Little Farmer Big Star

And Chapter 1014 The duel between two masters

on site.

Lin Xudong was thinking hard about the second couplet, and the couplet lovers were in a good mood. The guy was finally going to fail for the first time.

Of course, they themselves are also thinking hard about the second line.

Although ordinary tourists also hope that Lin Xudong can lose a game, it doesn't matter if Lin Xudong wins, as long as it is exciting enough.

In the crowd, Su Qing asked, "Can he come out?"

Li Fandao: "If there is enough time, he should be able to fight, but it will be extremely difficult to fight within five minutes."

Su Qing's face lit up with joy, and she added: "That's enough, just lose."

Li Fandao: "From the perspective of the rules, he did lose, but in fact I took advantage. You have to know that it is far more difficult to play the second line than the top line."

Su Qing thought for a while and said: "That's true. I guess if he loses, he will definitely ask you to fight again. He will play the first link and you will fight the second link."

Li Fan nodded and said, "Maybe."

In the middle of the field, Lin Xudong was secretly anxious. He believed he could pull off this combination, but he might not have enough time.

It was clear in my mind that I was about to catch something, but I was always just a little short of it.

As time passed by, the five-minute time limit finally came, and Lin Xudong did not make the second line.

"Okay!" The couplet fans at the scene cheered. They finally got back the game. This was obviously a good start, and their face was finally saved.

The ordinary tourists were both happy and regretful. They were happy that Lin Xudong finally lost and the game was no longer a one-sided situation. I am afraid it will be even more exciting in the future.

Unfortunately, Lin Xudong still lost. His winning streak remained at twenty games and could not be continued.

It's really a complex of contradictions.

"Alas!" Lin Xudong sighed softly, feeling a little unwilling, helpless and depressed. After winning twenty rounds in a row, he still lost in the end.

Then he said to the young man: "Brother, this couplet is really clever. I lost. This is the lottery. Please take it. However, if I have more time, I think I can figure it out."

The young man saw that although the opponent had lost, he was aboveboard, and he felt a good impression in his heart. He smiled and said: "Although Xiongtai lost this game, he did not lose to me. To be honest, this alliance is not for me." It came from other people’s hands, I just borrowed flowers to offer to the Buddha.”

"Oh?" When the young man said this, Lin Xudong and everyone present were stunned. This was something they had not expected.

After Lin Xudong was stunned, he felt happy in his heart, "This couplet was not written by him. Could it be by some famous artist? In this way, if I lose this game, there will be nothing."

After thinking about it, he quickly said: "I wonder who this couplet is from? Brother, I can tell you easily."

Hearing Lin Xudong's question, everyone at the scene pricked up their ears, and they also wanted to know the answer.

The young man smiled and said: "To be honest, I haven't asked his name yet, which is my fault. However, he is here, and this honor should belong to him."

As soon as the young man finished speaking, everyone at the scene was stunned again, "Right there? Then why doesn't he appear on his own? This is a great opportunity to shine."

This thought just flashed, and then there was a commotion. Everyone turned their heads and looked left and right, trying to see where the expert who was out of the league was? What does it look like?

It's just that they forgot for a moment that they didn't know the "master" at all, and even if they saw him, they wouldn't recognize him.

Lin Xudong was also stunned, and then slightly disappointed. Since he was at the scene, he probably wasn't a famous person. He finally lost at the hands of an ordinary couplet lover.

However, thinking about it again, it would be better to be at the scene so that he could see whose hand he lost to? More importantly, he still has a chance to turn things around.

So he said: "In that case, I wonder if Brother, can you recommend me so that Lin can know whose hands he lost to?"

The young man pondered in his heart,

"There shouldn't be a problem with this. There may be many reasons why he was unwilling to appear in person before, but now that he has won, there shouldn't be any worries, right? This is also an honor, and it should belong to him in the first place."

Then he said: "There should be no problem. I will ask him what he means later."

After saying that, the young man left the venue, walked into the crowd, and then walked directly in the direction of Li Fan and Su Qing.

And the eyes of everyone present followed him.

When the young man stood still, many people at the scene were stunned and said in their hearts, "It's him!"

This is not to say that they know Li Fan, but that they have long discovered Li Fan in the crowd. To be precise, they have discovered Su Qing next to Li Fan. During this period, their eyes were full of intentional and unintentional glances. Look at Su Qing.

The young man smiled and said: "Brother, how are you? I said you will definitely win this league. Look at the situation now."

Li Fan smiled slightly and said, "Thank you before. I heard what the boss said. I'm going to meet him right away."

After saying that, he and Su Qing walked towards the center of the venue.

Naturally, everyone's attention at the scene shifted to Li Fan and Su Qing.

Lin Xudong had already seen Li Fan. He saw that the person who defeated him was still a young boy. He became more and more depressed and unconvinced. He thought to himself: "How deep can such a young boy be in couplets?" His accomplishments? The first couplet he just made is indeed wonderful, but he probably got it by chance. This alone does not prove how high his level of couplets is. Moreover, he did not appear in person just now, probably because he was afraid of losing face. This also means that he has little confidence in himself. How can it be so easy to enjoy being the center of attention now that I have won? "

Lin Xudong thought this in his heart, but on the surface he had already greeted him with a smile, and said with a smile: "The first couplet just now was originally written by Xiongtai, and Xiongtai really kept it secret. Lin Xudong, dare I ask Xiongtai his name?" "

Li Fan also laughed and said: "It turns out to be Brother Lin. This mere couplet made Brother Lin laugh. My surname is Li."

Lin Xudong added: "It turns out to be Brother Li. Brother Li is so humble. Being able to make such a couplet shows that Brother Li is very accomplished in couplets. I accidentally got a couplet a few days ago. After thinking hard for several days, I still couldn't get it. I am satisfied with the second line, I wonder if Brother Li is willing to give me some advice?"

As soon as Lin Xudong finished speaking, everyone at the scene knew it clearly. It seemed that Lin Xudong was not convinced and wanted to use a couplet to stump the opponent, so that the two of them would be evenly matched.

Although he did not say how long the opponent would have to fight to win, everyone knew that it was five minutes.

Of course there is nothing wrong with doing this. Strictly speaking, it is fairest for both sides to have a couplet.

And the young man named Li, in this situation, couldn't help but accept that this was a duel between two masters, and now there was something good to watch.

Sure enough, the young man named Li said: "In that case, please ask Brother Lin to tell you the first couplet. I will try my best to relieve Brother Lin's worries."

"Hey! The young man named Li is very confident." Everyone said in their hearts, and the whole person became more excited.

The excitement is one scene after another.

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