Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 576 Li Fan is here?

Ai Xiang Qingshan finished the piece of fish with a complicated expression, and just murmured: "No, no, impossible, impossible."

Guo Xuewen's face was full of excitement, not only because he won the competition, but also because the fish he cooked was far more delicious than he imagined.

It seems that the fish in Xianyuan Farm are more magical than rumored.

Then he saw Qingshan's mournful look, which made him feel even more happy. However, he just said lightly: "Master Qingshan, who won this game?"

Qingshan Aixiang did not answer Guo Xuewen, but still murmured to himself: "No, even if Guo Xuewen is really better than me, he is only slightly better at most. Why is this? Unless it is due to the nature of the ingredients, but then again What ingredients can make it so delicious? Ingredients, wait..."

Qingshan Aixiang suddenly remembered that during the preparations for the competition, a young man brought a fish to Guo Xuewen. Could it be because of the fish?

Thinking of this, Qingshan Aixiang said: "Master Guo, you did win this game, and you were far better than me. However, this is not because of your own strength, but because of the ingredients themselves, and because of that young man That fish someone gave you?"

As soon as Qingshan Aixiang said these words, not to mention how Guo Xuewen would answer, everyone at the scene first cheered.

Although they had just guessed something from Qingshan's sad expression, they couldn't be sure after all.

Now that Qingshan Aixiang admits that he lost, how can he still suppress his emotions?

"Haha! Master Guo really won, it's great!"

"Yeah, I feel like the haze of the past two days has been completely gone."

"Oh! It still feels good to win! Look at the faces of those people from the Islands, tsk! It's quite exciting!"


Now, the faces of the people from the archipelago at the scene were indeed wonderful. They looked at Aoyama Aixiang on the judges' stage with wide eyes. They couldn't believe that Aoyama Aixiang, who was full of confidence just a moment ago, now didn't wait for the judges to announce. As a result, he took the initiative to admit defeat in advance?

Is the fish made by Guo Xuewen really so delicious?

Also, Qingshan Aixiang said that Guo Xuewen won because a young man gave him a fish. What's going on?


This latter question is not only wanted to know by the people of the islands, but also by everyone at the scene.

Even those in the media were very interested and turned their cameras on Guo Xuewen, wanting to hear how he would answer?

Now that the game was assured, the passion for their coverage was back.

After listening to Qingshan Aixiang's words, the four judges couldn't help but wonder, "Is it really because of the fish itself?"

Immediately, they turned to look at Guo Xuewen with doubts on their faces.

Guo Xuewen saw that everyone's eyes at the scene were suddenly focused on him. He was very excited and a little nervous.

What Qingshan said just now was fair and aboveboard. Guo Xuewen tried to calm himself down and said: "Master Qingshan is right. The reason why I won is not because my cooking skills are better than yours. Just like Just as you thought, a noble man just gave me a fish, and it was that fish that made me win this game.”

"Excuse me, Master Guo, who is that young man? Why did he give you a fish? What's special about that fish? Why can you win with just one fish?" After Guo Xuewen finished speaking, Qingshan Ai Xiang had not yet finished speaking. While talking, the reporter below excitedly asked questions first, and even asked several questions in a row.

They already had a premonition that there might be unexpected gains today.

Facing the reporter's question, Guo Xuewen smiled and said: "Who is that young man? I am just guessing now, not sure. Why did he give me the fish? Maybe because he wanted to help Shanghai University win, or maybe it was because he wanted to help Shanghai University win. It’s just that he did it casually. However, one thing I can tell you for sure is that this fish comes from Xianyuan Farm.”

"Xianyuan Farm? Oh! Oh my god, since when did the fish from Xianyuan Farm appear in the Magic City?"

"Xianyuan Farm? What is that place? Is it awesome?"

"Xianyuan Farm? I've heard that there are rumors on the Internet that the vegetables used to be very delicious, and the fish seems to have only come out recently."

Everyone had different reactions after hearing "the fish comes from Xianyuan Farm".

Some people were shocked, while others had never heard of a place like Xianyuan Farm, and most people were somewhere in between.

They knew about Xianyuan Farm, but they were not very shocked. After all, the magic of Xianyuan Farm was just a rumor and they had not seen it in person.

However, most people at the scene seemed relatively calm about "the fish comes from Xianyuan Farm". Well, if we think about it further, most of the people at the scene immediately became uneasy.

First, the reporter continued to ask: "Master Guo, you said the fish was given to you by a young man. Could it be that the young man is Li Fan, the owner of Xianyuan Farm?"

After hearing this, Guo Xuewen laughed and said: "Well... I also guessed this, but he didn't tell me his identity. However, I can tell everyone that based on the feeling he gave me, he should be Mr. Li without a doubt."

"What? It's Mr. Li Fan, it's impossible."

"Mr. Li Fan? No, Mr. Li Fan is at the scene? Where is he?"

"It can't really be Mr. Li Fan, this is really incredible."

"Oh, my God! I just saw a young man standing in front of Master Guo's stove for a long time. I didn't expect it to be Mr. Li Fan! I missed it!"

"Yes, I saw it too. Who would have thought it would be Mr. Li Fan!"


When they heard that the young man turned out to be Li Fan, everyone could not remain calm. There was a commotion at the scene.

Of course, not everyone is calm. For example, a young man asked weakly: "Well...can I ask? Why are you so uncalm when you heard that the young man is Li Fan?" "

As soon as this question was asked, everyone around looked at the man with contempt. One of them said: "You may not like Li Fan, but you shouldn't have even heard his name. Is it possible that your kid doesn't have Internet access at home?"

The young man wiped away his sweat and continued: "This name seems to have a bit of an impression, but I usually don't pay attention to celebrities, so..."

"Then do you listen to the songs? "Tomorrow will be better", "Loyalty to the Country", "The Sea"?"

"Listen, these are my favorite songs."

"That's alright, those songs were all written by one person, and that person's name is Li Fan."

"These songs were all written by Li Fan? Damn! I didn't even notice. But what happened to the owner of Xianyuan Farm just now?"

"I can't explain this to you in a few words. Just go back and search for the words 'Xianyuan Farm' on the Internet."

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