Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 903 Various voices

First of all, there are the martial arts authors. If Gu Yong does not publish his works this time, they will not have many ideas.

After all, Gu Yong is still recognized as the number one martial artist. If he doesn't publish his works, it means he doesn't want to play with you this time, which makes perfect sense.

But now, it is somewhat intriguing that Guyong chose a short and medium-length work to compete.

A group of martial arts authors discussed it in their own circles, and finally came to a conclusion similar to what Jian Yishen said.

That's the reason why Gu Yong probably couldn't create a full-length work this time, but he didn't want the outside world to think that he was afraid of Jian Yishen and didn't dare to fight with Jian Yishen, so he used a short and medium-length work to make up for it.

Such a decision is undoubtedly very stupid, and the consequences will be cruel. It is not impossible for Gu Yong to fall from the altar.

Guyong finally paid the price for his youth, why can't he tolerate it for a while?

Many authors feel sorry for Guyong.

"Gu Yong is still too young after all. It's a pity that this will be the fall of a generation of geniuses."

"Unless his White Horse Roaring in the West Wind is better than Sword Yishen's Fengyun Swordsman. But that is absolutely impossible. Even if White Horse Roaring in the West Wind is as classic as the Yue Nv Sword, it is impossible."

"If Gu Yong's character is greatly affected by this, it will be difficult to create good works in the future, and that would be his true fall. There is no doubt that this will be a great loss to our martial arts world. Alas! Why can’t young people tolerate it for a while?”

"I'm a little curious about what kind of work his White Horse Roars in the West Wind is."

"I'm curious too. Let's wait until the 1st to see it. It's only a few days away."


Of course, not all martial arts authors feel regretful. There are also some martial arts authors who not only have no regrets at all, but also take great pleasure in their misfortune. Even laughing excitedly.

These authors are naturally those who have always disliked Gu Yong.

Among them, most of them are martial arts authors who are unwilling to accept the new martial arts creative style brought by Gu Yong and still create according to the old way.

For example, Fingertips is King, which was famous before but has now been basically forgotten by martial arts fans.

Or those martial arts authors who want to accept new styles, but for various reasons are never able to create new style works.

The new martial arts creative style brought by Gu Yong caused them to lose the money, status, fans, etc. they had used before. Naturally, they had a grudge against Gu Yong.

Now that they see the possibility of Gu Yong falling from the altar, how can they remain calm?

"Haha! Isn't that guy Guyong very cool? Why is he being forced into this situation by a new martial arts newcomer? I think back then, he was also a new martial arts newcomer, causing us to almost lose our jobs. Now, he I will be pushed off the altar by a new person. This feeling is really good!"

"It's really cool! When he was so famous, did he ever think that such a situation would happen?"

"I really hope time can pass faster. I can't wait to see the moment when Guyong falls from the altar."


Xia Fan Tribe Forum.

The "Jianjiajun" have never been so excited as they are today.

"Wow haha! Gu Yong can no longer create long works, and can only survive with one short and medium-length work. Alas, how pitiful!"

"Maybe he still fantasizes about using a short to medium-sized work to win this confrontation. After all, his imagination is pretty good."

"How can you say that? Gu Yong at least didn't escape, right? He's a man."

"Not bad, not bad. Although he will lose miserably this time and fall off the altar, his integrity is at least worthy of recognition."


"Jian Jiajun" was very excited, but this time the neutral martial arts fans did not feel that "Jian Jiajun" was having a self-orgasm.

Because if Gu Yong really chooses a short and medium-length work to compete with Jian Yishen's work, failure is obviously foreseeable.

Many neutral martial arts fans feel quite uncomfortable.

"Could it be that Gu Yong really can no longer create long works? This is unlikely."

"It's not that I can't create, it's just that I can't create this time. I'm afraid that Gu Yong's character will be affected by this, and then he probably won't be able to create. Alas! Gu Yong can actually take it easy. There is no need to have to fight with him. We martial arts fans can understand the battle between swords and gods."

"Well, I still hope that Gu Yong can create better works. I hope this time will not have any impact on Gu Yong."

"Yes, I hope. The new chapter of martial arts was opened by Gu Yong's Yue Nu Sword. We will never forget it. I also hope that Gu Yong can create better works."

"Yes, even if Gu Yong really can no longer continue to create works in the future, his contribution to our country's martial arts should not be forgotten. "

"This is natural. It is just very sad that Gu Yong can no longer continue to create works. His previous achievements will not be affected."

"Alas! If Gu Yong suddenly disappeared from the martial arts world, it would be really unaccustomed. I hope Gu Yong's character will not be affected by this and he can continue to create works in the future. Even if they are not as good as his previous works, it doesn't matter. "


Belongs to the chat group of Gu Yong fans.

Contrary to what "Jian Jiajun" and other martial arts fans imagined, Gu Yong fans at this time should be very depressed and depressed.

At this time, the atmosphere in the Guyong fans chat group was not depressing at all, but was very relaxed and happy.

"Gu Yong really doesn't follow common sense. It's just that the short and medium-length works this time should really be unable to defeat the swordsman of the sword. I don't know if the swordsmen's army will go to heaven?"

"Gu Yongda has no intention of confronting the Sword God at all. They all hyped it up themselves. Gu Yongda releases short and medium-length works, so of course he has a purpose."

"Those people think that Gu Yong's great character will be affected by this. They can only say that they are overthinking."

"Indeed, Mr. Gu Yong just sent us a reply, saying that Gu Yong's works will not be influenced by anyone. Let everyone rest assured that Gu Yong is always the same Gu Yong. He still has many works, and he has not shared them with you. Let’s meet.”

"Haha! I know, I have never been worried. This time, the Jianjiajun are very proud. Anyway, I sometimes feel quite happy when I read their comments."

"Haha! That's right. Their comments not only don't make people angry, but can also make people feel better. I also admire them very much."


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