Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 888 Xiaotian’s warning

Li Fan thinks Davis should relearn how to make Chinese food? But Davis and others don't seem to have such an awareness.

At this time, the more Davis and others ate, the brighter their eyes became, and they became more and more excited. They seemed to be even more excited than when they were eating in Xianyuan Building.

This is naturally not because Davis’s cooking skills surpass those of the chefs at Xianyuan Tower, but because Davis and the others have now been able to determine that the main reason why the food at Xianyuan Tower is so delicious is precisely Because of the ingredients themselves.

Even the reasons for the ingredients themselves will account for more than 80% in proportion.

Of course, this does not mean that the chef's cooking skills are not important. As for the carp that Davis is cooking now, its taste is simply far different from the carp that was eaten at noon today.

Looking at the expressions of Davis and others, Li Fan naturally understood why they were so excited. This was what he had expected.

After a while, Davis and others put down their chopsticks one after another. Davis looked at Li Fan and chuckled: "Li Fan, what do you think?"

Li Fan also smiled and said: "Although you have found the answer, what I want to say is, Davis, you should learn how to cook Chinese food again."

Davis laughed. He naturally knew that his cooking skills in cooking Chinese food were very poor.

There was no way, the Chinese cooking culture was too extensive and profound, and was divided into multiple systems. Although he was talented and willing to work hard, he didn't learn much due to time constraints, so his cooking skills were naturally not very good.

After laughing, Davis shook his head and sighed: "Your Chinese cooking skills are too sophisticated and complicated, and it is really difficult for us."

Li Fan naturally agreed with this, but he said: "This is just because of the different eating habits of the two countries."

Davis chuckled and stopped worrying about this question. Now that they have got the answer they hoped for, it means that they can buy the ingredients here and process them themselves. Even if they follow their American diet, the taste will definitely be very good. Delicious.

After that, several people left Xianyuan Xiaozhu. After walking for a while, Li Fan said goodbye and left.

After Li Fan left, Davis and others began to tour the village, feeling particularly comfortable at this time.

This time when I came to Sansheng Village of China, I not only ate the best food, but also found all kinds of top-quality ingredients. This was undoubtedly a huge surprise and gain for Davis and others.

This trip to Sansheng Village will undoubtedly be the most successful of the countless food-seeking trips that Davis and others have taken.

Davis and others were not the only foreign faces who came to the village today. In fact, many foreigners appeared in the village today.

Most of them came because of their global food tours, and some came because of the influence of the heads of publishing houses such as Jared, Muller, and Isko.

The sudden appearance of so many foreign faces in the village also caused many Chinese tourists in the village to whisper and sigh, are Sansheng Village and Xianyuan Farm going to the world officially?

They were not surprised by this. In their view, it was natural and sooner or later for this magical place, Xianyuan Farm, to enter the world.

Moreover, the presence of so many foreigners on the farm also gave them a sense of pride.

Especially when I see those foreigners showing surprise for some reason, I feel even more proud.

Somewhere in the village, a group of Chinese tourists were quietly discussing the foreign tourists who had appeared in the village.

"Hehe! I just want to see the surprised expressions of those foreigners. It feels very good to see them."

"I estimate that more and more foreigners will come to the village in the future. It would be best to bring in more hot-bodied foreign beauties. It will be fun to watch."

"Tch! How can foreign girls be as beautiful as our Chinese beauties?"

"What do you think is the most shocking thing to foreigners in our farm?"

"The most shocking thing? This is naturally the beast that protects the village.


"That's right, it's the sacred beast that protects the village. Its huge body will definitely scare the piss out of those foreigners."

"It's just a pity that the magical beasts that protect the farm rarely appear. I haven't seen them all. I only saw Dalong and Zhuiyun on the opening day of the farm, but I haven't seen them since."

"Hold your pussy! Just be content, I haven't even seen one now."

"Hehe! I'm lucky. I saw Xiaotian once. Oh my God! A behemoth with a wingspan of nearly 10 meters. People who haven't seen it can never imagine the feeling of oppression."

"In terms of the sense of oppression, I think the big dragon gives people the strongest sense of oppression. Mainly because the big dragon is a snake-shaped mythical beast. From the appearance point of view, it is undoubtedly the most terrifying."

"No matter who gives people a stronger sense of oppression, now I just hope that a mythical beast will come out to frighten those foreigners and see their shocked expressions."

"We all think about it, but the mythical beasts will come out just because we don't think about it."

"Yes, I hope I can see them today. After all, they still appear occasionally."


A group of people prayed like this in their hearts.

I don't know if their prayers had any effect, but at this moment, I heard an extremely sharp whistle coming from high in the sky.

Everyone was startled, and then they seemed to realize something, and instantly became very excited and excited, and hurriedly looked up at the sky.

It's just that the sky is empty, there is nothing, but no one doubts that there was indeed a roar coming from the sky just now.

"Is it Xiaotian?"

"Absolutely, the roar just now came from very high in the sky. The roar should be above the clouds now, so we can't see it."

"Above the clouds? Aren't you going to show up? Alas! What a pity."

"No, I feel like this should be some kind of warning from Xiaotian. This has happened before."

"Warning? Warning of what?"

"I don't know, I'm just guessing. Because I've heard before that when there are other wild animals that want to steal the farm's produce, Xiaotian will sound a warning."

"Yes, I have heard about it too. You have to know that the various products on the farm are delicacies to us, and they are also fatal temptations to many animals. Although those animals know that the farm has protection Zhuang Shen Beast protects us and we don’t dare to do anything wrong, but there are always some animals who can’t stand the temptation and will take risks.”

"That's a good thing. Just like us humans, we know that if we do something, we will definitely die if we are caught, but in the face of huge interests, some people will still choose to take risks."

"Oh no! Listening to what you said, I feel like something very exciting is about to happen."


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