating in his mind.

Starting from a place not far from the entrance of Baiyun Mountain to the east of the village, an area of ​​approximately 1,000 acres was defined.

In this area, the terrain is relatively flat, the highest altitude is no more than 100 meters, and there are no cliffs, Gobi cliffs, or silt swamps, making it a very suitable hunting ground.

Li Fan flew back and forth several times along the edge of this area, and then made a decision in his heart, this is it.

The hunting ground will be divided into a hunting area and a breeding area. The hunting area is naturally a place for people to hunt, while the breeding area is where Li Fan breeds game.

Of course, Li Fan raises wild game in the breeding area, not to serve the hunting area.

The game raised in the breeding area is only used by the farm and restaurant for their own use and for sale to customers.

The prey in the hunting area can only be animals native to Baiyun Mountain. Li Fan is not prepared to provide prey to the hunting ground.

If provided, it would make hunting less interesting.

After selecting the area, Li Fan landed on the ground to explore some places in the area that were difficult to observe from the air.

It was not until close to noon that the entire area was explored and it was determined that this area could be used as a hunting ground.

All that remains is to isolate this area through a special means.

This is a very troublesome thing for others to do, but for Li Fan, it is nothing.

Because he owns the Immortal Space.

There is something called "intelligent isolation zone" in the mall system. This isolation zone is transparent. No one in the world except Li Fan can see this isolation zone.

The most amazing thing about this isolation zone is that it can intelligently distinguish the types of animals that pass through it.

If dangerous animals or protected animals want to cross the isolation belt, they will be automatically blocked by the isolation belt.

Those ordinary animals can freely pass through the isolation zone without feeling anything.

Of course, people can also pass through.

What Li Fan has to do now is to ask Xiaotian, Dasha, Zhuiyun, and Xiao Zhuiyun to drive out all dangerous animals and protected animals in the hunting area.

After that, he used smart isolation belts to isolate the hunting ground area, so that only ordinary animals could enter the hunting ground in the future.

Of course, this is just a simple and effective method used by Li Fan, and it cannot be claimed as such to the outside world.

For the outside world, Li Fan will intermittently make some hunting ground signs along the perimeter of the hunting ground area so that hunters can accurately determine the hunting ground area.

As for safety, it is announced that the entire hunting ground area will be guarded by Dalong and Zhuiyun, and those dangerous animals will never dare to step into the hunting ground area.

Nowadays, the reputation and prestige of the "Blue Dragon" and "White Tiger" of Xianyuan Farm are quite high. With their protection, tourists will feel absolutely at ease.

Li Fan summoned Xiao Tian, ​​Dasha, Zhui Yun, and Xiao Zhui Yun and gave them the expulsion mission.

For a time, the entire hunting ground area was buzzing with all kinds of animals, scrambling to escape towards the outside of the hunting ground area.

There is no way, those four guys are too scary.

In addition to dangerous animals and protected animals, many ordinary animals also escaped due to fright.

But it doesn't matter. After Dasha and the others leave, they will come back slowly.

About two hours later, Xiaotian, Dasha, Zhuiyun, and Xiao Zhuiyun finished their work smoothly.

Li Fan came on Xiaotian's back again, flew around the hunting ground area, and placed the smart isolation belt.

All that's left is to do some superficial work for outsiders to see. Don't rush this. It doesn't matter if you wait two days before doing it. Anyway, the hunting area needs some time to recover.

So, next, let’s experience the fun of flying in the sky again.

Li Fan waved his hand, and Xiao Tian roared away with Li Fan.

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