Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1082 A bold guess

Since the official said that Huang Rong is the daughter of the owner of Peach Blossom Island, there must be some basis for it. The excited martial arts fans couldn't wait to read on.

Everyone will be very surprised when they see the title. Why do I have such a guess?

Now, let me go through them one by one.

First of all, Huang Rong is actually a girl. This can be seen from many detailed descriptions in the book, and everyone should not have any doubts.

So, why is she the daughter of Island Master Huang? I don’t know if you have noticed that in Chapter 6, "Suspicious Array on the Cliff Top", when Ma Yu persuaded the Six Jiangnan Monsters to pretend to be the Seven Sons of Quanzhen, he once again mentioned the owner of Peach Blossom Island.

Moreover, he was talking about "Master Huang", "Daxia Ke has a kind heart and will be blessed by God. Although the Black Wind Shuangsha is the traitor of Peach Blossom Island, Master Huang has a weird temper. We have killed the Iron Corpse today. If Huang The island owner is surprised, this will cause serious trouble..."

It can be seen that the owner of Peach Blossom Island is named Huang and has a weird temper.

Of course, the owner of Peach Blossom Island and Huang Rong are both surnamed "Huang". This may be a coincidence and not very convincing, but if you think about it carefully, it seems that the convincingness is not small.

First, Huang Rong said that her father imprisoned someone and would not let him go. We don't know who the man her father is holding is now unknown to us? I don’t know why her father wanted to imprison that person?

But we can infer that her father's martial arts skills should not be weak, and his temper should be a bit weird, otherwise, he would not be able to detain a person for a long time.

This is consistent with the master of Black Wind Shuangsha, the Lord Huang of Peach Blossom Island.

Secondly, Huang Rong's martial arts is not weak, which can be seen from her ability to easily play with the "Four Ghosts of the Yellow River" and Nahou Tonghai.

It is certainly possible that Huang Rong learned her martial arts from her master, but it is more likely that she learned it from her father, if her father's martial arts were not weak.

Then, if her father is the owner of Huangdao, this will be possible.

Also, Huang Rong entered the world of martial arts alone at a young age, but she was not afraid at all, nor did she have the slightest sense of awe. She did not take the famous figure Hou Tonghai into consideration at all, and not only took the initiative to provoke him, but also played with him after provoking him.

This is of course because her martial arts skills are better than Hou Tonghai's, but if she has no background, she will definitely not take the initiative to provoke a famous figure in the world.

And if her father is the owner of Huang Island, then she will naturally have no scruples.

Finally, the author makes another bold guess. This guess has no basis and is purely a guess. However, the author believes that the possibility of this guess is not small.

Do you still remember the passage in the first chapter "Snowstorm"?

"Qu Sandao: Those with ordinary qualifications, of course, are like this, but there are people in the world who are extremely smart. They are talented in literature and martial arts, playing music, chess, calligraphy and painting, arithmetic, strategy, and even medicine, divination, astrology, and the five elements. They are all proficient in all of them! It's just that you can't see it. After saying that, he raised his head, looked at the waning moon in the sky, and sighed. "

Yes, what the author wants to guess is that the extremely intelligent person Qu Sankou mentioned is the owner of Huang Island of Peach Blossom Island in the East China Sea.

And Qu San should be the disciple of Lord Huang, like Black Wind Shuangsha, and he was also expelled from Peach Blossom Island.

This is just the author's pure speculation, but it is not completely unfounded.

First of all, Island Master Huang had a weird temper, which is why Heifeng Shuangsha and Qu San were expelled from Peach Blossom Island.

Of course, we don’t know the specific reasons. It may be that these three apprentices made some unforgivable mistakes, but not necessarily.

In addition, if the extremely smart person Qu San mentioned is the Lord of Huang Island, and Huang Rong is the daughter of Lord Huang, this can explain why Huang Rong is so smart at a young age. This is completely an inheritance. It's because of her father's cleverness.

Such extrapolation seems to be able to prove that the extremely intelligent person in Qu San's mouth is none other than Island Master Huang.

The above opinions are all the author's personal opinions, and they may be flawed. Everyone is welcome to point out and discuss them.

After reading this official article,

A group of martial arts fans can no longer remain calm.

The article not only explained the reason why Huang Rong's father was the owner of Huang Island on Peach Blossom Island, but also made a bold guess at the end that the extremely smart man Qu San mentioned was also the owner of Huang Island on Peach Blossom Island.

You know, when the first chapter of The Legend of the Condor Heroes was serialized, everyone was completely amazed by the extremely smart man mentioned by Qu San.

Everyone is thinking, who could such a person be?

It can be said that the popularity and popularity of this character are very high.

The owner of Peach Blossom Island, who was glimpsed later, is also very popular.

Now, these two popular characters overlap and they are actually the same person. How can martial arts fans not be excited about this?

Although it is just a pure speculation now, judging from the two points raised by the official later, the possibility does not seem too small.

"Damn it! Although there is no substantial evidence yet, I suddenly have a feeling that the person Qu San mentioned is Island Master Huang."

"Haha! I suddenly had such a feeling, I hope it's true! Island Master Huang is too strong."

"Now I have to praise Island Master Huang. He is too strong. My admiration for Island Master Huang is like the water of the Yellow River, which flows endlessly."

"In this case, the owner of the deserted island should be the strongest person in this work."


Although the extremely smart person in Qu San’s mouth is actually the Lord of Huang Island? This still has to be a question mark.

However, the excited martial arts fans couldn't help but express their admiration for Island Master Huang.

Literary talent, martial arts, music, chess, calligraphy and painting, arithmetic, strategy, medicine, divination, astrology, all the five elements, all are masters and masters. How smart is this? Simply inhuman!

No wonder that girl Huang Rong is so smart at a young age. This is an absolute genetic inheritance!

Also, it’s no wonder that girl went into the world on her own and looked fearless. With such an awesome father here, what else is there to be afraid of? Where on earth can you go?

Well, many martial arts fans seem to have confirmed that Huang Rong's father is Island Master Huang, and that the extremely smart man Qu Sankou mentioned is also Island Master Huang.

Of course, there's nothing wrong with this. It's all nonsense anyway, so naturally you'll do whatever feels good. Even if you find out later that something was wrong, it doesn't matter.

"Wait a minute, I suddenly released it. Isn't this Huang Rong the heroine of this work?"

"Heroine? Well, that does seem possible."

"How could a girl as smart as Huang Rong fall in love with Guo Jing, who is so honest and accepting? It seems unlikely."

"Why is it impossible? Didn't you see that when Guo Jing gave Huang Rong clothes, money, and finally a BMW, Huang Rong was so moved that she cried?"

"Oh no! If you put it this way, this guy Guo Jing is obviously a master at picking up girls! Look at the clothes, money, and BMW gifts. He is an absolute veteran."

"Go! Don't talk nonsense upstairs. Guo Jing only thinks that the other party is his little brother who he gets along with very well, okay?"

"Don't tell me, this Huang Rong really might be the heroine. Guo Jing is very lucky. He just set foot in the Central Plains and he met a girl."

"And she is also a top-notch girl, the son-in-law of Chenglong on Peach Blossom Island, tsk tsk! This guy Guo Jing is going to be prosperous."

"After all, don't take it too seriously. All of this is just speculation."


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