Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 848 Violating market rules

May 29, the day after Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone was released nationwide.

Yesterday's sales were so-so, and the owners of major bookstores were quite satisfied.

Originally, the bosses should not have high expectations for today's sales.

Because, according to common sense, the sales volume of a book is often the highest on the first day after it is released, and the sales volume will gradually decrease as the days go by.

However, judging from the reactions of people who bought the book yesterday and their own feelings after reading it, they are very much looking forward to today's sales.

They believe that today's sales should be better than yesterday's.

And the actual sales situation did not live up to the expectations of the bosses.

This morning, when the owners of major bookstores opened their doors, they saw that there were obviously more people surrounding the bookstores than yesterday, and they suddenly felt reassured.

After the store officially opened for business, there were many more people entering the bookstore to buy books than in many days.

The bosses are very excited. Judging from the sales data in the morning, they estimate that today's sales should be at least two to three times that of yesterday.

Many people who didn't buy the book yesterday because they wanted to wait and see, couldn't wait to go to the bookstore and buy a copy today.

When I got home, I posed and couldn't wait to open it.

After seeing this, I basically couldn't stop. Last night when I was reading people's comments on the Internet, I finally gradually understood the things I didn't understand.

This feeling made them feel comfortable.

After they figured out the problem, they could finally join the team discussing the plot, and the Internet became more lively.

Such a result will undoubtedly affect more people.

Some people who had not paid attention to this creative competition before also knew that Li Fan had released a new book, which was a fantasy literary work that had never been published before, called Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.

I heard that not only children like to watch it, but also many adults are very fascinated by it.

As a result, major bookstores gained a new batch of customers buying Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.

After reading it, these new customers thought it was really good, so they influenced a new group of customers to go to the bookstore to buy.

In this way, with excellent quality and good reputation, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone became more and more famous and influenced more and more people.

Of course, not everyone finds Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone enjoyable after watching it.

There are also many people who think it is average after reading it. In their opinion, this book is suitable for children.

This is of course also true. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone is mainly targeted at readers aged between nine and sixteen or seventeen years old.

The writing style of the work is indeed not that good. This is mainly to take care of the children so that they can understand it themselves.

It’s no surprise that some adults don’t like it.

For those children between the ages of nine to sixteen or seventeen, it is basically a killing of all, whether they are boys or girls, after watching it, there is no one they don’t like.

Sansheng Village.

Li Fan sneaks into Zheng Jie's favor.

Zheng Jie and Zhang Xia were taking care of the small vegetable garden again.

Seeing Li Fan arriving, Zheng Jielao asked with interest: "I heard that the sales of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone today were much higher than yesterday?"

Li Fan chuckled and said, "Mr. Zheng is very well-informed. He is higher than yesterday. This is normal."

Zheng Jie said again: "How many novels are you planning to write?"

Li Fan said: "According to my plan, there will probably be seven."

"Seven parts?" Zheng Jie was surprised and said, "Is there so many words in each part?"

Li Fan nodded and said: "The number of words in this first part is relatively small, and the number of words in the subsequent parts should be more. The total number of words is expected to be around 3 million words."

"Three million words?" Zheng Jie was really surprised. A children's literature work had 3 million words.

This is absolutely unprecedented, and I’m afraid there will be no others in the future.

This guy is really capable! The key is, can the following story be as exciting as the first one?

If not, wouldn’t it ruin such a classic in vain?

Zheng Jie gave Li Fan a thoughtful look and said seriously: "Do you really want to write so much?"

Li Fan smiled and said, "Mr. Zheng, I understand what you mean. Don't worry, the stories that follow will only become more and more exciting and classic."

Zheng Jie took a careful look at Li Fan, suddenly smiled heartily, and said casually: "I guess you won't be satisfied with domestic publishing. When are you going to contact foreign publishing houses?"

Li Fan said hey: "You don't need me to contact you. In a few days, publishers from various countries will come to our village and rush to buy the copyright."

"Really?" Zheng Jie said, "Are you so sure?"

Li Fan laughed and said, "If nothing else happens, it should be like this."

Zheng Jie smiled and said, "So what do you think the final total sales volume of this work will be?"

"Well." Li Fan thought for a while and said, "In total, we can only sell 500 to 600 million copies. Of course, this will take a long time."

"How many, how many? Five or six hundred million copies? You guys really dare to think about it!" Zheng Jie laughed dumbly. It was obvious that he thought Li Fan was joking.

Li Fan knew that Zheng Jie didn't believe it, so he didn't explain. Of course, even if he explained it, no one would believe it now.

Five or six hundred million copies, what kind of emotion is that? Even if it is released globally, it would be a bit too scary.

It's getting late, and major bookstores are closing their doors one after another.

The bookstore owners were beaming. Today's sales of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone were better than they expected, almost four times as much as yesterday.

More importantly, tomorrow's sales are expected to be good. It seems that we need to consider the issue of replenishment.

The bookstore owners are happy, and Chongwen Publishing House is naturally even more excited. According to today's statistics, the total sales of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone across the country reached 380,000 copies, nearly four times more than yesterday.

Bookstores across the country called and offered to order Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.

Ye Honghui laughed loudly, believing that Li Fan's decision was indeed very correct.

The news that Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone sold 380,000 copies today quickly spread to major publishing houses in the country.

The major publishing houses were stunned. What kind of couple are these?

Yesterday it was clear that only 100,000 copies were sold, so why did it sell 380,000 copies today? This is absolutely against the rules of the market!

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