Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 855 The most delicious food in the world

In a private room in Xianyuan Building.

Li Fan, Zheng Jie, Liang Sheng, Jared, Mule, Isco and others were chatting while waiting for the food to be served.

Muller said: "Mr. Li Fan, do all the ingredients in this restaurant come from your own farm?"

Li Fan nodded and said, "Yes, Mr. Muller, all vegetables, ingredients, meat, rice, cooking oil, etc., all come from the farm."

Muller said: "Oh, I am very much looking forward to its taste."

Li Fan smiled and said, "I think I won't disappoint you, Mr. Mu Le."

Jared said: "Mr. Li Fan, in fact, I have always wanted to ask you a question."

Li Fan nodded and said, "Excuse me, Mr. Jerry."

Jerry said: "Mr. Li Fan, I want to know the legend about the mythical beast that protects the farm. Is it true? Are there really such magical animals?"

Li Fandao: "Mr. Jared, I don't know exactly what the rumors you heard are like? Therefore, I can't answer you accurately. However, my farm does have some special features. pet guardian."

Jared, Mule, and Isco were all suffocated at the same time. Jared asked hopefully: "Oh, Mr. Li Fan, do you know if we have the honor to take a look at them?"

Li Fan pondered for a moment and said: "Mr. Jared, my pets will appear randomly in the farm. Originally, I would not interfere with them. However, I can make an exception today, just to thank little Lucy for treating me." Love of the work.”

Jerry was overjoyed after hearing this and said, "Thank you very much, Mr. Li Fan. Of course, I also want to thank my daughter, Lucy."

Muller and Isco are also bright-eyed. In fact, they are also very interested.

Li Fan smiled and said: "Mr. Jared, you don't have to be polite. Lucy is a very lovable child."

Jerry also smiled and said: "I completely agree with this, Mr. Li Fan."

While everyone was chatting and laughing, the waiter knocked on the door of the private room and brought various dishes to the table one after another.

Li Fan and others have long been accustomed to such dishes, but Jared, Muller, and Isco saw them for the first time, and their eyes widened immediately.

They had seen the various vegetables grown in the ground as works of art before, but now they saw the dishes served on the table, plate by plate, as if they were works of art.

Regardless of how it tastes, just looking at such a dish is definitely a pleasure.

Besides, it must taste almost the same.

Muller said very excitedly: "They are so beautiful. I have never seen such beautiful dishes. Mr. Li Fan, I remember that there is an idiom in your country called "beautiful food is delicious, and I think it is very appropriate to use it here."

Li Fan suffocated slightly and looked at Mule, whose face was full of excitement. He hesitated in his heart whether to tell him that he used the wrong idiom. "Pretty and delicious" is not used to describe beautiful food.

However, it is already very good for Muller to know this idiom. It is obviously a bit difficult for him to fully understand the meaning. Who made Chinese culture broad and profound?

After thinking for a moment, Li Fan decided to help Mu Le "correct" his mistakes.

He coughed slightly and said: "Mr. Muller, I am very honored that you know the idiom "beautiful and delicious". However, what I want to say is that "beautiful and delicious" is used to describe beautiful natural scenery, or to describe a beautiful and attractive woman. It It’s not used to describe how good-looking a dish is.”

"Oh?" After hearing what Li Fan said, Mu Le didn't feel embarrassed at all. He chuckled and said, "I'm sorry, I misunderstood. Your Chinese is really a bit complicated."

The phrase "beautiful and delicious" actually describes a woman's beauty and attractiveness. It's no wonder that Mule, Jared, and Isko found Chinese to be very cumbersome and complicated.

Zheng Jie, Liang Sheng, Zhang Xia, and Wu Binrong smiled, while Su Qing covered her mouth and chuckled. The little girl seemed a little confused.

Concentrate on your own affairs.

Li Fan chuckled and said: "Mr. Muller, Mr. Jared, and Mr. Isko, please try the taste of these dishes? I wonder if the dishes from my country are suitable for your appetite?"

Muller said: "To be honest, I really can't bear to destroy them, they are so beautiful. However, I can't wait to taste them, so we are not welcome."

Li Fan smiled and said: "Please!"

Muller, Jared, and Isco nodded, each picked a dish and put it in their mouths.

Well, I am quite skilled at using chopsticks.

As soon as the food was in their mouths, the three of them were startled, with a look of disbelief on their faces first, and then a look of enjoyment on their faces.

The taste is much more delicious than imagined.

Although they had imagined the taste of these dishes before, they had already imagined the taste to the most delicious level they could imagine.

But when they actually took the dishes into their mouths, they realized that the deliciousness of these dishes was beyond imagination and impossible to describe in words.

Everything can only be felt with your own taste and heart.

They had never tasted such a delicious dish, and never imagined that there could be such a wonderful taste in the world.

Although this is Chinese food, it is very different from their Western eating habits.

But they can be absolutely certain that any Westerner who eats these dishes will find it absolutely delicious.

Even if he has never eaten Chinese food before, or is not used to Chinese food.

This is a huge surprise!

Now, Mu Le, Jared, and Isco, especially Mu Le, they believe that the biggest gain from their visit to Sansheng Village this time is no longer the cooperation with Li Fan, but the food. Such delicious food here.

The three of them got carried away eating, and the chopsticks in their hands seemed to become smoother and smoother with each use.

Li Fan looked at the expressions of enjoyment on the three people's faces and smiled in his heart. He was not surprised.

He knows that even Westerners who eat Western food will be captured by the deliciousness of these dishes.

This meal took quite a long time, and Muller, Jared, and Isco reluctantly put down their chopsticks until they couldn't eat any more.

Li Fan smiled and said, "Are you three satisfied with the taste?"

"This is definitely the most delicious food in the world!" The three of them praised at the same time.

After that, Muller added: "This is really wonderful. I must bring the news that there is the most delicious food in the world back to Baiguo and let every Baiguo person know."

Jerry said: "Mu Le is right, I want to bring this news back to Lan Country. I think many people will be very interested."

Isko also said: "Yes, I also want to bring the news back to Dan Country. The people of Dan Country should know the news."

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