Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 561 Interview

Everyone has finished reading the story of "Chang'e Flying to the Moon", but the atmosphere seems a little strange.

It turns out that this is the story of Chang'e flying to the moon.

It turns out that Chang'e deserted her husband.

It turns out that the image of Chang'e is not very "beautiful".

It turns out that myths and legends are not necessarily beautiful.

After today's incident where some people questioned "Hou Yi Shoots the Sun", no one now doubts that this work was fabricated by Li Fan.

They believe that the reason why Li Fan wrote this must be based on certain facts.

Moreover, this piece of "Chang'e Flying to the Moon" is just like "Hou Yi Shoots the Sun", which gives people an extremely real feeling, and it still feels like it is recorded in a certain classical book.

But it is precisely because of this that everyone's hearts are strange.

They always thought that the image of Chang'e was very beautiful, and the reason why she flew to the moon was also positive, but who knew that the truth of the matter was this.

They also felt sorry for Hou Yi, a great hero who saved the people of the world and stood upright, but was betrayed by his wife, which was too sad.

At this time, the moon in the sky was still bright. Everyone looked up at the moon in the sky, their thoughts wandering.

They seemed to have seen the beautiful figure of Chang'e running towards the moon alone, and also saw the lonely figure of Chang'e after arriving at the moon palace.

well! Chang'e finally paid the price of betrayal.

How should one choose between a lonely and miserable eternity and two people loving and laughing for hundreds of years?

For some, the answer may be no hesitation, but for others, it may be a very difficult choice.

An article called "Chang'e Flying to the Moon" that surprised everyone took their thoughts so far away that they forgot all about the wine in their glasses.

Li Fan clearly felt the silence on the Internet, and this was something he had expected.

In fact, he could have chosen another version of "Chang'e Flying to the Moon", and this situation would not have happened at all.

But he didn't do that,

One is because this version is more widely circulated than that version. No matter what the reason is, there is a reason after all. Naturally, he would choose the more widely circulated version.

Secondly, he believes that this version is more like a story and legend, while the other version is a kind of sustenance for people's good wishes.

It's just life, where can there be so much perfection?

After thinking about it, Li Fan updated Weibo and said: "Do you feel regretful and sad in your heart? The content of the story may indeed make people sad, but sometimes, reality is so cruel, and this is also part of the world.

Moreover, the content of "Chang'e Flying to the Moon" may not be beautiful, but the legend itself is very beautiful. Isn't it? "

Li Fan's Weibo brought everyone's thoughts back.

Indeed, as Li Fan said, this world has many imperfections, how can they expect everything to be so perfect?

As Li Fan said, no matter what the content is, the legend of Chang'e flying to the moon itself is very beautiful.

And tonight, under the silvery moonlight, they witnessed the birth of this beautiful legend with their own eyes. This was a very perfect thing.

"Come on, come on, let's raise our glasses again. Don't let the golden cups stand in the sky. Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night."

"That's right, that's right. How can a golden cup stand empty against the moon? Fill up the cup and raise a toast."


It was a sleepless night. Everyone was communicating online and drinking together. It was so unhappy.

It wasn't until late at night that everyone said goodbye one after another and fell asleep.

At this time, the moon was still high in the sky, and its hazy and soft moonlight shone into everyone's sweet dreams.

Early the next morning, the morning light sent away the afterglow of the moon, and everyone woke up from their sweet dreams one after another.

Last night's grand occasion of countless people raising glasses to invite the moon together was destined to set off a storm of heated discussion today, and it was also destined to become a good talk in the future.

Dozens of media, newspapers, and major websites reported on what happened last night. Moreover, most media websites feature front-page headlines and lengthy reports.

Among them, everyone toasted to the moon. Li Fan's poems and the legend of "Chang'e Flying to the Moon" were undoubtedly the focus of the report.

And the miracle of everyone using the third glass of wine to summon the moon at the right time is undoubtedly the key point and the most breathtaking point.

Countless media outlets are exclaiming that this is an unbelievable miracle, although theoretically speaking, such a miracle is indeed possible. However, the probability is extremely slim.

Is it because Li Fan's luck is too bad? Or does Li Fan have an in-depth study of astronomy and meteorology and be able to predict the moment when the moon will appear?

The media are speculating, and netizens are also speculating. Everyone is very curious to know the answer.

The answer may only be the former, because no one will believe the latter.

Those who did not know about last night's incident, after reading various reports today, exclaimed that what they saw today must be fake news, and there could be no such coincidence.

It wasn't until some netizens uploaded the video they recorded last night to the Internet that they had to believe that it really was such a coincidence.

Then, there was endless regret, regretting why they didn't participate in it last night? Why play games? Why watch TV series?

As the core figure of last night's incident, Li Fan is undoubtedly the target of everyone's pursuit. Everyone wants to hear what Li Fan himself has to say about last night's incident.

Under this circumstance, dozens of media have expressed their willingness to conduct an exclusive interview with Li Fan.

Li Fan, after thinking for a moment, chose an authoritative large media organization to be interviewed.

Of course, it is a text interview. All the interviews Li Fan has accepted so far have been text interviews.

It's just that today's text interview is a little special. It will be broadcast live on the Internet, and netizens who are willing to watch it can see it directly.

When the media asked Li Fan if he could conduct a live webcast, Li Fan agreed without hesitation. He had no objection to this.

Netizens were very excited when they learned the news. The interview would start on time at nine o'clock in the morning, and many netizens could not wait to sit in front of the computer after eight o'clock.

Among them, in addition to fans of Li Fan and those who follow the Myth Contest, there are also many netizens who are not fans of Li Fan and do not follow the Myth Contest. They also sat in front of the computer, waiting for the interview to begin.

They were naturally attracted by today's various reports.

Everyone was waiting and chatting, feeling quite at ease.

Thank you very much for the 500 tip from Dandan! grateful!

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