Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 797 Expecting a Miracle to Happen

Why is the author not signed? Lei Chao didn't know, and besides being speechless, he didn't think much about it.

The most important thing now is to tell netizens the news that this "book" is actually a holy book.

If netizens are allowed to keep calling the Holy Book a "wonderful work", this is obviously a blasphemy against the Holy Book.

Thinking like this, Lei Chao resisted the urge to read the Three Character Classic again and returned to the forum where he was before.

He was thinking about how he should word it, but he was shocked to find that there seemed to be no need for him to think about how he should word it.

Because someone has already done what he wants to do for him.

Now, the three words "Three Character Classic" have become one of the hottest search terms on the Internet.

"Let me go, who said that the Three Character Classic is a scripture before? It is completely a sacred book, okay?"

"You can't blame them. After all, just looking at the title of the book, they usually think of it as a scripture. To be honest, before I opened it, I thought it was a scripture. However, the first sentence shocked me. I fainted, and I’m not fully awake yet.”

"Me too. Before I opened it, what I was thinking was, which weird author created this? After I opened it, I realized that we should be the weird ones."

"The first time someone sees the Three Character Classic, they have an urge to read it. After reading the first sentence, they can't stop."

"I really couldn't stop. I read the last sentence in one breath, but I still didn't finish it. It's three words per sentence, and the reading rhythm is fast and smooth. The words are simple and easy to understand. More importantly, the content is all-encompassing and thought-provoking. It can definitely be called a strange book and a divine book.”

"Compared with the books, there is no enlightenment book. This is definitely the most enlightening book for children."

"But, why doesn't this book have an author's name? Who wrote it? Someone who can write such a work is definitely not an ordinary person."

"Of course, in my opinion, it is most likely the work of Mr. Li Fan, or the work of an old expert or professor who is engaged in relevant academic research."

"I think it is more likely that it is the work of an old professor. Although Mr. Li Fan is a genius, he is too young after all. The Three-Character Classic does not seem to be created by a young man. In addition, the author is not signed, most likely Forget. It is easy for older professors to forget things. "

"Sweat! The last reason upstairs is very strong. However, I think Mr. Li Fan is more likely. You'd better ignore Li Fan's age. Think about Mr. Li Fan's poems and you will understand. In addition, those old professors and experts probably won’t participate in this kind of call for papers. They can submit it directly to the Ministry of Education, so why bother?”

"Well, what you said above seems more reasonable. I also think it's more likely that it's Mr. Li Fan."

"It doesn't make much sense for us to guess. What if it is the work of a talented newcomer? This is also possible. Let's wait and see the official announcement of the results. Anyway, the Three Character Classic will definitely be selected."


Provincial capital, Fun Children's Publishing House.

Xie Peng said: "President, do you think this Three Character Classic is possibly the work of Brother Li?"

Tang Quan pondered: "It's very possible, but it's not impossible if it's the work of some naughty old expert. In this case, I'll call and ask now."

Xie Peng nodded and said, "Okay, just ask."

Sansheng Village.

Li Fan is working on a manuscript. He has not read the various heated discussions on the Internet about the Three Character Classic.

The phone rang. Li Fan took it and looked at it, then answered, "President Tang, what's going on? Well, it's mine. What's wrong? It's not signed? Really? I'll go take a look... um, okay."

After hanging up the phone, Li Fan thought about it and realized that he really didn't have a signature.

He had coded the manuscript of the Three Character Classic a few days ago. At that time, he thought that he would add his name when the manuscript was submitted.


When Li Fan submitted his article last night, he submitted it directly and forgot about his signature.

Is this a complete matter? Li Fan couldn't help but feel a little depressed.

However, the lack of signature does not have much impact. The Ministry of Education can officially find relevant information.

Because the account registration on the official website of the Ministry of Education is a real-name system, the official can know who submitted the article by querying the contributor's account.

"That's it, let's continue coding." After a moment of depression, Li Fan continued coding and started three new works in a row. He needed some time to save enough manuscripts.

Li Fan is actually very interested in the heated discussion about the Three Character Classic on the Internet.

However, if you want to see it, there is no rush. He planned to finish coding the reservation plan and then go see it.

We can't delay now. We just need to do the coding in one go.

Ministry of National Education, Department of Basic Education.

This collection of children's books was officially launched by the Department of Basic Education.

Now, dozens of relevant personnel responsible for reviewing manuscripts for this event are currently reviewing the manuscripts.

Although the submission deadline has not yet arrived, this does not affect the review.

Everyone's review speed is not slow. Should a manuscript be abandoned directly, or should it pass the preliminary review? Basically, you can tell just by looking at it a few times.

There are just too many manuscripts, and it will still take a lot of time to review them all.

Wang Xuejun, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Education, is the person in charge of this event.

So far, the total number of submissions received has exceeded 120,000, which makes Wang Xuejun very satisfied.

This collection activity attracted the attention of countless ordinary people, which made Wang Xuejun even more satisfied.

Everyone is paying so much attention to this, which shows that the importance of early childhood education has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. For the Ministry of National Education, this is undoubtedly a very good message.

However, what makes Wang Xuejun and other relevant personnel a little regretful is that they have reviewed a lot of manuscripts, but not many of them have been found to be of practical value.

However, although it is regrettable, such a result was actually expected by everyone.

Everyone knows how difficult it is to create an enlightenment book for young children that has practical value.

In fact, the Ministry of Education has long wanted an excellent, practical enlightenment book for young children. For a long time, the Ministry of Education has contacted experts and professors engaged in literacy education in universities across the country. , and other experts engaged in related academic research, have initiated creative invitations.

Experts and professors readily agreed to the invitation and actively devoted themselves to related creations, creating many excellent works.

However, although these works are excellent, they seem a bit esoteric for children, and it is difficult to arouse children's interest in learning. The practical value is not very great, which makes people feel quite regretful.

That’s why this nationwide collection event was launched.

Although the Ministry of Education does not have high hopes for this, it is also looking forward to a miracle.

After all, there are all kinds of geniuses in this world, and some people are naturally good at it. It is not impossible to create works of children's enlightenment books.

However, now it seems that the probability of a miracle is still too small.

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