Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 952 The little girl’s guess

The sudden voice naturally came from Li Fan.

But everyone's reaction to hearing this sound was different.

Rao Qianqian's face became even more confused and she said, "The boss asked the little girl to guess? What do you mean?"

Zhou Yun and several girls shook their heads in unison, the confusion on their faces also getting thicker.

Even Liang Yuan and Gu Wei are like this. Although they knew that since Li Fan said this, he must have his intention.

But what is the purpose? They just couldn't figure it out.

When the onlookers heard the voice, they were startled at first, "Why did this man help those two boys?"

Then he reacted, "Could this person be the helper of those two boys? Are the three of them working together?"

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but feel a little angry. It's not enough for two people to bully a little girl. Now here comes another person. He really thinks that we people don't exist, right?

But when they focused their angry gazes on the speaker, they couldn't help but be stunned again, "Is this person really the same as those two boys? No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like it. So what does this person do?" Why do you want to help those two boys?"

The crowd of onlookers was slightly confused for a moment.

Fei Mao and Lv Mao showed excitement on their faces. Someone actually took the initiative to help them. It seemed that they should make a small fortune today.

They were sure that they did not know the person speaking, and that there was really a stranger who took the initiative to help them.

"Wait a minute," the two of them thought at the same time, "How come this guy came out to help us for no reason?"

They don't think it's their character or luck that's the reason for the explosion.

"This guy must have a purpose for helping us. Does he want to share the money with us? Well, if it really succeeds, it's okay to share a little with him. If he wants the three of us to share it equally, then absolutely Impossible." The two of them continued to think in their hearts.

After thinking about it, Lu Mao said with a smile: "Everyone has heard it, even this gentleman thinks our idea is fair, so what's the problem? This gentleman is definitely not our friend, and he will never come out to help us intentionally. say."

Naturally, Lu Mao would not let go of such a good opportunity.

The crowd of onlookers was still confused, and no one spoke for a while.

There was only the sound of a middle-aged man's rather painful cough. When he heard Li Fan say this just now, he felt more anxious, coughed more violently, and couldn't even speak.

Seeing this, the little girl became even more anxious. She kept wiping the middle-aged man's luck with her hands, and her tears became even more abundant.

Li Fan had already walked over to the little girl and the middle-aged man at this time. When he saw the tears in the little girl's eyes and the middle-aged man coughing so unbearably, he couldn't bear it and quietly flicked a drop of "Qingxin Dew" from the space mall into On the skin of a middle-aged man's neck.

As soon as the "Qingxin Dew" touched the middle-aged man's skin, it quickly blended into the man's body without the man noticing at all.

This drop of "Qingxin Dew" has the effects of clearing eyes, smoothing Qi, and nourishing the mind. Although it cannot cure the middle-aged man's disease, it can make the middle-aged man no longer cough so painfully.

Sure enough, within a short period of time, the middle-aged man felt better and no longer coughed so much.

When the little girl saw that her father no longer coughed so much and seemed to be more energetic, she felt happy and suddenly shed a lot less tears.

But when he turned his head and saw the surrounding situation, he couldn't help but burst into tears again.

The onlookers were relieved to see that the middle-aged man no longer coughed so much. They couldn't bear to see the middle-aged man in such pain.

At this time, someone looked at Li Fan and said, "Young man, I don't think you are with them. How can you help them explain?"

"That's right, young man, you can't imitate them."

Some people echoed.

Li Fan waved his hand, smiled slightly and said: "Everyone, please be patient and let me say a few words to the little girl."

Everyone heard what Li Fan said,

Everyone looked at Li Fan in confusion, wondering what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd?

Li Fan stopped paying attention to everyone, pulled the little girl aside, leaned down, and whispered something in the little girl's ear.

Everyone could not hear clearly what Li Fan was saying. They could only see the little girl shaking her head in confusion for a while, then nodding in understanding, but most of the time she shook her head.

"What is that kid doing?" This is the question in everyone's mind at this time.

Fei Mao and Lv Mao were equally puzzled, thinking, "Isn't that boy here to help us? What did he say to that little girl?"

After a while, everyone only saw the little girl, who seemed to have made up some kind of determination, nodded firmly, and no longer cried, except for a little tear in her eyes.

Li Fan took the little girl's hand and walked back and said with a smile: "Okay, I just made it clear to the little girl that the idea of ​​the two handsome guys with scarlet hair and green hair is indeed fair. The little girl is also willing Guess what the two handsome guys are thinking. If the guess is correct, the two handsome guys will return the wallet to the little girl. If the guess is wrong, the two handsome guys will take the wallet away. Two handsome guys, is this what you mean? "

Fei Mao and Lv Mao were overjoyed. It turned out that the boy was really helping them. They nodded hurriedly and said, "Yes, that's what brother said, fair and just, and no deception. So, little sister, Just guess, don’t waste everyone’s time.”

"Wait! We have opinions, how can we really guess? No matter what we guess, we will be denied." Many people in the crowd said one after another.

What did they think the boy and the girl were talking about? It turned out that he wanted to convince the little girl to really guess. Magan, it turns out they are really in a group, and people are really beyond appearances.

The little girl is young and easily deceived and persuaded. How can they watch the little girl being deceived?

The middle-aged man also said anxiously: "Yingying, no, let's find a way." He no longer coughs so much and speaks much more smoothly.

Rao Qianqian was also a little surprised that Li Fan actually asked the little girls to guess. However, seeing the onlookers questioning Li Fan, she said angrily: "Who are they? Could the boss still harm him?" Isn’t that little girl good? It makes sense for the boss to ask the little girl to guess. It’s really annoying for those people to question without knowing anything.”

Zhou Yun also said: "That's right, those people's vision is really not very good. But, Qianqian, do you know the boss's intention?"

Rao Qianqian snorted and said, "Of course I don't know."

After hearing this, Liang Yuan and Gu Wei both smiled.

in the crowd.

The little girl said to the middle-aged man: "Dad, this big brother said that I will definitely be able to guess and get my wallet back. I believe the big brother. Dad, just let me guess. Otherwise, we have no other way." "

"Alas!" The middle-aged man sighed. They really had no other choice. Anyway, I probably won't get the money back, so I might as well take a gamble.

So he said: "Okay Yingying, then you can guess. By the way, did you thank big brother?"

The little girl nodded and said, "Yes, thank you."

After hearing this, the onlookers sighed in their hearts. Since the middle-aged men agreed, they couldn't say anything else.

Mainly because they really had no way to make the two young men return their wallets to the little girl.

Unless tough measures are taken, but in this case, everyone will have concerns of one kind or another in their hearts, and it is estimated that no one will take action.

Otherwise, let the little girl guess first and see what happens later.

As for what the little girl said, "Big brother said she would guess correctly and get her wallet back," obviously no one would believe it.

How could it be possible to guess right? Only a young girl would believe it.

Fei Mao and Lv Mao suppressed their excitement and said, "Little sister, guess what we are thinking about now?"

The little girl's eyes blinked. She didn't know if it was because she had cried just now, but she looked very wet.

He first turned to look at Li Fan, then looked back at the two bad guys, and mustered up the courage to say, "You are thinking in your mind that you will not return my wallet to me."

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