The group of people greeted Li Fan, saying polite words one after another, with a look of expectation in their eyes.

Li Fan also smiled and greeted everyone politely, and at the same time told everyone what he had said to Zhao Sheng and Lin Lei before.

Everyone nodded in agreement. They had heard this for a long time and knew that Li Fan's selection of singers seemed random, but in fact he had extremely high requirements.

However, they all have confidence in themselves, otherwise, they would not have rushed to Sansheng Village.

The group of people came to the third floor of Li Fan's home. There was a reception room and the recording studio opposite.

On the way back, Li Fan carefully observed this group of people and already made a judgment on everyone's character.

Now, he wants to listen to these six singers, each try to sing a song, and then see if there is any singer who satisfies him?

Li Fandao: "Our assessment is very simple. We ask all singers to enter the recording studio one by one and try to sing a song, let's sing Yulin Road. The lyrics, composition, and accompaniment are all available in the recording studio. Each singer has five minutes to prepare. , and then started singing. Do you have any opinions?”

The six singers looked at each other with their managers, nodded at the same time, and said at the same time: "No problem."

Li Fan smiled and said, "Okay, then who should be invited first? Don't worry, it doesn't matter who comes first."

The six singers felt a chill in their hearts. At this moment, they suddenly became much more nervous than before.

This is mainly because they really want to get the right to sing this song. If anyone can successfully get the right to sing this song, his fame will definitely skyrocket in a short period of time.

Li Fan's songs have such great charm, not to mention that this song has now become a hit on the Internet. Countless fans are eagerly waiting for it, which singer can get the right to sing?

Then release the single so they can hear the full version.

In this case, it would be difficult for the singer who got the right to sing the song to have his fame skyrocket.

Therefore, the six singers who were originally full of confidence suddenly became very nervous. You look at me and I look at you. They don’t want to be the first to go up. They feel that they still need to brew a bit.

Li Fan looked at them with a faint smile and did not rush them.

After a while, Lin Lei stood up and said, "Mr. Li, I'll go first."

Li Fan nodded and walked into the recording studio with Lin Lei.

After entering the recording studio, Lin Lei was not so nervous anymore.

Li Fan nodded secretly and said, "The music and lyrics are over there, you can start preparing."

"Yes, Mr. Li." Lin Lei replied quickly, then took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that he must not miss.

From the reception room, you can see some of the conditions in the recording studio through the glass of the recording studio, but you can't hear any sound.

The remaining singers looked into the recording studio while trying to adjust their emotions.

About seven minutes later, the recording studio door opened, and Lin Lei walked out. His face was still relatively calm. He nodded towards the remaining singers and said, "Next please."

The five singers looked at each other, and one of them took a deep breath and said, "I'll go."

In this way, five singers walked into the recording studio one after another.

After about an hour, the auditions of all six singers ended.

This time is undoubtedly the most nervous time for the six singers. Who among them will be the lucky one?

Or maybe none of the six of them are lucky.

The six managers were also very nervous at this time. They also knew the importance of this song to the singers.

Li Fan came out of the recording studio and saw that the atmosphere was a little tense, so he smiled and said, "Don't be so nervous, everyone. It's just a song. If it doesn't work this time, maybe there will be another time."

These words made everyone's eyes light up, but compared to the illusory next time, this time is obviously much more important.

Li Fan smiled and said: "I know everyone wants to know the answer.

Then I will say it directly, I think among you, Lin Lei is the most suitable to sing this song, and I am very satisfied. Therefore, I authorized Lin Lei to sing the song Yulin Road. Of course, this does not mean that the other singers are not as good as Lin Lei, but that Lin Lei is the most suitable to sing this song. "

After saying this, Lin Lei and Zhao Sheng were naturally surprised and excited.

The rest of the people were full of envy and disappointment. This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity finally passed them by.

"Thank you! Thank you Mr. Li Fan! I will definitely sing this song well." Lin Lei was very excited.

Li Fan waved his hand and said with a smile: "It doesn't have to be like this. If I produce a work and you sing it, we can be considered a cooperative relationship."

This is true. Lin Lei only owns the singing rights, not all the copyrights. He and Li Fan really have a cooperative relationship.

However, having said that, Lin Lei would not really rely on him and was still grateful.

Although the other singers were very disappointed, they still tried hard to put some smiles on their faces, and then also expressed their gratitude to Li Fan, at least because Li Fan gave them the opportunity.

Afterwards, everyone congratulated Lin Lei on his upcoming surge in popularity.

Li Fan saw these in Li Fan's eyes and couldn't help but nodded secretly.

After everything was settled, the singers left one after another.

Li Fan came to the study room and he was about to start preparing the works for the competition.

The deadline for submission is 12pm on the 22nd of this month, which is exactly ten days left.

Time is completely enough for Li Fan.

The work Li Fan is going to produce is the Harry Potter series, a magical literary work that was popular all over the world in his previous life.

Harry Potter is the work of the previous British writer Rowling. There are seven books in total.

Among them, the first six books take Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry as the main stage, describing the protagonist, the young wizard student Harry Potter, and his six years of study, life and adventures at Hogwarts.

The seventh part describes the story of Harry Potter searching for Horcruxes and destroying Voldemort during the Second Wizarding War.

This series has been translated into more than seventy languages ​​​​in previous lives and has been sold all over the world, becoming one of the best-selling works in the world.

Not only that, the Harry Potter film series adapted from it has become the highest-grossing film series in global film history.

Its influence can be seen in general.

In addition, the Harry Potter series is not only suitable for young children, but also has great appeal to adults.

It can be said that the Harry Potter series has fans of all ages.

What is quite interesting is that in the past, when some countries published the Harry Potter series, they would publish two versions at the same time.

The contents of the two versions are exactly the same, only the covers are different.

One version has a cover designed to be a children's version suitable for young children.

The cover of the other version is designed to be a mature and stable adult version.

This may seem unbelievable, but it really happens.

Since there are seven books in the Harry Potter series, Li Fan only chose the first one this time, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.

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