Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 645 Thick Skin

I have to say that Ichiro Suzuki’s analysis is quite convincing.

However, this was not enough. Some detective fans immediately retorted:

"Your analysis can only be said to be reasonable, but it is not rigorous. There is no problem with the motive of the murder. But since the character '十' in the murder may be the character 'Li', it may be someone else named Li. It’s not necessarily Li Xi.”

"Also, Li Xi has an alibi. Moreover, why did the murderer use such a cruel method to kill the prince? And how did the murderer enter and leave the prince's room? You have not explained this."

"You're right. I can doubt Li Xi. You should analyze the other doubts clearly."

"That's right, Mr. Li Fan defeated you last time. We understand that you are not convinced, but we don't believe that this means that Mr. Li Fan's case has been solved."


Under Suzuki Ichiro's Weibo, many detective fans immediately raised objections.

Suzuki Ichiro sneered and continued to update Weibo.

"I know that everyone is not convinced, so please listen to my continued analysis. The reason why Li Xi killed the prince in such a cruel way was naturally to interfere with the judgment of the investigators and make people unable to guess his motive for the murder.

In addition, Li Xi's alibi is that during the time when the prince died, he was drinking in a hotel and had a conflict with others. The hotel clerk and drinkers can testify for him.

So, let me make a plot prediction here, that is, in the next plot, Bao Zheng discovered through investigation that the person drinking in the hotel during the time of the prince's death was not Li Xi. But Li Xi deliberately found someone to pretend to be himself to create an alibi. The real Li Xi sneaked into the prince's room and killed the prince.

Moreover, the attack on the envoy team when they first arrived in Luzhou may have been planned by Li Xi. The purpose was to let people know in advance that someone wanted to assassinate the prince, and he was from the Song Dynasty. When the prince is really killed, no one will doubt that he killed the prince.

As for the secret room killing method, there may be a tunnel or secret compartment in the prince's room that leads to the outside, and Bao Zheng will discover it later.

Based on the above analysis, I judge that the murderer must be Li Xi. If you don’t believe it, you can wait until the next issue of the series comes out. If Mr. Li Fan feels that it is necessary to continue the serialization in the next issue. "

As soon as Suzuki Ichiro's Weibo post came out, detective fans started to discuss it again.

"What does that guy's last sentence mean? He means that he has figured out the plot behind it, and there is no need for Li Fan to continue the series? Damn it! It's so arrogant!"

"Let him be arrogant for a while, and I won't believe that the murderer will be Li Xi."

"On the surface, his analysis makes sense. But I don't believe this case is that simple. Just wait and see if Li Fan comes out and slaps you in the face."

"That's right, I admit that that guy does have some abilities and is better than us, but in the end he was slapped in the face by Li Fan. Haha!"


Although many detective fans admitted that Suzuki Ichiro's analysis was reasonable, they did not think that this case would be so simple.

However, it seems that not everyone thinks so.

Some people who have been looking for opportunities to hack Li Fan saw their eyes wide open after seeing Suzuki Ichiro's Weibo. In their opinion, the opportunity has come again.

Register a new vest number and target Qiandu Detective.

"Alas! The murderer was found so easily. Now it seems that this case is indeed too simple. I am still a little disappointed."

"It seems that Li Fan's creative talent in crime-solving works is not very good!"

"After I found out who the murderer was, my expectations and interest in this work suddenly dropped a lot. I would like to advise those book friends who are ready to get into the trap. This work is not as good as everyone said, so be cautious when entering the trap."

"I had such high expectations for Li Fan before, but now it seems that the greater the expectations, the greater the disappointment!"


Those people are very smart. They do not directly criticize Li Fan's works, but use this seemingly helpless complaint.

They know that this will affect those who are weak-willed or are just about to fall into the trap.

If you attack the work directly, the effect will be bad.

I have to say that those people were very accurate. Some people in Qiandu Detective Bar were indeed affected.

"Well, when they said it, I seemed to feel a little bit."

"It seems to be a little bit."

"It's not as good as everyone said? Well, then I'd better stay out of the trap for the time being to avoid being disappointed. Let's observe the situation first."

"Let's wait until the next issue of the series comes out to see if it's really like what Ichiro Suzuki analyzed?"


In that residential complex in Shanghai.

Several people in Yingyun Club are very excited now.

"Haha! Mr. Suzuki is so awesome. Once this case is solved, I think many Chinese people will be affected to some extent."

"Of course, not everyone in China is a fan of Li Fan."

"It seems that Li Fan's creative level in detective works is not as good as Mr. Suzuki's. How could we miss such a good opportunity?"

As a result, there were some more posts on Qiandu Detective Bar.

"Hello friends from China! I am from Yingyun Club. The case that Li Fan worked so hard to design was easily solved by our Mr. Suzuki. I am really sorry. I cannot apologize to you here."

"Alas! I think Li Fan is quite pitiful. He probably won't be able to continue the serialization in the next issue. At the same time, you will have no more stories to read. I'm so sorry!"

"However, you don't have to worry that you will have no stories to read in the future. Our Mr. Suzuki is famous for his detective works. When his new works come out, you will have such books to read."

"Actually, it's normal for Li Fan not to be able to keep up with Mr. Suzuki. After all, Mr. Li Fan is younger."

"If you want to talk about detective crime-solving works, it really depends on our island country."


These posts were seen by a lot of detective fans, and they were stunned, "What the hell, these guys from Yingyun Club were so scared by Mr. Li Fan that they abstained from the last game, and now they have the nerve to come out? Such shame The thickness is also impressive!”

The last match between Yingyun Society and Shanghai University of Magic has already spread on the Internet, so detective fans naturally know about their "glorious" past.

Several people from Yingyun Club immediately left after posting those posts in the post bar.

There were only a few of them, so naturally they didn't dare to "battle" with the detective fans in the forum, so they retreated immediately. It's enough that those posts are there, it doesn't matter even if they are deleted, their purpose has been achieved anyway.

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