Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1059 Who is the protagonist?

As soon as Wanyan Honglie's true identity was revealed, martial arts fans were instantly sure that this kid was responsible for the sudden disaster that befell the Guo and Yang families.

He was very angry for a moment, but after he was angry, he was secretly frightened, "Well, even the prince of the Jin Dynasty came out. Is this going to involve the conflict between the Song and Jin countries? Is this situation going to be too big? a little?"

Martial arts fans who have great confidence in Gu Yong can't help but secretly have some worries. Can Gu Yong really control such a large situation?

However, worries are worries, and martial arts fans can’t help but continue reading.

Wanyan Honglie went to buy clothes in the downtown area and saw an unusually tall and fat yellow BMW walking through the downtown area. He couldn't help but secretly applaud the other party's equestrian skills.

However, the man riding the horse was a short, fat and wretched man, who looked like a big meat ball when riding on the horse.

This person has short arms and legs, and seems to have no neck. His head is surprisingly large, but it is shrunk between his shoulders.

Strange to say, the horse galloped through the crowd without bumping into anyone or knocking over anything. It was light on its hooves and leaped freely, jumping over the porcelain stall and stepping over the vegetable basket. When there is no time to spare, he dodges to let passers-by and rushes through the busy city, which is no different from galloping in the wilderness.

When the man turned around, his face was covered with red rosacea particles, and his rosacea was as big and round as a red persimmon stuck to his face.

This extremely vivid description made all the martial arts fans burst into applause. A short, fat, wretched man, riding an unusually handsome BMW, galloped through the busy city, but it was no different from galloping in the wilderness.

Imagining such a scene is really amazing.

Wanyan Honglie saw that this man was so good at riding, so he decided to hire him with a lot of money to be an equestrian instructor in Yanjing.

This made many martial arts fans sigh. When Wanyan Honglie saw a strange person, he wanted to hire him for his own use. It's no wonder that Jin Ren became so powerful.

Wanyan Honglie rushed after the man on horseback and saw that the man entered a restaurant called "Zui Xian Lou". He seemed to have an appointment with someone to have a drink here, so he thought first to see what guests the man had invited. Then try again.

This Zuixian Tower is located next to Nanhu Lake. The light smoke and mist on the lake is the unique beauty of misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River.

The martial arts fans were immersed in the beautiful scenery on the lake described in the book, when they suddenly saw a fishing boat in the center of the lake, paddling very quickly in the direction of Zuixian Tower.

There were two people in the boat, a woman and a man carrying a load of firewood.

The woman and the man went to a restaurant. The woman called the short and fat man before her "third brother", while the short and fat man called the two of them "seventh sister" and "fourth brother".

The woman was about seventeen or eighteen years old, with a slender figure, big eyes, long eyelashes, and skin like snow. She was a handsome figure from the Jiangnan water town.

The man who picked up firewood was in his late twenties, he was wearing green cloth clothes and trousers, with a thick straw rope tied around his waist, wearing straw sandals, with thick hands and big feet, and a dull expression.

Seeing this, many martial arts fans have somewhat understood that the so-called "Seven Jiangnan Monsters" should be seven people with extraordinary skills.

Three people have appeared now, and four more should appear soon.

Continuing to look down, sure enough, two more people appeared soon.

One man was tall and extremely fat, weighing at least 230 to 40 pounds. He was wearing a long apron and was greasy all over. He opened his clothes to reveal his hairy chest, his sleeves were rolled up high, and his arms were all inches long. He has black hair, and a sharp knife as long as a ruler is stuck on the belt around his waist. He looks like a butcher who kills pigs and sheep.

The other person was short in stature, wearing a small felt hat, with a fair complexion. He was holding a steel scale and a bamboo basket in his hand. He seemed to be a small vendor.

The two men were called "Fifth Brother" and "Sixth Brother" by the woman.

"There are five people, and there are two more." A group of martial arts fans thought in their hearts, becoming more and more excited and expectant.

Soon, another person appeared, but it was a man in ragged clothes, holding a thick iron staff in his right hand. I saw that he was in his thirties, with a sharp mouth and sharp cheeks.

His face was gray and his eyes were white. He was blind.

When the five people before saw this man, they stood up together and called him "big brother".

The boss turned out to be a blind man, which surprised many martial arts fans.

There are already six people, and the martial arts fans have calculated, well, there is still one more to go.

The second child soon appeared, but he was a poor scholar holding a tattered and dirty oil-paper fan.

One of the seven is good. It seems that these are indeed the so-called "Seven Eccentrics of Jiangnan".

Seven people with unique skills and extremely distinctive images made many martial arts fans extremely excited.

Continuing to read on, the martial arts fans became more and more entertained and excited.

The Seven Freaks from Jiangnan gathered in Zuixian Tower today. It turned out that they had an appointment with a monk named Jiaomu. The reason why Monk Jiaomu made an appointment with the Seven Freaks from Jiangnan was because of a misunderstanding with Changchun Zi Qiu Chuji.

After reading the second chapter "Seven Monsters of Jiangnan" in one go, all the martial arts fans felt that it was unprecedentedly fun and exciting. It was really exciting!

The Seven Monsters of Jiangnan compete with Qiu Chuji and fight with each other. They all have unique skills and strong martial arts.

And Qiu Chuji's martial arts is extremely profound. He can fight one against seven with ease and ease, which is obviously much higher than the martial arts of the Jiangnan Seven Monsters.

In addition, what makes martial arts fans happy is that Guo Xiaotian's wife Li Ping did not die, but was taken as a hostage by Duan Tiande, so her life is not in danger for the time being.

And Bao Xiruo should be safer with Wanyan Honglie by his side.

Only Yang Tiexin still didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

Such a wonderful chapter, how can it be enough to just read it once? After martial arts fans watched it once, most of them started watching it a second time from the beginning, and some even watched it three or four times.

On the official communication platform, there are more and more discussions about Chapter 2 "Seven Monsters of Jiangnan".

"It's beautiful. It's really great. Guyong's description of the Seven Monsters of Jiangnan is so successful. The images of the seven people are so lifelike, it's like seeing them with your own eyes."

"The Seven Monsters of Jiangnan will definitely become famous in the entire martial arts world from today on. Gu Yong's shaping of them is really successful."

"Maybe it won't just become famous in the martial arts world. You know, many people from all walks of life are paying attention to Gu Yong's The Legend of the Condor Heroes. I think it is very likely that Jiangnan Seven Monsters will become famous in all walks of life."

"After talking about the Seven Monsters of Jiangnan, I would also like to talk about Wanyan Honglie. This person caused the death of the Guo and Yang families. It is really abominable.

However, you have to sigh for him.

Let’s look at this description in the book. When Zhu Cong, the second among the Seven Monsters of Jiangnan, appeared in Zuixian Tower, Wanyan Honglie concluded that it was Zhu Cong who had stolen his money before. He was furious when he saw Zhu Cong and that person. The six people were in a group and immediately changed their minds. It seemed that these people all had unique skills. If they could be used for their own purposes, it would be a great help. That poor man stole my gold and silver. It's a trivial matter. Don't worry about it. Let's wait and see what happens. well! With Wanyan Honglie like this, it's no wonder that the Jin Kingdom has become so powerful. "

"Wanyan Honglie is indeed an emotional person. However, he brought Bao Xiruo with him, and he doesn't know what Bao Xiruo's fate will be in the future? I hope he can successfully give birth to little Yang Kang."

"There is also Li Ping, who is being taken hostage by the dog official Duan Tiande. Although her life is not in danger for the time being, there is no danger for the time being. She only hopes that Qiu Chuji can rescue her as soon as possible. She is still pregnant with little Guo Jing. Woolen cloth."

"Before, we thought Yang Kang would be the protagonist because we thought Li Ping was done with it. But now that Li Ping is fine, she should be able to successfully give birth to baby Guo Jing. So, who is the protagonist, Yang Kang or Guo Jing?"

"Who knows? It should be one of them, or it could be two protagonists. However, it is unlikely. It should focus on a certain person."

"Well, you'll find out if you keep reading. I already feel that this work is getting more and more exciting."

"This is not nonsense. The second chapter today is so exciting, and it will definitely be even more exciting in the future."


Martial arts fans said that they had forgotten at this time. When they first started reading the second chapter, they saw that the princes of the Jin Kingdom had come out, and they were slightly worried about whether Gu Yong could control it well.

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