Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 565 Kuafu Zhuri

After Guyong's Weibo came out, the controversy on the Internet about who the author was ended with the victory of Guyong's fans.

Of course, this does not mean that netizens who support other authors agree that that author is really Gu Yong.

However, the author they support has never made any statement, but Gu Yong has publicly expressed his position. This has undoubtedly become the most lethal weapon for Gu Yong fans, and they can only temporarily stop their activities.

Now, we just have to wait for Gu Yong's work to come out. If the quality is really high, then it will really have to stop completely. If its quality is average, then wait for their counterattack.

In addition, there is another group of people who are particularly concerned about Gu Yong's Weibo, and that is the martial arts authors.

"Fuck you! Does Guy Yong feel too good about himself? Is he so sure that the author Li Fan mentioned is him?"

"That guy is a very conceited person to begin with. He probably regards Shinhwa as martial arts."

"I see that guy was watching this mythology competition. Li Fan stole the limelight all by himself. He felt envious and jealous, so he was ready to steal Li Fan's limelight. Hey! I'm afraid that instead of grabbing the limelight, It’s such a shame.”

"Alas! I hope he won't be embarrassed. After all, he is the author of our martial arts field."


This is the thinking of some martial arts authors, but there are also other authors who do not think so, such as Wuxia masters such as Crescent Moon and Brother Ni. They know that Gu Yong is by no means a person who does not overestimate his own abilities just to show off. Since he said so , then he must be absolutely sure that he will not lose to Li Fan.

Perhaps the author Li Fan mentioned was really him.

Well, this time Gu Yong is probably going to share the stage of this competition with Li Fan, which is indeed very enviable.

It's just that it's useless no matter how envious they are. They know themselves, and they will never be able to write a mythological work like Li Fan.

However, no matter what the martial arts authors think, they are all very concerned about the entries that Gu Yong will publish.

Sansheng Village.

After Li Fan updated Weibo in the name of Guyong,

I can’t help but wonder which two works I should choose?

Moreover, after publishing these two works in the name of Gu Yong, Li Fan is no longer planning to publish new works in this competition.

He originally planned to publish a total of ten works in this competition and win the top ten in the competition, but now he feels that this does not seem to be very good.

Because there are too many ten works at one time, everyone is prone to aesthetic fatigue. In this case, if we continue to launch other mythological works, its influence will not achieve the best effect.

In this case, let's wait until new opportunities arise in the future before continuing to launch other works.

So, which two pieces should be used for the last two works in this competition? First of all, it must be exciting enough, and secondly, it is best to leave suspense and controversy.

Well, Li Fan thought for a moment and soon had the answer.

As a result, Gu Yong's first mythological work officially appeared in the official submission channel.

After Gu Yong's Weibo update, countless people with different ideas were refreshing the submission channel on the official website of the competition.

Finally, after a refresh, everyone saw the work signed by Gu Yong: "Kuafu Chasing the Sun".

It turned out to be "Kuafu Chasing the Sun", and all my thoughts suddenly crossed my mind, why did Kuafu Chasing the Sun? People's curiosity about this issue is comparable to why Hou Yi shot at the sun.

Gu Yong's choice of this material may have some unspoken flavor in it.

Well, it's interesting. Everyone's interest can't help but become higher.

So, let's see if Gu Yong is really as powerful as Li Fan said?

"In ancient times, in the northern wilderness, there was a majestic mountain that towered into the clouds. Deep in the mountain forest, there lived a group of giants with infinite strength.

They are strong, tall, strong-willed and extraordinary in spirit. He is also kind-hearted, hard-working and brave, and lives a life without fighting against the world.

They were called the Kuafu clan, and their leader was called Kuafu.

At that time, the land was desolate, poisonous snakes and wild beasts were rampant, and people's lives were miserable. In order to enable the people of his tribe to survive, Kuafu led his people to fight against scourges every day.

Kuafu often hung the ferocious yellow snakes he caught as decorations on his ears and waved them in his hands, taking pride in them.

One year the weather was very hot. The scorching sun shone directly on the earth, killing crops, scorching trees, and drying up rivers. The heat was unbearable, and people from the Kuafu tribe died one after another.

Kuafu was very sad to see such a scene. He looked up at the sun and told his tribe: "The sun is really hateful. I want to catch up with the sun, catch it, and let it obey people's commands." ’

After hearing this, the tribesmen tried to dissuade him, saying that the sun was so far away that they could not catch up with him, and that the sun was so hot that it would burn Kuafu to death.

However, Kuafu was determined to capture the sun and let it serve his people.

So, when the sun just rose from the sea the next day, Kuafu said goodbye to his people and bravely embarked on his daily journey.

Kuafu passed through mountains and rivers, getting closer and closer to the sun.

However, the closer to the sun, the thirstier Kuafu felt. He drank up the water from the Yellow River and the Wei River, but his thirst was still not quenched.

So Kuafu ran north again, where there was a vast swamp stretching thousands of miles across, which would definitely quench his thirst.

However, this time Kuafu failed. Before he could reach Daze, he died of thirst on the way.

When Kuafu was about to die, he was so regretful that he threw away the wooden stick in his hand.

Where the wooden stick landed, a large lush peach forest grew. This peach forest is lush all year round, providing shade for passers-by. The fresh peaches produced quench the thirst of hardworking people.

This is the last good thing Kuafu did for people. "

After everyone finished reading "Kuafu Zhuri", they all took a breath of cold air and let out bursts of sighs.

It's just that the sighs issued by people with different thoughts before were slightly different.

Historians such as Cen Geng and Shen Cong had uncontrollable surprises on their faces. Gu Yong's ability to write myths and legends was indeed not inferior to Li Fan's.

There was Li Fan before, and now there is Gu Yong. With the two of them, we have to fill in the gaps in our country's myths and legends. This task seemed impossible before, but now it seems very promising.

And all the ancient people were fascinated by the surprise, and they also felt a sense of relief.

Although they seemed confident, confident, and arrogant when they argued with others on the Internet, they actually still felt a little uneasy in their hearts.

After all, Guyong never wrote myths, not even fairy tales.

But now it's better. Gu Yong has proved with facts that his ability to write myths is indeed not inferior to Li Fan.

Thank you very much, Herodot for your reward, I have been supporting you recently, thank you!

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