Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 581 A very good idea

In the first question, Yan Guoli has already announced that the two sides are tied, and both players have accepted this decision.

However, at this time, a voice suddenly sounded in the crowd, "I think this question can determine the winner."

"Who is it? Who is talking?"

"I heard that the tone of the words seemed to be from an island country."

"Hold on! What do you mean? He thinks the small island nation should win?"

Everyone was talking and looking in the direction of the sound.

On the competition stage, the contestants from Modu University frowned, and they also heard that the speaker seemed to be from the island nation, "What does this mean? Does that person think that Yingyun Club should win? "

But everyone in Yingyun Society looked happy.

"It's Mr. Hasegawa. It's great that Mr. Hasegawa is here!"

"Haha! Mr. Hasegawa must have a better idea."

"Yes, it seems we are going to win this question!"

Yan Guoli, Zhang Daqian, Lin Zhongze, and Tan Lin frowned slightly and looked at each other. But he didn't say anything for the time being.

At this time, a man in his 30s walked out of the crowd, short, slightly thin, with two uncomfortable mustaches.

What he just said is what he said.

The man walked out of the crowd and stepped onto the competition stage. He first made eye contact with several people from Yingyun Club, then walked to the long table where the three people and Tan Lin were sitting, bowed slightly, and said: "Hasegawa Kenta has met the three masters and Principal Tan."

The three people and Tan Lin all nodded slightly, and then Yan Guoli said: "Mr. Hasegawa just said that this question can determine the winner. Could it be that Mr. Hasegawa has a better answer."

Kenta Hasegawa smiled slightly and said: "Mr. Yan, I do have a better answer that can help our Yingyun Club win. Moreover, according to the rules of the competition, both parties can find foreign aid for help. Therefore, I ask Mr. Yan to allow me to Represent Yingyun Society and participate in this competition."

As soon as Kenta Hasegawa finished speaking, everyone below exploded.

"Fuck you! Who is this kid? This is a very loud tone."

"You're just showing off! Why didn't you draw together just now? Now you want everyone to watch your drawing alone?"

"It's definitely showing off.

It's a pity that you are from a small island country, and the girls in our school will not like you. "

"That's right, come down quickly and stop pretending. Can you still draw a flower?"


The frying pan below belongs to the frying pan, but according to the rules of the competition, Kenta Hasegawa can indeed represent the Sakura Cloud Club in the competition.

As for why we didn’t paint together just now?

As netizens said, Kenta Hasegawa is really just trying to show off. He is quite famous in the island country. Sakura Cloud Club invited him many times before agreeing to come to the scene today to help out.

Then he must be able to reflect his status only by painting alone.

And, this is not illegal.

Yan Guoli looked at Kenta Hasegawa, and naturally knew what he was thinking, and thought to himself: "After all, you are still a young man, and you can't forget to be in the limelight!"

However, he still nodded and said, "Yes, Mr. Hasegawa, please!"

After hearing Yan Guoli's promise, Kenta Hasegawa's face suddenly showed excitement. There were so many people present, and many of them were young and beautiful girls. It was so cool to pretend!

As for whether he is sure to help Yingyun Club win?

He was really sure, because when he was thinking before, he had a flash of inspiration and thought of a good idea.

The faces of several people from Yingyun Club also showed excitement.

Originally, when they saw that Kenta Hasegawa didn't show up, they thought that Kenta Hasegawa was unwilling to take action, or that he didn't have good ideas and had already accepted the fact of a tie.

But who knew that Kenta Hasegawa suddenly gave them a surprise. Since Kenta Hasegawa is willing to take action, he must be sure of victory.

It seems that their Yingyun Society won the first question.

The contestants on the Magic University side all snorted and said to themselves: "Why are you so excited? We have drawn almost all the ideas that can be thought of for this question. So what can Hasegawa draw? What the hell are you doing? You’re showing off now. Hehe! If you don’t get off the stage later, let’s see how you’re going to be embarrassed!”

The players from Yingyun Club had fiery eyes, while the Magic University players looked on with cold eyes.

Kenta Hasegawa, however, ignored the looks between the two parties and walked excitedly to Sakura Cloud Club's side, picked up his pen and started painting.

Since he is the only one painting now, the entire large LCD screen behind the competition stage is exclusive to him.

This guy is really good at pretending.

Kenta Hasegawa's painting speed is very fast. In a few minutes, a tall and towering mountain has been formed.

Apart from anything else, judging from his painting skills alone, he has indeed achieved a certain level of attainment, which is far beyond what those previous players could compare to.

Even Yan Guoli and three others nodded in approval.

Li Fan also nodded, agreeing with Kenta Hasegawa's painting skills, and was also curious about how he would embody the word "hidden".

However, everyone at the scene didn't care about your painting skills or not, so they complained first.

"Ouch! I thought this Toritani River was so capable. It's just a big mountain. Next, are you going to paint a corner of a temple or a curl of smoke?"

"Yeah, this guy brags a lot. Isn't this what he draws? I thought he was so magical."

"Alas! No matter what, he is pretending to be cool. So many people are watching him paint, how handsome he is!"

"Tch! You're faking it, and in the end you won't be able to get on stage, and you'll lose yourself. If you're just faking it and you can't get off stage, then why bother?"


The people below kept complaining, but as they continued to complain, the voices of the complaints became quieter and quieter, and their faces became increasingly ugly.

Because they have gradually guessed Kenta Hasegawa's creativity.

And, objectively speaking, its creativity is indeed very good.

Even Yan Guoli, Zhang Daqian, and Lin Zhongze had a hint of surprise in their eyes.

Li Fan also nodded.

I saw that in Hasegawa Kenta's paintings, a lake surrounded by green forests loomed among the green and majestic mountains.

The lake is green and crystal clear. In one corner of the lake, there is a slightly blurry reflection on the clear water. The reflection is clearly the corner of the temple.


This is indeed a very good idea. The painting does not depict the temple from the front, but uses the reflection of the lake to show from the side that there is a temple hidden not far from the lake.

Everyone at the scene looked at each other with ugly expressions. Although they were unwilling to admit it, objectively speaking, Hasegawa Kenta's painting did better reflect the word "hidden" in the title.

It's better than anyone's previous work, and many people couldn't help but shout "beautiful" in their hearts!

It's a pity that Kenta Hasegawa is from the island country and represents Sakuraunsha.

It seemed that Yingyun Society won the first question, and everyone was sighing.

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