Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 939 We can save Qingwu Feiyang

In a certain residential area.

Qin Yulin weakly put down the phone in his hand, stood up gently, came to the window, and stared out the window in a daze.

Thinking of Qingwu Feiyang's smile, what she had said, and her desire for life, tears flowed out of her eyes unknowingly.

Sure enough, no miracle happened, just like she felt at the beginning. She was not happy that she had such a keen sense. If possible, she would rather not have such a keen sense.

There is sunshine outside the window, but it is not too big and does not make people feel hot. The flowers in the garden in the middle of the community downstairs are blooming very brightly and beautifully.

When Qin Yulin has something on his mind, he likes to stand here and look at the flowers in the garden in a daze.

It's a pity that there are no butterflies in the garden. This season should be the most active season for butterflies, but Qin Yulin has never seen butterflies in the garden.

There is no way, there are only a few butterflies in the city, and you need luck to see butterflies.

The ancient story of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai says that after their death, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai turned into a pair of lingering butterflies flying together.

Since people can turn into butterflies, then Qingwu Feiyang should also be able to turn into a beautiful butterfly after death.

Then, continue to dance happily.

Qin Yulin thought in her heart, it would be great if she could see a butterfly at this time.

That way, she might not be as sad as she is now.

Maybe God couldn't bear to make her as sad as she was now. At that moment, a beautiful butterfly suddenly appeared in the garden downstairs. I don't know where it came from.

A look of surprise appeared on Qin Yulin's face. She remembered that she had never seen butterflies in this garden before, but she didn't expect to see them today.

She explained that the white butterfly was flying up and down, and she felt much better.

Capital University, a female dormitory.

Lin Luoxue and her three roommates and sisters were also in a daze, with tears in their eyes.

After a while, a girl said with some sobs: "Why is this happening? Why did he die? Isn't this? Couldn't the author just find any reason to make Qingwu Feiyang miraculously recover? Why did he He wants Qingwu Feiyang to die? Doesn't he know that this will make many people sad?"

"He doesn't need to find any reasons. He only needs to say that a week later, Qingwu Feiyang miraculously recovered, which even the doctors found incredible. This is enough, and it is not impossible medically. But he still let Qingwu Feiyang die." Another girl also said with some dissatisfaction.

"Hmph! In my opinion, the author named Gu Yong did it purely on purpose. He just wanted to see so many people looking sad for Qingwu Feiyang. That guy must be abnormal in his heart. No, we must not let him The evil plot has succeeded. We must unite and ask Gu Yong to change the ending. If he doesn't change the ending, we will keep making trouble on the Internet until he agrees to change the ending." Another girl said with tears in her eyes.

The eyes of the two girls who had just spoken lit up after hearing this. One of the girls said: "Yes, it's a good idea. As long as we make an appeal on the Internet, a large number of people will definitely respond. Hum, the author named Gu Yong, actually For his own bad taste, he wrote Qing Wu Feiyang to death. We must let him return our Qing Wu Feiyang.”

"You're right, let Guyong return our Qingwu Feiyang. Luoxue, what do you think? You hope so too, right?"

There were also tears in Lin Luoxue's eyes, but she shook her head when she heard this, and said: "If possible, I certainly hope that the ending of Qing Wu Feiyang can be changed, but I think Gu Yong will definitely not change the ending. Because, he changed Qing Wu Feiyang's ending. The reason for Wu Feiyang’s death cannot be what you said! From now on, let Qing Wu Feiyang continue to fly in our hearts.”

"Whatever the reason is,

Anyway, I just can't accept Qingwu Feiyang's death. I just want to make a scene on the Internet. As long as everyone works together, maybe we will succeed. For Gu Yong, changing the ending is a very easy thing. "said the girl who proposed before.

Lin Luoxue sighed, she would not stop the sisters from making trouble on the Internet. Deep down in her heart, she actually hoped that Gu Yong could change the ending, although she knew that it was almost impossible.

"If I have one more day to live, I will be your girlfriend that day.

Do I have another day to live? No.

So, unfortunately, I am still not your girlfriend in this life.

Even if you pour out the entire bathtub, it won't extinguish the flame of my love for you.

Can you pour out all the water in the bathtub? Can.

So yes, I love you. "

When readers think of this last letter written by Qingwu Feiyang to the ruffian Cai, tears will roll in their eyes unconsciously.

They don't like to cry, and they don't want to cry, so they always hold back their tears and don't let them fall.

Qingwu Feiyang died, and the story of the first intimate contact ended, and there will be no new chapters.

The three words "the whole book is finished" are so simple that everyone knows them. No one will ask others whether those three words are pronounced "the whole book is finished"?

Guyong has never written a protagonist to death before, but everything has a beginning. Unfortunately, Qingwu Feiyang became the first heroine to die in Gu Yong's works.

Readers should probably feel pity for Qingwu Feiyang. She became the first heroine to die in the "Sad Master" novel. Qingwu Feiyang is indeed very pitiful.

However, that's all.

If Gu Yong wants to attack the heroine so cruelly, what else can they do besides being sad and pitying the heroine?

Unless, they will no longer continue to read Gu Yong’s works in the future. However, even so, Qingwu Feiyang is still dead!

Besides, when it comes to never reading Gu Yong’s works again, how many people can do it?

Even if I swear now that I will never read Gu Yong's works in the future, when Gu Yong's new works are actually released, I may have forgotten what I promised today.

Therefore, they can be regarded as looking for trouble on their own and cannot blame others.

"No, we still have a way. We can still save our Qing Wu Feiyang. We can unite and ask Gu Yong to modify the ending so that he can give us a healthy Qing Wu Feiyang. As long as everyone can work together, Qing Wu Feiyang Feiyang’s ending may change.”

I don’t know if someone has spied on everyone’s thoughts, but a post like this suddenly appeared on the Internet.

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