Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 676 Meeting Friends in Israel

Chapter 677: Joining Friends in Israel

Magic City.

Today is the weekend, and there are obviously many more pedestrians on the street than usual. Tianxin Square Park, located in the center of the city, is even more crowded.

In the crowd, Li Fan said with some emotion: "Everyone is always in a hurry, but on the weekend, we finally stopped a little."

Su Qing said: "That's natural. People are not machines. After all, they still need to relax and rest."

Li Fandao: "Indeed, rest is for better work, but unfortunately some people don't understand this truth. They know how to be busy all day long, as if they are wasting their time if they are not busy."

Su Qing rolled her eyes at him and saw many people gathered in a circle not far away, and said, "Let's go over there and have a look."

Li Fan nodded and asked as he walked: "What do you think of Magic City?"

Su Qing said: "The cities are all the same, except that the Demon City is more prosperous. The cities are better than the cities, but I still like Sansheng Village more than the cities."

After saying that, his face couldn't help but blush slightly.

Li Fan chuckled and said, "If you like it, you can just marry to Sansheng Village."

Su Qing's face turned redder and she said, "No problem, I will go to Sansheng Village to find a suitable person to marry one day."

Li Fan waved his hand and said: "Go ahead and look for me. If you can fall in love with anyone else besides me, I will lose."

Su Qing spat lightly and muttered: "Typical feeling good about yourself."

At this time, the two of them had already reached the edge of the crowd. Before they could see clearly what was going on inside, they first heard a burst of cheers and applause from the crowd of onlookers.

"It seems like something interesting happened." Li Fan muttered quietly, holding Su Qing's hand and squeezing into the crowd.

In the center of the crowd, a small space of a few square meters was separated by a isolation belt. There was a special desk placed on the space. On the desk were pens, ink, paper, and inkstones, the four treasures of the study.

Strong sacrifice reads sacrifice. Next to the desk, there is a shelf. Hanging on the shelf are two long strips of white paper with words written on them. They turned out to be a pair of couplets.

The one on the left reads: "The body is like a wandering cloud, and the shadow of the moon and the light of the stream are proof of sex."

The one on the right reads: "The hearts are flowing together, the sound of pine trees and the color of bamboos are making us forget our memories together."

The font on the left is unrestrained and flowing. The font on the right is majestic and full of gestures.

Obviously, this couplet was not written by one person.

Just as Li Fan thought, there were two old men in the field, both around 60 years old, with good temperaments. One had a thin face, and the other had a round face.

The couplet just now was probably written by the two of them.

At the back of the venue, there was also a banner with four words on it, "Union to join friends."

There is no doubt that this "link" must refer to couplets.

"Interesting." Li Fan felt a little interested.

"Friends, who are these two old men?" Li Fan asked the person next to him.

At this time, Chapter 1 is complete. When the person next to him heard someone asking a question, he turned his head and glanced at Li Fan. His eyes suddenly shrank, looking a little absent-minded.

It wasn't that he recognized Li Fan, but because of Su Qing next to Li Fan. Such a beauty may have never appeared in his dreams, and it was inevitable to lose his mind.

After coming back to his senses, he quickly covered up his embarrassment with a smile and simply answered Li Fan's question just now.

It turns out that the thin old man is called Xu Yicai, a retired professor who loves calligraphy couplets and often meets friends here.

The old man with a round face and a Chinese character was not named. Just after Xu Yicai wrote the left couplet, the round-faced old man came up and wrote the right couplet.

However, judging from his level of couplets and calligraphy, he should be someone with some background.

Li Fan, who understood the whole story, nodded and looked in the direction of the two old men again.

Just listen to the round-faced old man laughing and saying: "I have just arrived in the devil for two days, and I encountered such interesting things. It is really interesting! This old man,

Disgraceful. "

Xu Yicai was also in a very good mood. Although he often "meeted friends with couplets" here, he rarely met people who were so good at couplets and calligraphy.

Couplets are okay, even many young people can compare good couplets, but in calligraphy, it is difficult to meet people who can write well.

Xu Yicai also smiled and said: "Brother came to my place just after he came to the magic city. The word 'fate' is indispensable, and he is also a person who loves calligraphy and couplets. My dear Xu Yicai, what do you call me?"

The round-faced old man nodded and said, "It turns out to be Mr. Xu. My name is Lin Liangquan. I come from Lingnan."

Xu Yicai added: "Mr. Lin is coming from afar. I wonder if you can post a couplet so that I can deal with it?"

Lin Liangquan smiled and said: "That's exactly what I meant. However, if Mr. Xu corrects my couplets, it will inevitably lose some fun. I hope that friends at the scene will correct them. I wonder if you are interested?"

"Okay! Sir, please come out and let us deal with it."

"Yes, we are all interested."

Everyone around responded enthusiastically. The people around here were basically people who were interested in the couplets. Naturally, everyone wanted such an interesting thing.

"Okay," Lin Liangquan said with a smile, "It seems that everyone is a couplet lover, so I won't be polite. My first couplet is, 'Water and land are continents, and the continents stop the boat, and the boat cannot move across the continent.'"

Lin Liangquan wrote down the first couplet as he spoke.

After everyone around them looked at it, they all thought about the answer in their hearts. This couplet shouldn't be too difficult. Everyone felt that if they thought about it more, they should be able to come up with the second couplet.

Xu Yicai was also thinking in his mind. For a moment, he had no answer.

Su Qing whispered in Li Fan's ear and asked, "Do you have a second couplet?"

Li Fan also whispered: "Of course there is, but this couplet is too simple, I don't want to tell the answer."

Su Qing rolled her eyes, but she didn't doubt Li Fan's words.

However, Li Fan didn't want to be right, but someone wanted him to be right. This person was the old man who asked the question, Lin Liangquan.

Lin Liangquan had already noticed Li Fan and Su Qing holding hands in the crowd.

He didn't know Li Fan or Su Qing, but Su Qing's peerless appearance made him have some conjecture in his mind, "Is it possible that such a beautiful girl is her? Well, yes, it's very possible, she should indeed be I will also come to Shanghai. I just didn’t expect that I would fall in love. Now it’s interesting, interesting, interesting.”

Lin Liangquan didn't know what he was thinking about. The smile on his face was a little malicious, a little gloating, and a little enthusiastic, as if something interesting was about to happen.

Then he thought, "But that will be a few days later. Now, let me first see how this kid's couplet level is?"

After thinking about it, Lin Liangquan looked at Li Fan in the crowd with a smile and said: "This guy's girlfriend is so beautiful, I must be special about him. I wonder, does he have a second line?"

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