Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1079 Huang Rong

The eyes of all the martial arts fans were brightened, and they were wondering how heavy the role of this young beggar would be?

At this time, Guo Jing, who felt strange in his heart, returned to the store and continued eating, but the young man also followed Guo Jing into the store and looked at Guo Jing.

Guo Jing felt embarrassed by him, so he invited him to have dinner with him. The young man immediately agreed, saying that he was bored and just needed someone to relieve his boredom.

The young man's order of food really shocked all the martial arts fans, and they felt in their hearts that this beggar-looking young man seemed to be quite extraordinary.

It turned out that the young man seemed to be very familiar with food, and he knew the dishes he ordered. Not only was Guo Jing confused and completely confused about the dishes he ordered, but even the waiter was dumbfounded.

Finally, after ordering, the young man said that all the dishes he ordered could be made by this hotel.

This hotel would definitely not be able to prepare any more high-end dishes, so he would not order them.

Finally, facing a table full of delicious food, the young man didn't move his chopsticks very much, but Guo Jing ate happily. He grew up in Mongolia, and he had never eaten such delicious food?

The cost of this meal is naturally high, but for the rich man Guo Jing, it is a piece of cake.

During the meal, Guo Jing had a very lively chat with the young man. He, who was not very articulate at first, actually talked eloquently.

When they parted after dinner, Guo Jing felt quite reluctant to leave. Seeing that the boy's clothes were thin, he took off his own mink fur and put it on him.

Then, he gave half of the gold and silver he had to the young man.

The young man asked Guo Jing his name, and Guo Jing answered. Guo Jing asked the young man his name again, and the young man said his surname was Huang, with the single character Rong.

"Huang Rong?" When the martial arts fans saw the young man saying that his name was "Huang Rong", they couldn't help but be stunned.

This is obviously a woman's name, right? Could it be that the young beggar is actually a woman?

Or maybe he bullied Guo Jing into being honest and randomly gave a false name?

Of course, it is also possible that the boy is indeed a man, and his name is really Huang Rong. He just wants to choose a feminine name, so what? It's not illegal.

Huang Rong got Guo Jing's mink fur and gold and silver, and also said that she wanted Guo Jing's little red horse.

In fact, Huang Rong didn't really want Guo Jing's little red horse. He just wanted to see how the honest Guo Jing would refuse?

Because Guo Jing would definitely love such a once-in-a-lifetime BMW and would definitely not give it to him.

But who would have expected that Guo Jing would give him the BMW without hesitation.

Huang Rong was shocked by this, but also very grateful in her heart. She couldn't help sobbing.

However, although Huang Rong's face was full of tears, her expression was very happy.

And two tears hung down on the cheeks, washing away the soot blackness, revealing the original skin, which was as white as jade.

Seeing this, all the martial arts fans couldn't help but become more and more curious about this young man named "Huang Rong".

They are now basically certain that Huang Rong is not only not a passerby, but should also be a rather important role.

Because Huang Rong and Guo Jing had said before that he had not had a mother since he was a child, and this time he came out secretly behind his father's back.

The reason was that his father had imprisoned a man and would not let him go. Seeing that the man was pitiful, Huang Rong gave him some good wine and food and talked to him. This made his father unhappy and scolded him. He ran out.

Regardless of whether he is a boy or a girl, he must have acted like a beggar on purpose.

As for why he pretended to be a beggar, maybe he thought it was fun?

Martial arts fans don't care about this. What they care about and are very interested in is, who is Huang Rong's father? Who is the person he imprisoned? Why did he keep that person locked up for so long?

Martial arts fans feel that Gu Yong will not reveal this information through Huang Rong's mouth for no reason. Huang Rong's father may be a very important character in the book.

As for what kind of role it is? Naturally, many martial arts fans cannot guess now.

"I don't know if any experts will come out on the official communication platform later to analyze what kind of person Huang Rong's father is?" Many martial arts fans are thinking this in their hearts.

With questions and expectations in their hearts, the martial arts fans continued to look below.

After Guo Jing and Huang Rong separated, they went through a series of disturbances.

One day, Guo Jing arrived at Daxing Mansion in Zhongdu, which was the capital of the Kingdom of Jin and was very prosperous.

At one place, there were many people around, and it turned out that someone was "competing to recruit a bride" here.

They were a father and daughter. The father was called Mu Yi, a strong man. His daughter was dressed in red. She was very beautiful and had good martial arts skills.

Guo Jing watched as several people came up to the stage to challenge the girl in red, but they were all defeated.

Martial arts competitions to recruit brides are naturally familiar to martial arts fans, and it is interesting to watch. However, they did not pay attention at first. The strong man named Mu Yi and the girl in red only regarded them as passers-by. The role of passerby B.

Just watching it, martial arts fans felt something was wrong.

Several detailed descriptions shocked the hearts of all the martial arts fans and made them a little excited.

First of all, Namu Yi said that they came to Daxing Mansion to find a friend and a young old friend.

This did not attract the attention of martial arts fans.

But then, Mu Yi looked up at the sky and saw low lead clouds and a stronger north wind. Then he said to himself: "It seems that there will be a heavy snow in the blink of an eye. Alas! The sky was like this that day..."

It was this soliloquy, coupled with Mu Yi's previous statement, that made many martial arts fans excited.

Because they have roughly guessed that "Mu Yi" should be a pseudonym, and his real name should be Yang Tiexin.

On a snowy day eighteen years ago, Qiu Chuji passed by Niujia Village...

Martial arts fans are already very familiar with the various plots in the first chapter "Snowstorm".

After the Guo and Yang families suffered a sudden disaster that night, Yang Tiexin's life and death were unknown, and martial arts fans were always worried about Yang Tiexin.

Now, martial arts fans finally know that Yang Tiexin is not dead, but just changed his name to Mu Yi.

As for his daughter, what happened to the girl in red?

Martial arts fans don’t know it yet, but they believe there will be an explanation in the following chapters.

If martial arts fans can't tell yet, they are absolutely certain that Mu Yi is Yang Tiexin.

Then, what happens next will make martial arts fans 100% sure.

After many people came on stage to compete, but none of them could defeat the girl in red, another handsome young man in rich clothes came on stage to compete with the girl in red.

The young man in fine clothes was actually very good at martial arts. After a fight, he finally defeated the girl in red and took one of her shoes.

However, after the handsome man defeated the girl in red, he had no intention of marrying the girl in red. He said that he just did it for fun.

Fourth update, add 1/5 for "Singing Your Tenderness"

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