Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 615 Please sing a song

Liu Mingyang sneered in his heart, "Very good, we finally came up." but he said in his mouth: "Haha! Welcome this friend, since my friend is willing to come up, he must have prepared a feast for us. I can’t wait to prepare. I think the friends at the scene must be waiting too. Now, how about asking your friends to show you the song?”

Li Fan quickly waved his hand and said, "No, no, I'm not prepared."

Liu Mingyang thought to himself: "You are still pretending, as if you can make preparations."

But he put on an expression of surprise on his face and said: "Don't my friends need to make preparations and can compose songs directly? This is definitely a master. It's so disrespectful, so disrespectful! No wonder my friend just dared to comment on the quality of my songs. Reluctantly. But in this case, I can’t wait to see the master’s style even more.”

Li Fan coughed lightly and said, "It's pretty much what you said, but I'm not interested in composing songs right now, so I better forget it... forget it."

As soon as these words came out, the scene immediately became lively.

"Hold on! I'm impressed by this guy's shamelessness. No wonder he can hold the goddess's hand."

"Ma Dan! If you want to be thick-skinned, I only obey this guy now."

"Nimei! Whoever just said it was right, this kid is really ready to take the path of 'bragging his awesomeness'!"


Liu Mingyang sneered again in his heart, but with a thoughtful expression on his face, he said, "Oh? Not interested? But because the stage in our bar is too small? Is it not of high quality?"

Li Fan waved his hand and said: "There are reasons for this, but not entirely. It is also because I usually write songs by myself, but I don't sing. Now even if I write the songs, no one will sing. So... I can only never mind."

When everyone at the scene heard this, they once again shouted "hold the fuck" in their hearts. This boy's pretense has completely reached a new level.

Even Liu Mingyang is a little impressed. If he can pretend to be so good, this guy is considered a talent.

But, do you want to step down? It's not that easy.

With a sneer, he added: "My friend is joking. We are a bar here, so why are we short of singers? If my friend thinks my singing skills are good, I am willing to sing for my friend."

Li Fan looked at Liu Mingyang and said, "Your singing skills are indeed top-notch among bar singers.

It's just that my songs are not suitable for you to sing. "

Everyone at the scene couldn't help but be speechless and admired. This guy could really find any reason.

"Oh? Is that so?" Liu Mingyang said, "But that doesn't matter. There are many singers in our bar. Just tell your friends which singer they like, and they will be very happy."

"Is that so?" Li Fan touched his chin and said, "You really want to listen to my songs?"

Liu Mingyang was overjoyed, "What? Can't you find a reason to evade? Haha, then let me see how you are going to step down now?"

He quickly replied: "It's not just me, I think every friend at the scene would like to hear my friend's songs."

"Yes, yes, we all want it very much and have been waiting for it." Everyone at the scene was very cooperative.

Li Fan added: "But if my song is released, it will definitely be much better than the one you sang before. Wouldn't that make you lose face?"

Liu Mingyang added: "Whether it will be better than mine, my friends at the scene will naturally judge it after my friend's song comes out. My friend, it's better not to shirk anymore and quickly choose a singer."

Li Fan muttered: "Well... well, then I will choose the singer who sang "The Sea" before. I think that young man is good."

This statement stunned everyone present. They were originally thinking, what excuse would the boy use to shirk this time?

Unexpectedly, they didn't shirk this time and agreed directly.

"Fuck you! I heard you right, that guy actually agreed. What kind of trick is this? It's hard to understand!"

"This... is really surprising. Maybe that kid really knows a little bit about music."

"Even if he knows a little bit about music, how dare he agree to compose a song? It would be even more embarrassing if a ridiculous song comes out! It's better to evade it in every possible way."

"Yes! If he tries to evade it in every possible way, it's not really a shame. After all, not everyone can do it by pretending to a new level, but if he releases a messy song, it would be really shameful. ”

"Hey! He chose this by himself, why are you worrying so much? Isn't this better? Maybe the goddess will just dump him."

"Haha! Yes, yes, once his song comes out, the goddess will be able to see his true level, so she must get rid of him!"


Everyone at the scene was excited, and Liu Mingyang, Hong Shao, Pu Wenyong and others were even more excited. Finally, they finally did it.

Moreover, the singer Li Fan chose also made them feel secretly happy.

The singer's name was Shao Wenyang. Not long after he arrived at the bar,

He looks full of thoughts all day long. After get off work every day, he never stays in the bar. He always leaves alone as soon as possible. There is basically no communication with other singers in the bar.

It can be said that he is the only unsociable singer in the bar. His singing skills are okay, but there is still a certain gap between him and Liu Mingyang, Hong Shao and others.

Liu Mingyang laughed loudly and said: "Okay, okay, my friend is so courageous, then we will wait to appreciate your masterpiece. The singer you chose is called Shao Wenyang, I will invite him up right now."

Li Fan waved his hand coolly and said: "Go, go."

Soon, a person came up from behind the stage, it was Shao Wenyang.

Everyone at the scene knew each other. Although I didn’t know his name, he had just sung two songs, and everyone still had an impression. The young man’s singing was pretty good.

Li Fan looked at Shao Wenyang walking up and said with a smile: "Your name is Shao Wenyang?"

Shao Wenyang naturally knew what happened on the stage just now. Shao Wenyang had no feelings for this pretentious boy. He didn't like or hate it. Things like goddesses had nothing to do with him.

But the moment Li Fan asked him, he suddenly felt refreshed. He couldn't explain the reason, maybe it was just an illusion.

But regardless of whether it was an illusion or not, Shao Wenyang replied respectfully: "Yes, sir."

Liu Mingyang almost laughed out loud when he heard that Shao Wenyang actually used the word "sir". In this situation, the word "sir" is almost an honorific, this silly boy.

Li Fan nodded and said: "I have a song here that I would like you to sing. However, you do not have any copyright, including the right to sing. Of course, you can continue to sing in bars in the future. Are you willing?"

As soon as these words came out, Liu Mingyang, Hong Shao, Pu Wenyong and others suddenly became happy, "Hold it! Return the copyright, this kid is quite decent. However, your bad song is just begging to be given away." , I guess no one is willing to ask for it, and why are you talking about copyright? Isn’t that funny?”

Everyone at the scene was overjoyed when they heard this, "This kid really shows off everywhere. This method of showing off is really worth learning."

Only Qin Wei and Shao Wenyang on the stage did not laugh. Shao Wenyang said: "I am willing to sing."

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