Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 790 The Record of Sword and Enmity

Magic City, a high-end apartment.

A slightly thin middle-aged man in his forties was sitting on the sofa with a martial arts magazine in his hand, reading quite leisurely.

The man is one of the four martial arts masters, and the leaves fall silently.

"Martial arts has really opened up a new world. The hero of Cao Mang, this newcomer named Lei Yu, is quite talented in martial arts." After watching the hero of Cao Mang, Luo Ye commented silently to himself.

Putting down the magazine in his hand, Luoye Wusheng was about to change to another magazine and continue reading when the phone suddenly rang. He took it and looked at it and smiled lightly, as if he had expected it in his heart.

"Brother Dali, can you call me for the martial arts works released today?" Luo Ye said silently.

The person who called was none other than the four great masters of martial arts.

With a strong stroke, he said: "It is indeed a bit emotional. The martial arts can have the current changes, and I really have to thank Gu Yong. Brother Luoye, your great martial arts sword god seems to be very confident. You haven't posted it for so long. Aren’t you afraid that your new work will steal your limelight in the magazine?”

Luo Ye smiled silently and said: "Young people, if your thoughts move quickly, your creations will naturally be faster, and your works will be published faster. Those of us who are older should prepare our works slowly before publishing them." As for the limelight, if he can steal it, let him grab it. I say, Brother Dali, your martial arts ambitions are the same. You seem to be no more low-key than Jian Yishen. Your new book has also been delayed in publishing, so you are not afraid. Being robbed of the limelight?”

Dali Yibi also smiled and said: "Brother Luoye is right. We are older and the speed of creating works is slower than their younger counterparts. Even if he steals the limelight, I can't help it."

Luo Ye said silently: "That's it. I still have to polish my work. I hope it can surpass the works of those young people."

With a strong stroke he said: "Oh? The young man mentioned by Brother Luoye, does he refer to the Sword God, or Gu Yong?"

Luo Ye said silently: "Brother Dali asked the question knowingly. Shouldn't you have the same idea in your heart?"

Dali Bisha laughed and said: "I am no better than Brother Luo Ye, I don't dare to have any ideas. Therefore, my new work will have to be polished even more. When the time comes, I hope Brother Luo Ye will be merciful."

Luo Ye said silently: "Brother Dali is joking, you should be merciful."


After the two chatted for a few more words, they hung up the phone.

Luo Ye smiled silently and meaningfully, picked up another martial arts magazine in front of him, and continued to read.

In the wave of new books on martial arts works after the Chinese New Year, both veteran and newcomer authors have released new books one after another.

Even authors who will not release new books in a short period of time have disclosed to the outside world the approximate release time of the new book in order to take advantage of the current popularity of martial arts.

However, a small number of martial arts writers, headed by the four martial arts masters, have never revealed any news about their new works to the outside world, and they seem to have disappeared from the public eye.

However, the public will not forget them, at least not in the short term.

Why don't they reveal any news about their new book? The public also has different opinions.

Some people say that they are working hard to prepare a masterpiece. When the masterpiece meets readers, it will be earth-shattering.

Some people say that today's new authors are too powerful and they should avoid their edge. Otherwise, it would be too embarrassing to lose to new authors.

Others say that they can no longer create good works and will slowly disappear from the public eye.

However, no matter what the outside world said, those martial arts masters never made any response.

Sansheng Village.

Li Fan also selected some new martial arts works released today to read.

After reading it, I couldn't help but nodded. Although the quality of these works varied, even the works that Li Fan thought were the worst were a qualitative leap higher than the previous martial arts works in this world.

And the best work, compared to Liancheng Jue and Xia Ke Xing,

Although there is still a big gap, it can be regarded as an excellent work.

Moreover, among these works, there are many works by newcomers, which is even more rare.

"New author? It seems that there are many new authors who are full of confidence." Li Fan smiled lightly. He also thought of Jian Yishen, Shang Buer and others.

Li Fan doesn't feel much about them now, he just hopes that they are really capable.

Regarding the fact that Luo Ye Wusheng and other martial arts masters were unwilling to reveal news about their new works to the outside world, Li Fan also smiled lightly.

He knew that Luoye Wusheng and the others would never retreat. Now they were silent. There could only be one reason, and that was that they wanted to wait until the new work was fully prepared before launching a strong attack.

It will not be earth-shattering, but it is still possible to cause an earthquake and tsunami.

Putting aside other factors, Li Fan was quite looking forward to this.

On March 15th, many martial arts fans seemed quite excited after getting up in the morning.

For them, yesterday's new martial arts works are just appetizers. Today's new works by Gu Yong, as well as the new works by Jian Yishen, Shang Bu'er, Xiao Liang and Yun Huasheng, who are said to be not as talented as Gu Yong , is the feast.

On newsstands across the country, these five magazines, Laughing Jianghu, Dawuxia, Wuxia Zhi, Hu, and Master, have become the objects that martial arts fans rush to buy.

Some people bought one copy, some bought two or three copies, and some people waved their hands and said proudly: "I want all five."

Among them, Xiao Jianghu has been bought the most times. No matter how loud the slogans of Jian Yishen and others are, they cannot compare with Gu Yong's influence.

The Book of Swords and Enmities, the title of Gu Yong's new book, finally appeared in the eyes of many martial arts fans.

As always, it's still a three-chapter series.

The first three chapters mainly talk about Lu Feiqing, a famous Wudang sect, who lived in seclusion in the home of Li Kexiu, the commander-in-chief of Yansui Town, Fufeng, Shaanxi Province.

He was the teacher of Li Kexiu's daughter Li Yuan Gee. He later taught Li Yuan Gee martial arts and became Li Yuan Gee's master.

Later, Li Kexiu was promoted to the admiral of Zhejiang Water and Land, and Lu Feiqing followed Li Yunzhi and the rest of Li Kexiu's family members to Jiangnan.

On the way, at Sandaogou Inn, they met Wen Tailai, the fourth leader of the Red Flower Club, and his wife Luo Bing, who were trapped by the imperial officers and soldiers for participating in the "Thousand Miles to the Dragon Head" ceremony.

Lu Feiqing came to the rescue and recommended them to take refuge with Zhou Zhongying, the hero of the northwest martial arts world.

Once, Zhou Zhongying went out, and the court officers and soldiers headed by Lu Feiqing, a master of the Wudang sect and a fire-hand judge who sold himself to the Qing court, and Zhang Zhaozhong came here.

Zhou Zhongying's youngest son accidentally revealed the hiding place of Wen Tailai and others.

After a fierce battle between the two sides, Wen Tailai was arrested, and Luo Bing escaped with Yu Yutong, a member of the fourteenth position of the Honghua Society.

When Zhou Zhongying returned from an outing, he was so angry that he accidentally beat his youngest son to death.

The heroes of the Red Flower Congregation came to Tiedan Village. They mistakenly believed that Wen Tailai had been betrayed by Zhou Zhongying, and the two sides fought and had a melee.

Chen Jialuo, the new chief helmsman of the Red Flower Club, arrived and defeated Zhou Zhongying with Baihua Fist. Later, he learned that Zhou Zhongying's son was only ten years old and was still young and ignorant. Only then did he realize that he had wrongly blamed the other party, and the two parties shook hands and made peace.

This is the main content of the first three chapters of Shujian Enqiulu.

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