Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 774 New Year’s Bell

On the Internet, at the moment when the protagonist and supporting characters ended, the barrage once again erupted collectively.

"Haha! It seems that Teacher Zhao Peilin is only destined to play supporting roles. He is obviously playing the leading role, but he becomes a supporting role as he plays. It makes me laugh to death. Mr. Li Fan's script arrangement is also amazing."

"I was really laughing from beginning to end! I feel like I didn't get enough."

"It's over, and the New Year's bell is about to ring. It's definitely a blessing to see such a classic sketch at the last moment of this year."

"Yes, thank you Mr. Li Fan, thank you Teacher Zhao Peilin, thank you Teacher Zhu Mao!"


Netizens excitedly expressed their various emotions at this moment, and the time has reached 11:55 in the evening, and in 5 minutes, the New Year's bell will ring.

On the Spring Festival Gala stage, Zhao Peilin and Zhu Mao were still there, not leaving the stage, and were joking and interacting with the host.

It seems that he is waiting for the ringing of the New Year's bell with the host.

In front of the TV, countless viewers are also waiting for the ringing of the New Year's bell, and some people have begun to prepare to set off firecrackers, fireworks and the like.

On the stage, the host asked Zhao Peilin why he thought of asking Li Fan for a script in the first place?

As we all know, Li Fan has never done any sketches before. How did Zhao Peilin know that Li Fan was also good at creating sketches?

Zhao Peilin smiled and explained the reason. It turned out to be just because of a video on the Internet, a video of Li Fan cleverly breaking the scam.

Sometimes, the reason is that simple and things happen by accident.

But it is this simplicity and chance that reflects Zhao Peilin's determination and desire to get a good sketch script.

Zhao Peilin still feels lucky and grateful. It was Li Fan who made them a classic on the Spring Festival Gala stage.

While the audience was grateful to Li Fan, they were also grateful to Zhao Peilin. It was his pursuit and desire for excellent sketch scripts that made him go to Li Fan, and he had the protagonist and supporting actors who made them laugh from beginning to end. .

This is their luck and every audience’s luck.

Sansheng Village.

Li Fan was playing with firecrackers and fireworks in the open space outside the yard, and Fengzi, Taozi and others were also helping.

After the New Year's bell rings, this will be the place where villagers gather, and many villagers will come to watch the fireworks.

During the New Year, the world allowed fireworks and firecrackers to be set off again, and the villagers liked to watch them, so Li Fan simply bought a large number of fireworks and firecrackers so that the villagers could watch them and have a good time.

Su Qing and the little girl were watching Li Fan and the others busy with anticipation in their eyes. Especially the little girl, jumping up and down with excitement.

As the New Year's bell rings closer and closer, villagers gather here one after another.

Most of them were watching the Spring Festival Gala before, and they all saw the protagonist and supporting characters, and they all knew that it was Li Fan's work.

While talking and laughing, all kinds of simple compliments could be heard endlessly. It was the Spring Festival Gala. I don’t know how many people across the country were watching it at the same time. Everyone felt proud and proud of it. Since it was Li Fan’s work, it could also be regarded as produced by their Sansheng Village.

When Li Fan and others were almost ready, the sound of New Year's bell countdown came from the TV.

"10, 9, 8, 7..."

"Is it finally ringing?" Li Fan said in his heart, his first New Year in this world has finally arrived.

On the TV, all the viewers were shouting the countdown along with the host.

In front of the TV, many people across the country were shouting.

Beside Li Fan, a group of naughty children also shouted excitedly.

"6, 5, 4..."

The time is getting closer and closer. Although the adults did not shout the countdown, they were also very uneasy in their hearts. They were also excited and excited.

Just because, over the past year,

The whole village can be described as earth-shaking changes.

The village has become a well-known tourist attraction in the country. Many tourists come here every day, and Xianyuan Farm attracts countless people.

Moreover, its influence continues to expand rapidly.

As the owners here, they watch all kinds of tourists coming and going every day, making incredible exclamations. They feel an unprecedented sense of comfort and satisfaction in their hearts.

And more importantly, their living conditions have become much better than before. The annual rental income is considerable, and the family's labor force also works on the farm, and the monthly wages and bonuses are considerable.

In addition, some of their mountain goods and some self-made gadgets can also be traded with tourists, and the income is equally good.

Everything is like a dream. The villagers are satisfied, very satisfied, grateful, very grateful.

They knew that all of this was brought to them by Li Fan. All they can do is try their best to do what they should do best.

This year is definitely the most unusual year for them. They are excited and excited!

They are full of expectations and yearning for next year.

Li Fan walked to Su Qing and held Su Qing's hand tightly. Su Qing felt the warmth from Li Fan's palm and held Li Fan's hand tighter.

The New Year's bell is about to ring. This year is also an unusual year for her, with too many beautiful memories.

The first time he met Li Fan by chance, the first time he came to Li Fan's house, the first time Li Fan went downstairs to her dormitory to give her fruit, the first heartbeat, the first blush, the first time he missed her, the first time he met Li Fan. Holding hands once, hugging each other for the first time, kissing for the first time...

There are so many firsts...

Snuggling gently next to Li Fan, Su Qing felt very satisfied and happy!

"3, 2, 1...boom"

The New Year's bell finally rang, and everything finally opened a new chapter!

"Oh!" A group of naughty children shouted excitedly, running and jumping!

As the bell rang, Li Fan lit the first firecracker of the new year.

The "cracking" sound of firecrackers temporarily drowned out the shouts of the naughty children. The firelight caused by the explosion of firecrackers shone on the faces of the villagers, reflecting the simple and satisfied smile of each villager.

Happiness and joy fill every corner around you.

After one firecracker went off, the next firecracker went off. After several firecrackers went off, the gorgeous fireworks soared into the sky and bloomed in the beautiful night sky, lighting up the night sky.

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