Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 610 Where is the goddess?

Others were baffled and didn't know the reason, but the other three men were very honored to know the reason quickly. wWw. biスUgE. info

Because, they also enjoyed the same treatment one after another.

In the blink of an eye, the four men who were standing in front of him a moment ago were now all squatting on the ground, covering their shoulders with their hands, wailing softly.

At this time, everyone around them also saw some clues, but they just couldn't believe it. How could that kid have so much power with just a tap? Let four strong men suffer like this?

Li Fan glanced at the people around him and saw their expressions of disbelief. His heart moved and he said with a smile: "What? You don't believe it? Do you want to give it a try?"

As he spoke, he stretched out his left hand and made a "pinching" motion.

The people around him suddenly felt a chill running down their spines. They subconsciously covered their shoulders with their hands and moved back at the same time.

Obviously, no one is willing to give it a try, true or false.

Moreover, after everyone moved like this, the space around Li Fan suddenly became much empty.

Li Fan laughed, while Qin Wei pinched Li Fan's arm angrily.

The surrounding area was empty, and Li Fan could pass easily. He took Qin Wei's hand and was about to leave.

At this time, the four men who were squatting on the ground slowly stood up. At this time, their shoulders no longer hurt much.

When Li Fan saw the four people standing up, he was not in a hurry to leave. Instead, he asked with a smile: "Do you want to continue to block the way?"

The four of them hurriedly shook their heads like rattles and scurried aside at the same time. What are they blocking at this time? They just want to leave here quickly.

Among the surrounding crowd, Hong Shao and Pu Wenyong looked at each other. Hong Shao said: "This kid is really powerful. No wonder Brother Wen said not to use strong measures."

Pu Wenyong said: "It is indeed powerful, but Brother Shao, the more powerful he is, the more it means that all his energy is spent on practicing martial arts, and he is probably ignorant of many other aspects, let alone music. This is more important to us. favorable."

Hong Shao nodded and said, "That's right. We're not going to compete with him. No matter how powerful he is, what can he do? But, Yongzi, why do I feel that that kid looks familiar? I seem to have seen him somewhere."

Pu Wenyong said again: "After you said this,

I also think he looks familiar. I think he often comes to bars and we have met before. "

Hong Shao said: "Well, that should be it. Okay, let's start on the stage now. I think that guy will leave soon."

Pu Wenyong said: "Brother Shao, don't worry, we have already prepared it."

The four men hurriedly moved away. Li Fan shook his head and pulled Qin Wei towards the door of the bar.

At this moment, the eyes of the people around him were different from before.

Of course there is still envy, but I don’t dare to be jealous anymore, let alone hate.

"That boy seems to have some real abilities. No wonder the beauty would follow him wholeheartedly."

"Alas! How wonderful it would be if I could hold such a beautiful woman in my arms anytime!"

"As for you, it will be great if you can find a wife in the future. Do you still want to have a beautiful woman?"

"Go, ideal, ideal, what is ideal? Do you understand?"


However, Li Fan never expected that another accident would happen before he took Qin Wei far.

I could only hear a voice coming from the speakers around the hall: "Dear friends present, good evening! I am the singer Liu Mingyang. I have a new song of my own originality, which I want to dedicate to the most beautiful lady present. , she is our goddess tonight. Friends, where is our goddess?"

goddess? When the men and some women in the hall heard the word "goddess", they immediately lost their composure. Cheers and boos rang out from every corner of the hall.

"Haha! The goddess is on my side, I see the goddess."

"No, no, the goddess is obviously on our side. I can guarantee that this beauty is definitely the most beautiful tonight."

"Hey! What are you looking at? The goddess is obviously on our side, okay?"


There were boos from all over the hall, saying that the goddess was on their side.

In fact, everyone was just trying to have fun and booing along.

As we all know, there are so many women at the scene, and there are many beauties, so who is the most beautiful? Who is the goddess?

If you think she is the most beautiful, then which one do I think is more beautiful than her? There is no answer at all.

Everyone regards this as a method used by the bar to create atmosphere.

In fact, the effect of this method was immediate, and the atmosphere at the scene was now much more exciting than before.

However, there was a group of people at the scene who were shouting with great enthusiasm and enthusiasm.

This group of people were naturally the people around Li Fan and Qin Wei. They were devastated because the beauty was about to be taken away, but the sound from the speaker was just right and made them excited instantly.

Cheers and cheers ebbed and flowed. They didn't expect that the beauty would stay, but it would be great if they could stay a little longer and see the beauty. Well, no, she should look like a goddess.

They can be 100% sure that this beauty is definitely the goddess tonight, and there will be no doubt in anyone's eyes.

Not to mention tonight, not to mention in this bar, even in the entire Magic City, this beauty is most likely to be the undisputed number one goddess.

Even if you look at the whole country, apart from Tang Ying, who is recognized as the number one goddess, is there anyone better than this woman? That still has to be a question mark.

Therefore, they cheered extra hard. In addition to hoping that the goddess would stay a little longer, they also wanted to let the other people in the bar see what the real goddess was?

They wanted everyone else in the bar to see that they were standing next to a real goddess and that they were much luckier than those other guys.

They also wanted to see the expressions of surprise on the faces of the other people when they saw the goddess.

This will give them a sense of superiority.

Therefore, they must attract the attention of everyone in the bar.

In fact, they have succeeded.

People in other places in the bar were a little puzzled at first, "What's going on with the people over there? Everyone just shouts and it's enough to make things lively. Why isn't it over yet? Are they really planning to choose a goddess?"

If you are confused, pay attention.

"Hey, hey, what's going on over there? Tell me if you're close."

"Who knows, but looking at their posture, it seems like there is a goddess on their side."

"Tch! They say a goddess is a goddess, right?"


People in the distance didn't understand the situation and started talking about it.

However, some people who were close finally squeezed in to take a closer look, looking for everyone's eyes. Once they saw it, they were instantly obsessed with it. There was only one thought in their hearts, "Goddess, goddess, absolute goddess!"

They never dreamed that they could see such a beautiful woman in reality, just a few meters away.

As a result, they also fell into wild cheers.

The news that there really was a top goddess spread slowly around, and soon everyone in the bar knew about it.

Of course, the people who were further away only knew the news, but did not see the goddess.

However, this aroused their strong curiosity. Is there really a top goddess? They can't wait to know the answer.

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