Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 818 Disturbance

The person who posted the message was called Lin Luoxue, and she was the girl who asked Li Fan at the scene if he could post the video she recorded online.

The girl is 21 years old and a junior at Beijing University.

Since Yulin Road is not far from Beijing University, Lin Luoxue goes to Yulin Road quite often.

Tonight's trip to Yulin Road was undoubtedly the luckiest. Lin Luoxue never expected that she would hear such a song that made ripples in her heart.

It's a pity that by the time she remembered to record the video, the man in the peaked hat had already started his second song. The second time the song was played, there was one less lyric than the first time.

This made Lin Luoxue feel very sorry, and she didn't know when she would be able to hear the complete song again.

After the man in the peaked hat left, Lin Luoxue also followed the crowd to the tavern to have a look. But soon, she left the tavern. She hurried back to school and posted the video she had recorded online.

She believes that this video will definitely become popular on the Internet. Not only people in the capital, but people in other provinces will also like it very much.

Back in the school dormitory, the three sisters were lying on their beds, watching TV on their mobile phones.

Lin Luoxue said with some excitement: "Everyone, stop watching TV. I will show you a video. After watching it, I guarantee that you will all regret not following me to Yulin Road tonight."

When the three women heard what Lin Luoxue said, they all put down their mobile phones. One of them, a woman with a plump chest, said: "Video? Tsk, Luoxue, you are a slut. You didn't meet a handsome guy on the road in Yulin. Did you secretly record someone else’s video?”

Another woman wearing glasses also said: "Tell me the truth, have you fallen in love with her? Our Luoxueren is beautiful and has a good figure, but it's a pity that her chest is flat. What a pity, what a pity!"

Lin Luoxue turned on the computer and said, "Get out! Those two lumps of flesh on your chest were touched by a man who made them big?"

The bespectacled girl's eyes lit up and she said, "Luoxue, could it be that you want to find a boyfriend to help you with your penis? Is that really useful? Tsk! Luoxue, you're in love with your child."

The computer was already turned on, so Lin Luoxue was too lazy to reply. She found the data cable and transferred the video captured in her hand to the computer.

After that, I logged into the local forum and saw that many netizens were asking why the business of the Yulin Road Tavern suddenly boomed.

Lin Luoxue had to lament the speed of the Internet's spread. So many people knew about it so quickly.

However, this made Lin Luoxue even more excited. There were so many people asking for the reason, and she posted the reason, which obviously had a much better effect than posting it quietly.

Hence, the post she posted before.

She believes that her post will attract the attention of many netizens immediately.

Later, Lin Luoxue also posted the video.

After finishing it, Lin Luoxue called the three sisters over to watch the video, and waited for the netizens' reactions after watching the video.

Lin Luoxue's post indeed attracted the attention of netizens immediately.

However, after reading the post, netizens were very confused and thought to themselves, "Video? You will understand after watching the video?"

Fortunately, Lin Luoxue’s video was uploaded quickly, and netizens watched it

After seeing the video, I stopped thinking about it and clicked on the video one after another.

At the beginning of the video, a man wearing a peaked cap appears, holding a guitar and playing, seemingly preparing to sing.

It can be seen that the video was shot with a mobile phone, but the effect is not bad.

The location where the video was shot should be on the side of a street. Some netizens who are familiar with Yulin Road couldn't help but said: "The street in the video seems to be Yulin Road."

Soon, the man in the peaked hat in the video started singing.

"The separation is always in May, and the memories are the sorrow of longing.

Walk to the end of Yulin Road and sit at the door of the tavern.


The singing effect in the video is worse than in the live scene.

But it was enough for a lot of netizens to understand everything.

For all netizens who clicked on the video, the first song they heard made their hearts tremble, and they unconsciously opened their hearts.

As they continued to listen, every sentence of the song gently struck their hearts, and their emotions were gradually being infected by the song.

Wait until you hear, "Take a walk with me on the streets of Beijing, oh oh

Don't stop until all the lights go out. "

Their emotions have been completely infected. At this time, they only hope that there will be someone who can accompany them to walk on the street without stopping until all the lights go out.

And the last two sentences are, "You will hold my sleeves, and I will put my hands in my trouser pockets.

Walk to the end of Yulin Road and sit at the door of the tavern. "

Not only did it make them dazed because they were immersed in the singing, but it also made them understand everything instantly.

After the video was played, almost everyone chose to play it again. After repeating it several times, the post where the video was located began to receive replies one after another.

The number of replies increased and it soon became a scrolling mode.

"Oh my God! Tonight's Yulin Road is so extraordinary. I'm so envious of those who are there."

"What the hell! I live near Yulin Road, and I pass by Yulin Road almost every day. Why didn't I go tonight?"

"This video obviously only has the second half, not the full version?"

"This is an absolutely original song. Who is the man in the peaked cap? Did he create this song? Why did he create such a song?"

"Fuck you! That tavern on Yulin Road has become very prosperous. Once this song comes out, it will be difficult for the tavern's business to be successful. The owner of the tavern must have paid homage to the Bodhisattva at some point."

"By the way, what's the name of this song? Is there any audio source online?"


When the screen swiping mode started, netizens were excited, had all kinds of emotions, and had all kinds of questions.

However, no one can answer the questions of netizens, except for one question.

There was a sentence on the ground at the scene, many people took photos, and now someone posted the photos online.

After netizens saw the photo, one of their questions was finally solved. The song is called Yulin Road.

However, when will there be answers to other questions?

Even though Lin Luoxue had already listened to the live version, listening to the video version now still made ripples in her heart.

And her three roommates and sisters stared at the computer screen and didn't speak for a long time.

After a while, the plump-chested girl said faintly: "Luoxue, I believe what you said. I really regret not going to Yulin Road with you."

The girl with glasses also said: "Yulin Road? A tavern? It seems that it is really time for me to find a boyfriend. Then I will go for a walk on Yulin Road and sit in front of the tavern. I will definitely be very happy."

The last girl also said: "Those lovers clinging to each other on Yulin Road should be very happy."

Lin Luoxue felt a little disturbed as she listened to the words of the three sisters.

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