Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 873 Maybe we are all wrong

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A group of classmates gathered together to write lyrics, and it didn't take much time to write out the childhood lyrics word for word.

The remaining question is, do you want to actually sing?

Some people are eager to give it a try, but are a little embarrassed. They can't make up their minds for a while, mainly because they are afraid of singing too poorly, which would be too embarrassing.

"Is there anyone who would like to sing a piece for everyone? Weren't everyone very active just now, why are they all retreating now?" said the student who just made the suggestion.

Everyone was still hesitant.

At this time, several pretty girls gathered around and said, "Some of you here want to sing about childhood, right?"

The eyes of all the students were bright, and some of them wanted to express immediately that they wanted to sing.

But when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them back alive.

After another moment, one of the boys with a somewhat thin face gritted his teeth and said, "Yes, I plan to sing a section for everyone. It is mainly for entertainment. I hope you don't mind if the singing is not good."

Finally, someone was willing to sing, and everyone was refreshed. As for whether the thin man sang well? It doesn't really matter, everyone just likes this feeling and atmosphere.

In this case, everyone is not stingy with applause.

The sudden burst of applause seemed quite abrupt, attracting many people around to look sideways. Some people who were about to leave also turned around and looked curiously.

The reaction of the people around him was so great that it actually made the thin man who was about to sing a little regretful. Wouldn't it be even more embarrassing if he couldn't sing well in front of so many people?

But now he is riding a tiger, and everyone is applauding him, so he has to stop singing. Besides, there are still a few girls watching.

That’s it, give it a go.

The thin man hesitated and finally sang.

This opening was not enough to sing, and the people around who were looking at him finally knew why this group of people had just applauded.

For a moment, I thought it was interesting, so they gathered around, making more and more people watch around.

Where Su Qing, Ye Yun, Lu Yangming, Han Wei and others are.

The event has ended, but Li Fan still hasn't come back yet. This makes Lu Yangming, Ye Yun and others puzzled, but also a little gloating at the same time.

Ye Yun said: "Qingqing, it's really a pity that your boyfriend just missed such a nice song. However, who asked him to leave you here alone? You deserve to miss it. By the way, Qingqing, This event is over, why don’t you give him a call?”

Lu Yangming said angrily: "I don't think he has the blessing of listening to good music at all. However, he may be enjoying himself somewhere. It is indeed much more comfortable than listening to music."

Han Wei said: "What do you know? What if people don't care about listening to music at all? Not everyone likes to listen to music, right?"

Li Fan didn't hear the song "Childhood" just now, which made the group of people feel gloating. Zhou Haiming was the only one who didn't speak. He vaguely felt that something was wrong, and frowned in thought.

Su Qing listened to everyone's gloating, and just smiled and said, "Do I know where he is? I'll go find him, and you guys can chat first."

After Su Qing left, everyone sighed and sighed again. They really doubted that there was something wrong with Su Qing's way of looking at people.

At this time, Zhou Haiming, who had been silent just now, suddenly spoke, "Don't you think there's something wrong?"

"What's wrong?" When everyone heard what Zhou Haiming said, they all turned to look at him.

Xia Shuang said: "Haiming, what's wrong? What do you mean? I don't think there's anything wrong!"

Several other people also said that they did not feel anything was wrong.

Zhou Haiming continued: "Think about it? Who called him away?"

Xia Shuang said: "I know, Director Duan of the activity center, what's wrong?"

Zhou Haiming said: "Then why did Director Duan ask him to leave? And he hasn't come back for so long?"

Lu Yangming snorted softly,

Said: "Then who knows why Director Duan is looking for him? In addition, Director Duan probably asked him to come back a long time ago, and when he came back, he saw so many beauties around him and went to pick up girls."

Hanwei also said: "I think so too. That boy was able to find Su Qing to be his girlfriend. No matter what method he used, his method of picking up girls should still be good. Maybe he just used his brute force. , forcing others.”

After Hanwei finished speaking, his eyes lit up, and he felt that this was really possible.

Zhou Haiming shook his head and said: "No, he is not a graduate of this school. He must not have known Director Duan before. Director Duan cannot come to him for no reason. Moreover, if you think about it carefully, Director Duan came to see him at that time. When he came, the two of them whispered for a long time, and the look on Director Duan's face seemed to be more respectful, why is that?"

"Director Duan looked more respectful at that time? This is impossible. How could Director Duan be respectful to him? This is absolutely impossible. Zhou Haiming, you must have seen it wrong." Lu Yangming immediately retorted.

Although he didn't pay much attention to the expressions on the two people's faces when they were talking, thinking about it, it was absolutely impossible for Director Duan to look respectful to that boy.

The other people also echoed. They didn't pay much attention to the expressions on the two people's faces when they were talking, but they had the same view as Lu Yangming.

Only Chen Shuang said with a hint of reminiscence: "I also noticed Director Duan's expression at that time, and he seemed to be more respectful."

"Really? Chen Shuang, are you sure?" Ye Yun asked.

The rest of the people also looked at Chen Shuang with suspicion.

Chen Shuang recalled it carefully and said with certainty: "Yes, I'm sure."

Zhou Haiming and Chen Shuang both said this, and everyone was a little unsure and frowned for a while.

"But why is this?" Ye Yun asked.

Chen Shuang shook his head and said he didn't know.

Zhou Haiming said: "The reason is that Director Duan probably knows him, and he has something to ask him for help."

"Director Duan has something to ask him for help? This is even more impossible. Zhou Haiming, why do you say that?" Lu Yangming immediately retorted.

The rest of the people also nodded. They didn't think Director Duan would have anything going on and needed that boy's help.

Zhou Haiming sighed softly and said: "Perhaps, we are all wrong, so ridiculously wrong, and we don't even know it yet."

After hearing this, Lu Yangming frowned and said, "Zhou Haiming, what do you mean? What's so wrong? Please speak more clearly."

Xia Shuang also said: "Haiming, please speak clearly, don't be dumb."

The other people all looked at Zhou Haiming in confusion.

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