Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 632 Complaint

Xie Yanke is like this, but what about the little beggar?

The little beggar has lived in the mountains since he was a child. Apart from his mother, he has never seen or spoken to another person. wWw. biスUgE. info

Accompanying the little beggar is a dog, Ah Huang.

The little beggar’s mother treats the little beggar very badly. She basically doesn’t talk to the little beggar and often beats and scolds him.

The little beggar's mother called the little beggar "bastard of a dog", so the little beggar thought that his name was "bastard of a dog". The little beggar didn't know that the word "bastard of a dog" means a curse.

The little beggar is ignorant and confused. He doesn't know what a "bastard" is, he doesn't know what a good person is, he doesn't know what a bad person is, he doesn't know what a neighbor is, and he doesn't know where he comes from. Don't know where to go? He knows nothing.

That day he showed up at Hou Jianji because his mother was missing. He took his dog Ah Huang and came out to look for his mother.

He fell down the mountain, and later Ah Huang disappeared.

He was looking for his mother and Ah Huang at the same time. He didn't know where to look, so he went to Houjianji Town, and that's when the first things happened.

The little beggar’s mother told the little beggar that he should never beg for help in his life.

Therefore, the little beggar never asks for help.

Xie Yanke tried every means, either coercion or inducement, to get the little beggar to ask him to do something, even if it was to ask him for a sip of water, then he could kick the little beggar away.

However, Xie Yanke never got his wish, and his hope that the little beggar would die unexpectedly did not come true.

In order to maintain his image as a "great master", Xie Yanke had no choice but to take the little beggar back to his place of residence, Motianya.

After spending several days in Yashang, the little beggar still didn't thank Yanke for anything.

Xie Yanke is very worried. If this matter is not handled properly, it will be a serious problem after all. He was worried that one day, the little beggar would be bewitched by his enemy and ask him to abolish his martial arts or harm himself, which would cause trouble.

Suddenly, Xie Yanke came up with a plan. He wanted to teach the little beggar martial arts, and then deliberately teach him wrongly. He wanted the little beggar to go crazy and die because of his practice.

That way, he would get rid of the burden without breaking his original vow.

So Xie Yanke began to teach the little beggar martial arts on Motianya.

Several years passed by in a hurry, and the little beggar had grown to be eighteen or nineteen years old, and he no longer looked like a beggar.

But his name is still "bastard of a dog".

Chapter 3 ends here.

At the end of the third chapter, one thing can finally be confirmed. The little beggar is really the protagonist, and his name is really "son of a bitch".

However, after knowing the life experience of the little beggar and the origin of the name "bastard of a dog", everyone felt an inexplicable sadness.

"Xia Ke Xing" column.

"Okay, no need to argue. After reading the third chapter, I have determined that the little beggar is the protagonist."

"Yes, now it is certain, the voting can stop, and there is no need for anyone to argue anymore."

The voting channel is closed, and looking at the voting results, the proportion of people who chose "no" accounted for 70%.

It seems that nearly half of the martial arts fans do not think that the little beggar is also the protagonist.

In other words, nearly half of the martial arts fans cannot accept the name "bastard".

After all, they think that the little beggar is not the protagonist, not because of his identity as a "beggar", but because of his name.

In addition, some martial arts fans who voted "yes" cannot accept the name "bastard".

But the little beggar is the protagonist.

At this moment, the column exploded, not because of anything else but because the protagonist’s name was “son of a bitch.”

"I'll wipe it! No, Guyong really can't do it without abusing his master!"

"Ni Mei! Mr. Guyong, can we write a book properly? The 'bastard' is unacceptable!"

"Yeah, there's nothing wrong with the little beggar, but this name is so annoying."

"A knight and a bastard? Damn it! Why do you feel so happy?"


All kinds of complaints from martial arts fans kept scrolling in the columns.

However, everyone complained whether they could accept it or not, but they were not excited and did not say anything like "abandoning the book" or "boycotting Gu Yong's new book".

After all, the people who stay in the column at this time are all true fans of Gu Yong, or they simply like Gu Yong's books very much. It is basically impossible for people to abandon the book because of this. Everyone is just venting their dissatisfaction.

Moreover, at this time, no one knew the life experience of the little beggar.

After everyone learned about the little beggar's life experience and the origin of the name "son of a bitch", the direction of everyone's comments immediately changed a lot.

"Oh! So that's it. The little beggar is so pitiful!"

"Yes, her mother is also hateful. She just doesn't treat her son well, but she still calls her son a 'bastard of a bitch'. Such a mother, she is just a resentful woman."

"Alas! What's even more sad is that the little beggar thought that his name was just 'bastard of a bitch', and he didn't know that 'bastard of a bitch' was a curse word."

"The little beggar has never seen another person, and her mother didn't teach him, so he naturally doesn't know. Not only that, the little beggar doesn't know many 'words' in life. How pitiful!"

"However, just because the little beggar is pitiful, we can't stop complaining about Guyong. On the contrary, we should complain more. That guy simply has a grudge against the protagonist."

"Except for the little beggar, these characters who have appeared are all in intrigues, fighting for a piece of 'Black Iron Token', and even killing innocent people indiscriminately. Here comes a master Xie Yanke, who is not a good person either. This "Xia Ke Xing" The world of rivers and lakes doesn’t seem very beautiful!”

"I think so. I finally understand that what Guyong said about 'the rivers and lakes are beautiful' is simply deceiving people."

"How should I put it? Although Xie Yanke is not a good person, he is not a bad person either. He feels good about himself and acts according to his own will, never caring about justice or evil."

"What you said upstairs makes sense. Strictly speaking, Xie Yanke still has feelings for the little beggar. He took the little beggar away and brought the little beggar to Motianya. Although it was all for himself, the result was that... The little beggar lives alone in the rivers and lakes. Otherwise, it is a question whether a young man like the little beggar who knows nothing can survive until the second chapter in the rivers and lakes.

Moreover, at the end of Chapter 3, Xie Yanke taught the little beggar martial arts and taught him martial arts for several years. Although the purpose is to hope that the little beggar will go crazy while practicing Qigong and die. But we know that the little beggar will definitely not die. The final result is that the little beggar’s martial arts was taught by Xie Yanke. Therefore, looking at it from another perspective, Xie Yanke was kind to the little beggar. "

"I agree with the point above, but is it a bit off topic? We are discussing the name of the little beggar now, okay?"


These martial arts fans who stick to the columns now are just complaining.

But not all martial arts fans are just complaining.

Some martial arts writers who were ready to move became very excited instantly after confirming that the little beggar was indeed the protagonist.

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