Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 651 Looking for the murderer

The murderer is the princess? General? Or someone else?

"In my opinion, the murderer is the general. Although there is not much description of him in the book. But such a person is often the most hidden Boss."

"Perhaps even the princess doesn't know for sure. She has a good relationship with Cui Shangshu, so naturally she is unwilling to marry the Emperor of the Song Dynasty. It is not impossible to kill her brother and ruin the marriage."

"In my opinion, the murderer should not be from the envoy group, but Xiao Ai. The prince has tried to do evil things to her many times, and she also has a motive for killing."

"There are only so many characters on the scene. Who could be the murderer? Is it someone close to Bao Zheng? Gongsun Ce? Chu Chu? Shen Liang? Lu Captou? None of these people are possible!"


Apart from the princess and the general of the envoy group, the remaining main characters are the people around Bao Zheng.

Gongsun Ce is the son of the prefect and cannot be the murderer.

neat? It doesn't look like it.

Shen Liang and Lu Baotou? Both of them were from the government and had been helping Bao Zheng solve the case, so it was naturally even more impossible.

The Eight Wise Kings? This is even more nonsense.

Detective fans looked around and felt that the general and the princess were more suspicious.

In addition, there are several places that no one can guess.

What kind of message does the strange "ten" appear at the murder scenes of the prince and the seventh prince?

Why did the murderer adopt such cruel killing methods?

How did the murderer enter and leave the secret room?

If these issues are clarified, perhaps we are not far from the truth.

"The most incomprehensible thing to me is how the murderer left the secret room? In the case of the prince's murder, the government servants who were guarding the door of the prince's room immediately rushed into the prince's house after hearing the prince's screams. room, in such a short period of time, the murderer disappeared mysteriously, it is really incredible, this is an almost impossible crime."

"Yes, I can't understand it either. But I know it's a perfect crime."

"I really want to know what is going on?"



In a certain residential area.

After Yu Hai read today's update of "Young Bao Qingtian", he was so excited that his whole body trembled slightly. This case turned out to be so complicated, to a perfect level.

Whenever the readers follow the protagonist Bao Zheng's thoughts and think they are about to find the murderer, a big twist suddenly comes. This person is not the murderer. All previous inferences are invalid, and everything has to be started from scratch.

This feeling is simply unstoppable, and I'm afraid I won't even be able to sleep well until the final truth is revealed.

What excites Yu Hai the most is that he will personally adapt this work into a TV script. He will create it for the second time. Just thinking about it now makes him extremely excited. He can't wait.

But, before that, who is the murderer?

Yu Hai also wanted to know the answer very much, but after studying for a long time, he didn't even know the answer, let alone who he should suspect now.

Yu Hai was very unwilling and picked up the phone. He was going to call those friends in the circle who were interested in solving the case to his home. They would study and analyze it together. It was hard to believe that they would not even have a clue.

Everyone who has watched "Young Bao Qingtian" has been involved in the case and is guessing and analyzing who is the murderer?

"Who is the murderer?" has become one of the hot search terms on the Internet today.

Some unreasonable netizens were really shocked when they saw it.

Who is the murderer? This has become a hot search term on the Internet. Could it be that some shocking crime happened somewhere? His cruel methods aroused public indignation among netizens? Is this the time when everyone is looking for the murderer?

The frightened netizens quickly searched for the words "Who is the murderer?", and sure enough, a lot of related content was found. At a glance, it turned out that what kind of case really happened.

I hurriedly clicked in and took a closer look, only to find that they were all about the prince, the seventh prince, Bao Zheng, Cui Shangshu and so on.

Only then did I realize that I had made a big mistake. I was dumbfounded, and at the same time I was secretly surprised that a fictional case in a novel could actually arouse such enthusiasm. It was worthy of being the work of Master Li Fan.

Most of them knew that Li Fan had a new work called "Young Bao Qingtian", but they were not interested in this type of work, so they did not watch it, but they did not expect that it would have such a great influence.

Why is it so influential? Driven by this strong curiosity, "Young Bao Qingtian" has gained a new audience.

Since the influence is so great, some thoughtful media will naturally not miss this opportunity.

Several media outlets have launched a "find the murderer" crime-solving activity on their official websites, inviting detective fans to participate. There are those who can guess the real murderer or give wonderful and reasonable reasoning. Opportunity to receive gifts specially prepared by the website.

For a time, there were many participants and the gifts were small. Using the platform to show your reasoning was the most important thing.

There was even a radio station who found several so-called crime-solving experts from nowhere to record a program called "The Murderer Revealed."

During the program, the experts chatted and analyzed a lot of details in the work, rationally or not. Finally, they listed the rankings of the characters who were most likely to be the murderers, which was pretty decent.

When the program was broadcast, the listening rate increased steadily, and it is said that it finally broke the radio station's listening rate record for that period.

Especially during the broadcast of the program, the hotline was constantly being called. Enthusiastic listeners called the hotline either to agree with the analysis of a certain expert or to oppose the analysis of a certain expert.

The editor who planned this program was extremely excited. He only hoped that every case Li Fan would take in the future would be as exciting as this. In this way, his program might be able to have a few more episodes.

On the second day, everyone's interest was still unabated, but there was still no conclusion on the murderer's guess. Even Suzuki Ichiro did not post on Weibo to reveal who the murderer was.

"It's been such a long time, and Suzuki Ichiro hasn't posted on Weibo yet. I think he doesn't know who the murderer is anymore."

"I must feel very embarrassed if I guess wrong twice in a row. Don't dare to post again."

"He definitely doesn't know what he is afraid of. Under his Weibo, there are many messages asking him to second guess who the murderer is. If he knew who the murderer was, he would have jumped out already."

Ichiro Suzuki is now very angry. In his opinion, those messages on Weibo that ask him to continue guessing who the murderer are are the ridicule of Chinese detective fans. What they want to express is, "If you have the ability, keep guessing." Who is the murderer? Weren’t you very confident the first two times? Can’t you guess it now?”

But this time, Suzuki Ichiro was really not sure who the murderer was. This made him very angry. Li Fan was hateful, and even his book fans were hateful.

In fact, the meaning of the detective fans who left the message is not exactly what Suzuki Ichiro thought. They really want to see if Suzuki Ichiro can guess who the murderer is now?

So, does anyone know who the murderer is?

The answer is of course...yes.

This person is naturally Li Fan, and the real truth will be revealed in the next issue.

Everyone is looking forward to it.

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