Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 621 Stone Gambling 1 Street

Magic City, a high-end community. www. Big question. info

A man around 30 years old was on the phone. If Qin Yun were here, he would definitely recognize him at a glance as the man who set up a trap to frame him.

The man's name is Qi Luming.

Qi Luming smiled into the phone and said, "Brother Long, how does it taste? I'm afraid it's so good that your bones are crispy."

"What the hell, something went wrong." Brother Long's voice sounded very unhappy on the phone.

Qi Luming was stunned and asked: "No way, that little girl is the only one, what can go wrong?"

"Oh, everything was fine at first, but who would have thought that a boy with extremely high skills suddenly came out. A Shao and A Qiang joined hands and held weapons, but they were no match for that boy. Zhen Ni Ma has seen a ghost.”

Qi Luming was shocked, "There is such a powerful person, but Brother Long, this is not a big deal. No matter how powerful that kid is, and there are many of us, we may not be afraid of him, as long as he can't come up with 5 million. That chick will still do it after all. Just obey."

"I thought so at first, but now I can't. That kid turned out to be Li Fan. Let alone 5 million, just 50 million. To that kid, it's just a drop in the bucket."

Qi Luming asked in confusion: "Li Fan? Which Li Fan?"

"Nonsense, of course he is the one who opened the Xianyuan Farm. In addition, there seem to be many other identities. Even I have heard his name before. I have to say that that boy is indeed not an ordinary person. I didn't expect him to be so skilled. Awesome, damn it.”

"It's him. This is indeed a bit difficult to handle." Qi Luming frowned and thought about countermeasures. After a while, his eyes lit up and he continued talking to the phone: "Brother Long, I have an idea. Even if he is Li Fan, then There is definitely nothing we can do. We do this... and then..."

"Haha! What a great idea, you have a quick mind. OK, let's do it, leave it to you." Brother Long laughed on the phone.

Qi Luming said: "Brother Long, don't worry about me doing the work."

After hanging up the phone, a faint sneer appeared on Qi Luming's lips, Li Fan? Even if it's you, so what?

The next day, December 22nd.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, Li Fan came to the downstairs of Hengtong Hotel where Qin Wei lived. By this time, Qin Wei was already waiting for him there.

"How did you sleep last night?" Li Fan asked.

Qin Wei smiled sweetly and said, "I slept well, thank you."

Li Fan saw that Qin Wei no longer looked as sad as yesterday, so he smiled and said, "Let's go to the antique market, right?"

Qin Wei nodded and said, "Well, is it too early to go there now? That person said 11 noon."

Li Fan said: "It's okay. We just happen to go to the antique market for a walk. Maybe we can find some treasures."

Qin Wei said "hmm", and then asked doubtfully: "Do you know about antiques?"

Li Fan smiled mysteriously and said, "Go and try your luck."

At nine o'clock in the morning, Li Fan and Qin Wei arrived at Antique Street.

It is actually not appropriate to say that this is an antique street. It should be several antique streets. This is a very large market.

There are regular shops and roadside stalls, one after another, filled with all kinds of items.

It's only nine o'clock in the morning, but there are already many people in the market, including old people, middle-aged people, and young people, but most of them are men.

Some of these people like it and want to find some good things to collect. But most people obviously come here with dreams of getting rich.

But in the end, it's just a dream.

Qin Wei looked at the antique market and frowned slightly. She didn't like this kind of place very much. Coupled with her brother's matter, it was even more loveless.

Li Fan could tell and said with a smile: "If you don't like it, just wait for me outside."

Qin Wei shook her head and said, "I want to go with you."

Li Fan nodded and said: "Then let's go in. When your brother arrives, let him take us to the store where they bought the bottles. That store is likely to have something to do with that person, or Brother Long."

Qin Wei nodded and said, "Well, my brother will arrive in about half an hour."

Then, the two walked into the nearest street entrance.

"How's it going, little curse? Did you find anything?" Li Fan said in his heart.

"Master, I just took a look at the entire market. More than 90% of the things in it are high imitations or modern handicrafts. However, there are still authentic antiques, and the number is not small." Xiaoshu replied.

Li Fan nodded calmly. He didn't know how to identify these things, but Xiao Ju knew.

If he is willing, he can buy all the authentic antiques in this market, which will be a huge fortune.

However, he is not short of wealth, so there is no need to do this.

As the two of them walked along, they saw that whether in regular shops or roadside stalls, there were people looking at various items attentively and carefully, and each person's methods were different.

Qin Wei curled her lips and whispered, "They are all daydreaming."

Li Fan smiled and said: "Not all, some people collect them for themselves. In addition, there are also a few lucky people, and their dreams will really come true."

Qin Wei still curled her lips and muttered silently twice.

The two of them turned an intersection, and Li Fan's eyes narrowed slightly at the shops on this street.

Because the products displayed in these shops are no longer a variety of antiques, but stones of different shapes.

Gambling on stones!

Unexpectedly, this antique street is not all about antiques. There is also a stone gambling street.

The so-called gambling on stones, the word "gambling", can be understood as a verb.

In addition, "gamble stone" is also a noun, that is, unprocessed jadeite.

Qin Wei frowned and said: "This should be the legendary blocking stone, right? I didn't expect it to exist here. Humph! They are all lies, specially designed to deceive those who dream of getting rich all day long."

Li Fan couldn't help but smile, this beauty didn't like these at all!

He smiled and said, "Although 'stone gambling' sounds like it is not easy for people to like, it is really not a lie. Not only that, 'stone gambling' is actually a culture with quite a historical origin. "

Qin Wei muttered: "It's obviously a lie, otherwise why would those bosses sell it instead of cutting it all up themselves?"

Li Fan laughed and said: "As the saying goes, 'One knife makes you poor, one knife makes you rich'. It is naturally risky, and the risk is extremely high. Instead of cutting it all yourself, it is better to sell it. It is safer."

Qin Wei added: "We all know that the risk is extremely high, but there are still so many people buying it. I really can't understand. By the way, what did you just say? Betting on stones has a historical and cultural origin?"

Li Fan nodded and said, "Yes!"

"What cultural origins can stone gambling have?" Qin Wei stared with big eyes, looking obviously unbelieving.

Li Fan smiled and said, "You know He's Bi, right?"

Qin Wei said dissatisfied: "He's Bi is famous, of course I know it."

Li Fan nodded and said: "That's it. He's Bi is the most famous gambling stone in the history of our country."

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