Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 813 Take a walk on the streets of Beijing

When Cheng Xiaodie heard what Li Fan said, she couldn't help but said with joy: "Really? What can I do?"

Li Fan smiled slightly and said, "You'll know soon. However, don't reveal my identity."

Cheng Xiaodie nodded hurriedly and said, "Of course, even if you don't tell me, I won't reveal your identity unless you let me."

Li Fan smiled and said, "I didn't notice it before, but you are quite cute."

Cheng Xiaodie's face turned red, she showed a rare feminine attitude, and whispered: "I hate it."

Li Fan said: "Okay, you go over first. I think your best friend is leaving soon. You go and accompany her. I'm going to buy something and I'll come over later."

Cheng Xiaodie said "hmm" and said, "Then I'll wait for you."

Li Fan nodded, turned around and went to a nearby clothing store, bought a blue and white peaked cap, and then put it on.

He was going to sing a song later, so it was better not to be recognized. Although no one might be able to recognize him in the capital, it was better to be careful.

The hat he bought was designed for hot weather, so it wouldn't look out of place when worn.

The songs he wants to sing should be given to the woman named Yuan Qian and the young man named Chen Yu.

He walked through this street at this time, heard Chen Yu's last song for Yuan Qian, and met Cheng Xiaodie again.

Moreover, this street is also called Yulin Road. There is even a tavern at the end of this road, in the direction from which Li Fan came.

It's all fate. Therefore, Li Fan doesn't mind singing a song here.

He once used a skill book called "Basic Techniques for Song Singing". Although he couldn't say how good his singing skills were, he still had no problem singing this song.

This is also the second song he has sung. He once sang a song outside the window.

As for whether Yuan Qian and Chen Yu can get back together? It depends on whether their fate has really been completely severed.

Of course, this song is also dedicated to the pedestrians passing by on this street and to this city.

Li Fan lowered his peaked cap and walked back to where the young man was singing.

I saw Cheng Xiaodie holding Yuan Qian's hand and talking about something. Liu Yu was packing his equipment and seemed to be preparing to leave.

Li Fan stepped forward and said, "Brother, please wait a moment."

Chen Yu stopped what he was doing, looked up, and saw a man wearing a peaked cap. The long brim covered most of the man's face, and he could no longer tell what he looked like.

Of course, Chen Yu didn't care what the other person looked like, he just looked at the other person and waited for his next words.

Li Fan nodded and continued: "It's like this. I passed by here accidentally and saw that my brother had a guitar, a microphone and a stereo. My throat felt a little itchy for a while, and I wanted to borrow my brother's equipment to sing a song. I don't know, brother Are you willing?"

"It turns out we are people of the same kind." Chen Yu thought in his heart that if it were normal times, he would be very excited to make friends with the other party.

But now, where does he still have that thought?

However, despite not thinking at all, Chen Yu nodded, rearranged the equipment, handed the guitar to Li Fan, and at the same time gave Li Fan the stool he was sitting on.

Li Fan reached out and took the guitar, smiled lightly and said, "Thank you."

After that, I sat down on a stool, hugged my guitar to my chest, and started soundchecking.

The movements of the sound check and the effect of the playing made Chen Yu's eyes freeze sharply, and he said to himself: "So professional, there are many more professionals than me."

She couldn't help but think of making friends again, but when she glanced out of the corner of her eye, she saw Yuan Qian, who was still standing not far away, her eyes darkened again, and she no longer had any thoughts of making friends.

Not far away, two girls, Cheng Xiaodie and Yuan Qian, were standing hand in hand. Yuan Qian turned to look at a strange man, sitting where Chen Yu had been before. He was holding a guitar and was auditioning, as if he was about to prepare. Sing.

I couldn't help but have some doubts in my heart. At this moment, I suddenly felt Cheng Xiaodie's hand.

Shaking slightly, she turned back to look at Cheng Xiaodie suspiciously and said, "Xiaodie, what's wrong with you? Just now you pulled me and asked me to wait before leaving, and now your hand... you seem to be very excited? "

Cheng Xiaodie quickly took her hand back, tried hard to calm down her mood, and said calmly: "Sissi, I just hope you can think about it carefully."

Yuan Qian shook her head and said: "Xiaodie, I know you are doing it for my own good, but our fate with him is over, so don't say it anymore."

Cheng Xiaodie said: "Well, that person seems to be singing. Let's listen to him finish singing before leaving."

This time, Yuan Qian did not refuse.

Li Fan has finished the sound check, and the quality of this guitar is so-so, barely passable.

Immediately, without hesitation, his hands moved together, and the simple but beautiful melody was amplified through the speakers and spread to the surroundings.

This caused the pedestrians passing by to slow down a little, but that was all. At most, I only took a few curious glances, but no one stopped.

Li Fan ignored the passers-by. He had already adjusted his emotions and sang:

“It wasn’t just the wine last night that made me shed tears.

What makes me reluctant to leave is not only your gentleness.


As soon as Li Fan opened his mouth, Chen Yu next to him was shocked, not because of how awesome Li Fan's singing skills were, but because of the melody and lyrics themselves.

He shed tears today and drank wine last night, but his tears were not just because of the wine last night.

Besides Yuan Qian's tenderness, there were many, many more things that made him reluctant to leave...

Yuan Qian's smiles, soft cries, things she promised but hasn't done yet, etc., etc.

Everything about Yuan Qian made him reluctant to let go of her.

The first two lines of this song seemed to be tailor-made for him. They broke his already fragile heart and made his eyes wet with tears.

Moreover, Chen Yu has never heard this song before. Is it a new song?

As Li Fan spoke, a young man who had just walked past suddenly stopped.

Immediately afterwards, another young woman stopped.

Later, the third, fourth, fifth...

More and more people stopped. Then, he looked at Li Fan, at the man whose face was mostly covered by a peaked cap, playing the guitar and singing softly.

"How long do we have to walk, you hold my hand.

What troubles me is the freedom to struggle.

The separation is always in May, and the memories are the sorrow of longing.

The green weeping willows in early summer kiss my forehead.

In this rainy city, I have never forgotten you.

The only thing I can’t take away from the capital is you.

Take a walk with me on the streets of Beijing, oh oh


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